Chapter Twelve

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I eyed my cell phone from across the room for awhile. It was sitting lopsided on top of a heap of dirty clothes that had been waiting patiently to be washed for about a week.
Brendon's concrete words slowly came rushing back to me:
"Call me sometime by the end of this week or there will be trouble. Understand me?"

I wondered if the very next morning after initially meeting him was too early to give him a call. My guess was that it probably was a bit too soon...after all, I had just seen him the night before. In all honesty, though, it felt like it had been ages since I'd first laid eyes on him. Years, even.

I couldn't call him anyway with a mom like mine; always up your ass trying to know every little detail as if her life wasn't interesting enough to keep her occupied. Let's just say our "private" conversation would not be so private.

Now that Soraya was back home it was just me and mom alone in the house (as usual,) and things began to get exceedingly boring.

Anxiety kicked in.
When I had nothing to do; nothing to keep myself occupied with, my anxious habits would kick in without warning. I had to find something to do...besides calling Brendon...and fast.

I popped some Valium tablets in my mouth in attempt to keep myself calm, put on my favorite black hoodie and headed for the large public park right across the street. A cute boy who looked to be about six or seven laughed happily as he chased a blonde little girl up and down a small yellow slide, nearly falling down from E excessive laughter. The girl seemed to be frightened and breathless.
"Tag!" He shouted to the girl. Her face dropped to a frown, but she gathered herself quickly and began to chase him around all over until they both breathlessly collapsed in the sand.

I remembered bits and pieces of my rollercoaster childhood. Nothing good came to mind, let's just say that much. In a nutshell my childhood was simply something I had to endure with my big brother Esteban. He handled it better than I ever did...or could. My alcoholic "dad" was downright abusive in many ways. Especially to poor Esteban. I wanted badly to help, but what could I do? Esteban fought for the three of us until he couldn't anymore. That is why I constantly thank God for Esteban.
(LOL knew that was comin'...I always have to add a song pun. You're welcome.)

I shut my eyes tight and focused intently on the cool winter breeze skimming gently across my cheeks.

No tears. Not here.

I jumped off the moving swing effortlessly and ran at light speed back home. It seemed like I couldn't go anywhere anymore without thinking of the past in all of its grand ugliness, and no matter what I did to avoid those thoughts from creeping back into my brain at the most inconvenient times possible, nothing ever helped nor avoided this issue.

Once my bed was in view, I pounced into the comforting abyss of sheets and pillows face first.

Blackness consumed my vision in that beautiful moment of isolation. But it was different this wasn't pure black, because in the distance something began to move closer and closer to me through the darkness, revealing themselves further with every single swiftly taken step.

Then, strategically, they began to revert back into the darkness from whence they came. It looked to be a male based off of the outline, but then again that could hardly be seen either in the dark.

It slowly inched closer...

But It's Better If You Do || Brendon Urie|| EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now