Chapter Eighteen

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"Love you, Mom." I kissed her lovingly on the cheek for the very last time which, I must admit, was a bittersweet feeling all around. She stood there sobbing endlessly in the hallway as her arms clutched onto me tightly. She wasn't acting the way I'd thought she would when this time came- caring and understanding. I thought only four year olds had super overprotective parents like that.

It's going to be okay Alex. You'll eventually get a well-paying job to support a small child or two and hopefully a husband of some sort. Besides, this is good. You're an adult now.

I'm eighteen today technically, but I don't feel eighteen. I feel six. My mom is holding me like I'm six and Brendon treated my like I was six last night when he tried to take advantage of me. I'm tired of feeling like a little girl.

"Mom, I really have to go now okay? I'm going to be late for my flight," I sighed deeply as she clenched tightly onto my T-shirt for dear life. Her tears dripped down her cheeks and landed in the fibers of my shirt leaving a big wet puddle of tears on display. This was completely ridiculous and I had to get out of there before it got any worse, which I knew would happen if I gave it enough time.

"Goodbye, Mom..." I pushed her away from me as gently as possible with my hands and walked out of the door without another word, not even looking back behind me as my feet hit the hard concrete below me signifying a new beginning. I was more than ready to leave after all these years of torture. To start over somewhere new. All along, Brendon had only viewed me as a piece of meat to sink his teeth into, so there was no longer a reason for me to stay. I had planned on possibly moving in with him for a couple of weeks once I turned Eighteen just to celebrate my adulthood. Plans change, I guess. It pained me to think that all that time I'd spent on him was wasted but it didn't matter much anymore. All that mattered to me was getting out. Getting free. I drove all through the cold rain until the Airport was in view- just in time too. The rain was getting really bad by the time I arrived there and driving in pouring wet rain is never fun.

"Flight Two Ninety One boarding now. Flight Two Ninety One..." A softspoken voice fluttered through the airport and woke me up from my deep slumber (which I was happily enjoying before she had to go and interrupt it.) I stood to my feet slowly, letting my body wake itself up at its own pace. The flight attendant was a prissy woman who looked like she hadn't slept in months. Her golden hair was pushed back into a ponytail so tightly that the skin on her face was pulled back and she looked ridiculous. I refrained from laughing upon seeing her standing there waiting for everyone to board the plane. Once I got on and got seated, my mind began wandering off back to Brendon. A kind looking gentleman sat down next to me just as I looked abruptly to my left. His warm gaze met mine for a brief moment.

"Hello," he hummed softly as he quickly sat down.

"Hey," I calmly replied. "How's it going?"

"Goin' pretty good, just headed back to New York to meet up with some family. How about you?"

I really wasn't in the mood for small talk after what had happened with Brendon and my mother crying on my shoulder, so most of my replies to this man were short and straight to the point. This question had me stumped though. Where was I going? I didn't know where to begin with that question, so I figured lying was the smartest way to get out of it.

"Oh I'm uh- I'm headed out to Michigan to visit a close friend," I lied with an unexpectedly convincing tone.

"Oh really? That's nice. I've never been to Michigan but I've heard that it's a must-see place..."

Depends on where you go.

I nodded slightly. "Yeah, it is."

After that the ride was fairly silent. Once in awhile he'd ask another meaningless question and I'd give a half-ass reply. The only sound that could be heard for most of the flight was the annoying sounds of babies screaming and crying which was inevitably going to happen anyway. To my genie surprise, the flight actually started to become...enjoyable. Until my cellphone vibrated in my pocket. A simple message with a huge impact.

Alex please come back to me
Sent 9:03AM

My stomach dropped clear down to the floor. I gave a deep sigh and replied hesitantly.

Fuck off
Sent 9:09AM

You do realize I wasn't going to fuck you, right? I would never even think about forcing you to do something against your will. It was just that I really really wanted to kiss you...
Sent 9:09AM

Right because that's why you got on top of me instead of just ASKING me to kiss you. Right Brendon. Right.
Sent 9:13

There's always something that absolutely has to interrupt you at the worst times possible. I suppose the man sitting next to me who had started small talk with me earlier wanted to know my name now.

"So Uhm- I didn't catch your name. What is it?"

Really dude? Could you have picked a worse time to ask me my name??

"Alexandria," I unhappily groaned out with a dagger sharp tone. Even sharper than I'd planned.

"Oh that's a beautiful name. I'm Brent, it's so very nice to meet you Alex."

Alex? I never said my name was Alex but okay whatever dude have it your way...

"Yeah thanks, you too."

Im sorry I didn't ask your permission first, Al. That was a dumb idea and I should have asked you before doing anything. It was stupid on my part. Will you come back home now? I miss you already Alexandria. I never thought you'd make such an impact on me until now. I already feel lost.
Sent 9:16

I wondered how he knew I had left my house in the first place. I figured it was just the sad result of my Mom giving out way too much information as usual.

I'm already on the plane. There's no going back. You fucked up.
Sent 9:17

I sent that last message without the slightest tinge of hesitation in my body when my thumb pressed the "Send" button. All three of those statements couldn't have been more true. He did, indeed, fuck things up beyond repair, of that I was certain. I wish he hadn't though...I wish he had just kept his hands off of me. Maybe if he had, we would have been living happily together for a few weeks in his immaculate house. But he just had to lay his sick hands on me and ruin everything we could have been. Everything I'd hoped, deep down, we might've become in time. I must admit though, after not receiving a reply from him for several minutes, my mind began to wonder and worry. Was he okay? I took my cellphone out of my pocket again and started typing something up for him, then sat back in my seat staring vacantly at my phone screen wondering wether or not it would be a smart idea to send it.

I just realized that this is chapter Eighteen and she just turned Eighteen in the story. That wasn't even planned. Mad skills. I'm exceedingly proud of myself right now. :}
ALLLLSOOO upon reading this a second time for editing purposes I've just realized that the man's name is Brent which just so happens to be the name of my crush at school. Also unplanned. Wtf is going on here?


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