Seeing Pyramids

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Amaiyah POV

"Well.... You came home and you were drinking about 8 bottles of Vodka and you were getting high at the same time. Then Ray came here with Elijah and I beat his ass good but when He was beating on me, He accidentally punched you in the face." He said. Ooooohhhh that explains everything. "Wow, what else did I do?" I asked. I saw him put his head down and he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Rico?" I asked. "Fine, I kissed you. We almost got too far if it wasnt for Ray, I would have fucked you!" He yelled. I saw his face turn guilty but really it was probably all my fault. I was the person getting drunk. I probably kissed him. "Who started it?" I asked. "Well you told me you wanted me then you kissed my necka dn I tounge kissed you then started kissing you from he neck down BUUUTTT I never took any clothes off except I lifted up your shirt." He said. I couldn't believe my ears,

How could my own brother do that kind of shit to me? Yes I was in it too but he did the majority of it by lifting my shirt up and everything. I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks. "Maiyah please don't cry." Rico said attempting to hug me. "Fuck you!" I yelled pushing past him. I just got home and I have to deal with this shit. "Amaiyah Come back!" He yelled c hasing after me.

I was already outside and tears were coming out of my face like a waterfall. Right now I need a man to hold me, I need my son to be here. I miss him. What did Asia tell him about me that caused him to hate me that much? Maybe it was because I didn't visit him that one day I promised him I would or maybe she said something about me, I don't know.

I got in my car and drove off, no specific location. It was already like 7:30 at night. Right Now I need Ray, I don't care what he's done in the past I just need his strong arms to hold me. I did a u-turn and headed to his house. During this time, Rico called my phone endlessly. I dont feel like talking to him. I feel so fucking betrayed it's not even ok.

I finally arrived at Ray's house and I knocked on his door crying violently. "Maiyah!" He answered the door. I fell into his arms and cried. "R-ay H-hold me please." I begged still sobbing in his arms. "Shh Shh, Tell me what happened." He said hugging me tightly. I told him everything that happened with Rico. He hugged me tightly and kissed my hair softly.

"I'm Sorry Maiyah." He said rocking me back and forth. "Daddy I-- Oh I'm not talking to you." Elijah said coming downstairs. Alright thats it. "Elijah Joshua Lopez! You will talk to me if I say so. You are my son and I am your mother." I yelled at him. He just laughed. "No, You hurt my mommy," He said folding his arms. "Mommy came to visit me everyday, she said she loved me and said you did not." He said.

This makes so much sense. "Elijah, I'm your Mom, Ray tell him." I said. "Elijah, Asia is lying to you. Amaiyah is your real mom. She loves you very much, the day she said she was going to see you, she got hurt very bad." Ray told her. Elijah's face went blank and he finally smiled.

"Mommy!" He yelled. Wait what the hell is happening. "Elijah!" I yelled playing along and hugging him. "My head huwts." He said. "What dd you eat?" I asked, "Well Mommy Asia gave me this round thing it was reawwy smaw and she told me to eat it." He said. Oh my fucking god! Asia gave this little boy a forget pill.

I hugged Elijah tight and cried. I'm done with whooping Asias's ass, he's never going to learn. Ever. I let him go and Ray took him upstairs. I sat on the bottom stair and suddenly out of nowhere, a pyramid appeared on the wall. (I would suggest playing the song on the right and Image is on the side ----->) I heard laughs from all around the room. My eyes were stuck on it. "Maiyah, live carefully," A voice said, This was no other than my dead sister Katrina.

"Trina?" I called. I didn't see her at all. All I heard was more laughing and her voice. She was telling me something, Something I didn't understand. My vision was spinning and I fell down.

Rico POV

"FUCK!' I yelled punching a hole in the wall. I fucked up bad. When a girl starts kissing my neck, that's when things get crazy. It's my weakness, it's my kryptonite. I need to get out of here, clear my head. I walked outside to my car, got in and drove to the place where I always clear my head, the lake.

My dad you used to take me here all the time when I was little, he turned into a heartless son of a bitch along with my mom who kicked me out only because he found me smoking. "Why doesn't he love me?" I heard some one sobbing. I looked at where it was coming from and I saw a girl with her head in her hands.

Man, She hella sexy! She had long black and red hair, between light and dark skin tone. Her face was in her hands and she was crying loudy. "What's wrong?" I asked. "M-My boyfriend left me." She said lifting her head from her hands. Damn, her eyes are fucking beautiful. "Why would any man leave you?" I asked. She shook her head and I hugged her.

I may have just met her but I think I'm in love. I saw bruises and scars on her arm. "H-He also Kicked me out." She said crying hard into my back. "What's your name?" I asked. "My name's Jai," She said. "I'm Rico." I said. Maiyah wouldn't mind If I let her stay would she? I mean she has an extra room. If your confused because It's only me and her and that's 2 rooms, she has one room for her closet, that's how much clothes she has.

"You can stay with me." I offered. "N-No I don't know you and-(GCO) "Shh, I promise I won't hurt you. You look like a sweet girl and I want to help you." I said. She smiled lightly then pulled lose hair behind her ear. "Ok." She said. She tried standing up but quickly fell. I looked down at her leg and saw a big ass cut. "What happened?" I asked lifting her up. "My boyfriend." She replied. I don't feel like getting into her busisness.

I put her in my car until I heard someone calling my name. I turned around and walked towards the lake, there I saw a pyramid . I seen a girl standing with her head down. My eyes were glued to that pyramid. It was like I was in trance. "Rico Help me." She called. It was Jai. I couldn't take my eyes off it.

No matter how hard I tried. My head started spinning and I soon fell. "Live Carefully," A girl said. She was standing above me giggling. "Katrina?" I asked. She giggled one last time and soon faded, What does this mean?

??? POV

So I'm back bitches! Yup, I chose not to show my name because, well I just choose not to. Anyways, Maiyah is back together with Ray I see, she should be with me. I mean that Nigga cheated on her pleeennnttttyyyy of times. At least I would be faithful to her if she gave me another chance.

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