Chapter Five

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That caught me off guard though it made some sense. My sister was very beautiful and could probably get nearly any guy in the world to show up at any party of hers.

"We met at a Queen concert like fifteen some years ago and have been close friends ever since. She never told you about me?"

As much as his previous statement had shocked me, that was minuscule compared to this admission. My sister had kept this beautiful man a secret from me for fifteen whole years? And for what purpose had she done such a cruel thing?

"No, I guess she never did," I simply stated, feeling rather sick to my stomach. My father always used to tell me:

"Nobody keeps a secret for a good reason...remember that, Alexandria."

I could practically hear his loving voice echo through my skull as I spoke the words aloud in my head.

"I can't believe that she-"

He was about to say something stupid that would more than likely piss me off, so I quickly cut him off before we started going at it again.

"Yeah, I know. Can we please talk about something else for now? That's sorta a sensitive subject..."

He closed his mouth and nodded calmly.

"So where are you from?" He asked in attempt to change the subject.

"Really Brendon?" I smirked playfully. Finally the mood was lightening back up!

"Good point there. Nevermind that question...what do you like to do? Any special hobbies?"

That topic seemed a bit more interesting. Hmm.

"I play guitar and occasionally sing to coincide with it. How about you?"

We took our seats again now that the waters were seemingly calming down a bit. Speaking of water, I grabbed my half-empty glass and took a long sip. Ah, re-hydration felt so good.

"I play the triangle," he said with a hysterically straight face. I nearly spit out the water that was resting in my mouth all over him. Thank God I managed to keep it inside.

"You play the what?"

"Triangle," he repeated a second time, his face remaining straight as a line.

I eagerly searched his expression for any signs of humor, but found not a single glimmer of it.

"'re serious? You seriously play the triangle professionally?"

He tilted his head back slightly and gave a hearty laugh.

"No I'm just fuckin' around with you," He admitted with a grin. "Piano and singing is more my thing."

"Oh you little bastard, you're going to get it now! I'll teach you to joke with me you little..."

I leapt straight over the table and landed -not very gracefully- onto his warm lap. My body collided against his fairly muscular chest causing the entire chair in which we both sat to tumble and hit the cold ground. I was all too comfortable with this welcoming stranger...we both knew it. As the chair hit the ground I laughed until tears of pure joy flooded my eyes, but for whatever reason Brendon didn't seem to share the same playful demeanor.

"Are you okay?" He questioned with upraised eyebrows and a distressed expression.

"Yeah, I'm totally fine, why?" I laughed jubilantly.

"I just wanted to make sure you were-"

At that exact moment my sister walked outside only to witness her little sister laying atop a still aghast Brendon Urie. Her eyebrow raised at the sight and a smirk danced around the edges of her lips.

"You two having fun out here? I see you've met..."

We both laughed nervously in unison.

"It's really not the way it looks, sis..." I sighed. I could only imagine the disgusted look on mom's face when she'd hear the lovely story about how 'Alex and Brendon were laying on the ground face to face outside on the back patio.'

Great. Then Brendon would be impolitely forced to leave me be forever and I'd never ever see him again.

"I know that Alex, I saw the whole thing from the kitchen window. Don't even worry about it. You're just super lucky mom wasn't the one coming out here to take care of the late-night plant watering..."

This was completely unreal. My sister was willing to let me off the hook when she had the opportunity

But It's Better If You Do || Brendon Urie|| EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now