Surprise! pt.1

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Rico POV

"Maiyah, I'm Sor-(GCO) "It's ok Rico, just leave it." She said walking upstairs. Dammit, I just found my sister and I've already ruined our relationship again. I don't know what the fuck happened but me and Amaiyah were always close as kids, until the night of my friends party.


"Amaiyah! I'm telling you don't go to this party!" I yelled at her for like the 200th time. "Rico, you're not the boss of me! I'm 16 years old, I can make decisions for myself!" She yelled pushing past me. Mom and Dad already said she wasn't allowed to go to this party without me. I'm not feeling it tonight at all. My buddy Dre' is having it and trust you me, his parties always end up in drunk high niggas, pregnant girls and trashed out house.

"AMAIYAH! Mom and dad Said don't go without me! I'm not going s-(GCO) "Nigga does it look like I give a fuck? No I really don't! I have never been to a high school party, I'm tired of all the mother fucking pressure Rico! I'm tired of all the teasin, I'm going to this party so get out my face Bitch" She yelled pushing me. I was pissed at this point.

Her ass is soooo fucking hard headed! "Fine go then, when something bad happens don't cry to me." I said giving in. She laughed a sarcastic laugh and walked downstairs. I looked out her window and saw her Best friend pick her up.

Next Morning......

I woke up to sniffling. I put my ear against the wall which is Maiyah's room and I heard her crying her eyes out. Man, I told y'all something bad was going to happen, Might as well see what's wrong. I rubbed my eyes and walked to her room. She was on the floor crying. "Maiyah What's wrong?" I asked getting on her level. She didn't answer and continued crying. I went into the bathroom to get her some tissue and noticed in the garbage "First Response Pregnancy test" What the fuck. I took the box out the garbage and looked inside, there was a pregnantcy test with the cap on reading "+".

There were 2 more with the same response, My sister is pregnant. "Maiyah, You're pregnant!" I semi-yelled "SHH, P-please don't tell M-om and D-dad." She stuttered still crying. As much as I wanted to say I told you so, I couldn't get those words out of my mouth. As much as I wanted to be angry, I felt a lot of sadness growing inside me. "Maiyah, It's going to be ok." I said. I bent to her level and hugged her. I can;t hide this from my parents, I mean there bound to find out any way.

I picked her up and put her in her bed then tucked her in. "Maiyah, I'm going back to bed, get some rest." I said, She nodded and wiped her tears away. Damn, I knew something bad was going to happen. But my question is, How the fuck did she even have sex anyway? Maiyah would never just say "Let's have sex" She must of been drunk.

I laid back in bed for about 20 minutes until I was woken up by yelling. "No child of mine is going to be a ho! Get out!" A famiiar voice yelled. I noticed this was my mom yelling. I heard violent crying and a door slam. What the hell is happening? I shot out of bed and sprinted to Maiyahs room, Her room was trashed. Her pictures broken, her sheets torn and glass was everywhere. "Maiyah?" I called. No answer. I checked her closet, No clother. Her drawers, Empty. "No, No, No." I repeated as tears slid down my cheeks.

I sat on her bed and cried. Wow, they really kicked her out.

*** Flash Back Over ***

"Damn." I said under my breath. It's still kinda early, I need to clear my head. I walked outside to my car and left, heading to the mall. Oh if y'all don't know, Maiyah's birthday is tomorrow. I'm planning a surprise party for her. She obviously doesn't remember because of all the stress she's under. I haven't seen her in what 4 years? I definetely need to do something special for her and I need to get her the best gift ever.

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