Chapter Twenty Three

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Nothing took me to the edge more effortlessly, or made me feel more at ease than laying there, wrapped up in his arms the way I was. My stomach tumbled and tossed against my ribs, but it felt great. My entire body trembled in that strong embrace of his, but there was no other place I would rather have been.

So he wants to kiss you, so what? Why not take a risk for once? Why not see what it feels like? Dad would've wanted you to risk something at least once. Besides, you're Eighteen today, so there's no need to overthink it. Let him take the lead and enjoy it because you know that you want this...Don't pretend you don' do.

I don't know weather it was that daring look in his eyes, or the way he was holding me with such want, or maybe the fact that, deep down, I really wanted that first kiss...

No matter what it was, it compelled me to do something that wasn't like me to do at all. Something that could have screwed everything up very quickly. An action, though it was small, that meant something so much more than just a spontaneous gesture. It wasn't a meaningless action to me or to him. It meant so much more than just another thing humans always do. More than just that common goodbye or hello gesture that you share with your close family. To sum it all up, this kiss that he and I shared in the serene sunlight of the midday meant, to me...

I love you.

"Brendon?" I hummed softly aloud when our lips parted.

"Mhm?" He responded coolly as he pulled my waist closer into his.

"We should st-"

Just as that crucial final word was slipping out of my mouth, his soft lips plunged deep up against the sweet spot on my neck, causing a quiet chirp of a moan to roll off of my tongue.

FUCK. What are you doing Brendon?? Please don't, stop right now! WAIT I didn't mean it...

After that small moan came another slightly louder one once he began sucking my thin skin oh-so-slightly, rolling it effortlessly around his wet tongue in long, circular motions, nibbling gently on occasion. He knew exactly what he was doing. I didn't only love the feeling of his sweet lips sliding up against my skin, I was enthralled by the unexplainable sensation. I deeply hated the fact that, despite my urge to push him off and yell fiercely in his awestruck face, the incredible feeling of his large lips sucking on my neck overpowered the bubbling urge to become angry by a longshot. Turns out I didn't want him to stop. It felt good. The second his lips hit mine, my arms instinctively wrapped around his body, almost as if I'd done this before.

"Brendon please..."

I was trying to beg him to stop -without result- because I knew that was the only way that I wouldn't lose my cool and do something incredibly stupid; a spur of the moment type thing that I would regret later on...but Brendon could easily tell that I didn't really want to stop, so he didn't. He could see straight through my transparent act. Though I did, indeed, feel much scruple about our arising actions, this was something that I had been wanting for a much longer period of time than even I was fully aware of. Something I had been secretly yearning for; longing for in the depths of my soul. I wanted more.

"B-bren," I breathed out choppily on his pleased face, "More..."

Brendon pulled away for a second to look into my eyes. He seemed to be asking my permission to continue without uttering a single word, his expression tainted with a tinge of confusion. He wasn't sure if this was real- couldn't quite make himself believe it was truly occurring. I completely understood the stem of his confusion since this type of thing wasn't typical behavior on my part at all. This was so out of the ordinary for me, in fact, that even I had a difficult time believing it.

Just then, there was a repetitive series of unusually loud knocking at my bedroom door.

"Mom!" I whispered, causing Brendon to shoot straight up in shock. We both went on high alert mode right away at the feeling of my sudden jolting. She hadn't left? But why? Brendon quickly lifted me up off the bed, allowing my feet to land on the carpet below. You'd think my mind would be overflowing with worry at this point. Worry for me, for him, for us...but the only thing that I could think of was that pure kiss we'd shared.

I had just experienced my first kiss with Brendon Urie.

Out of all the kisses I'd been part of; all those meaningless High School teenager kisses that I so willingly gave out to boys as if they were pieces of candy on Halloween, this kiss was the best for so many various reasons. It wasn't only a kiss- it was a connection; a strong, unexplainable bond between him and I.
Not to mention that neck kiss...whew...

"Al come on snap out of it; your mom is standing right outside that door you need to go open it," he hissed quietly with a worried tone. I didn't even budge, so he grabbed me by my hips and pulled me up effortlessly with his tremendous muscles.

"Alex please don't do this right now...if I go open that door you know how much explaining you'll have to do. Please hurry up so I can disappear."


"Alex!" He groaned, "Please! Questions later! Just trust me okay? I've got control of this."

I mindlessly walked over to the door, opening it very slowly. There she stood, tapping her foot impatiently against the tile flooring below. By the time I thought to look behind me to make sure Brendon wasn't still in plain view, he was gone as if he had never been there at all. I wasn't sure if he was still in the room or not. All that mattered was that I did as he commanded. I had to trust him this time around for our own good.

"What the hell is going on in here Alexandria? I heard you talking to someone so fess up right now young lady, who was it? Who was in here with you and why are you still here? You should be gone by now, shouldn't you?"

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