Chokehold *FINALE*

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Asia POV

"Yuss We finally boutta get Elijah!" Janelle Squealed. We? Who the Fuck is we. It's all me. I've been wanting Elijah for the longestt. Y'all wanna know something. I'm the Reason Amaiyah Got pregnant. Truth is, I've been stalking her ever since high school. I'm the reason Katrina got killed, I'm the reason for most of the Tragic Events in Amaiyah's life. "Yeah me too." I lied. I'm going to get Elijah.

He's going to be my child. 

Nobody else's.

Amaiyah POV

Me and Jai have been chained to the ceiling, down in this basement for almost 12  hours, no food or nothing and I can feel my baby being hungry. Jai was sleeping peacfully while I stayed up all night. I can't imagine what Ray and Rico are thinking right now. The only thing on Asia's mind is Elijah and I know that's what she wants in order for ray to get me back. All of a sudden, Jai let out a ear piercing scream and she woke up from her sleep. She panted heavily and looked to the side of her, at me. "Jai, You Okay?" I asked. "It's Just, I'm so scared Maiyah. This has never happened to Me Before. I've only been beat and left for dead, never kidnapped." She whined.

"Jai, Everything's going to be okay. I promise." I assured her. Suddenly, the door flew open and someone started walking down. It was Treat. He Unlocked me and Jai's shackles then threw us both over his shoulder, Walking us upstairs. I looked over and seen Jai's face was covered with tears. I know Ray's going to get us out of this. He always does. I heard the sounds of girls screaming , sexual moaning/grunting, etc. I immediately became scareder then I was before. Treat finally set us down on a bed in the farthest room in NWGS warehouse, He closed the concrete door and it clicked meaning it was locked.

"No! No! No!" Jai screamed standing up and banging on the door. "Help us! Someone Please! Help us." She put her back against the door and slid down. Her beautiful Green Dress was now Ripped and messed up. Her beautiful Curls now Flat. One shoe on and one off. " Jai, It's going to be okay." I said attemptin to stay calm. "No it''s not! They locked us in here. They locked us in this cold, dark room." She panicked, still crying. I walked over to her and sat next to her. Jai put her face in my shoulder and cried. She was crying so loud it sounded like she was screaming. About 10 minutes later, The concrete door opened.

It was Asia and she had a gun. "Get your ass up Amaiyah." She growled. I put my hands in the air as she snatched me up and pointed the gun to the part of my back where my heart would be located. "Try and run away Bitch, I dare you. I'll shoot this gun so fast." She whispered in my ear. Janelle walked me to the front of the warehouse where I seen Janelle, Ray and Elijah. Ray looked so pale and distraught it made my heart sink. Elijah was sleep on his shoulder. "Good Job Ray, You follow instructions so well." Asia said. Ray looked at Elijah and a tear slid down his cheek. Ray picked him up and passed him to Asia. 

"Now You can give me Amaiyah." He said. "Actually, She'll be the perfect Prostitute." Diggy said, wheeling in from another room. "Right, She wan'ts to get pregnant at 16 and be a slut. She's going to a proffesional." He smiled evily. "No! I refuse!" I screamed. Diggy Pulled out his Semi-Automatic and pointed it to my stomach, No I had 2 guns pointed at my body. "Say that shit again Amaiyah. I'll kill that little unborn baby inside you." He said through gritted teeth. I put my hands down and started crrying. "Please. Please don't Diggy." I cried. "Sorry Hunny Bunches of oats. We win, You lose. Me and Asia Get Elijah, Diggy gets money while Ray and Rico suffer and you and Jai Are Proffesional Sluts." Janelle teased.

"Us? Bitch there ain't no us. It was me." Asia corrected Janelle. "But you told me that me and yo-(GCO) "I was lying Nelle. It's been me all along. I'm the reason Elijah was Created so I should be the one to be his mom." Asia Said. Janelle's Jaw Immediately Clenched, "Besides, If I can be this sneaky, Deceptive and Mean, Im fit  to be the best Parent. And also, I never leave a bitch who I think's about to snitch on me behind. So I'm sorry but I'm going to have to Kill you Nelle." Asia Said.

Elijah's head rose up and he looked around confused as ever. "Mommy?" He asked looking at me. He smiled and got out of Asia's Grip and started running towards me. Asia Raised her gun and shot for Elijah. My eyes widened and I pushed him out the way, Making the bullet hit me. My body immediately became stiff.


"Amaiyah!" I yelled Running to her body. I put my hands on her neck, No pulse. I shook her body. "Amaiyah Wake up Please Baby!" I panicked. She was officially dead. The mother of my son and unborn Child. Gone. My everything. Gone. The reason I'm still on this earty. Gone. I yelled "No!" in a loud tone as Asia started laughing. My tears were coming from my eyes rapidly. "This is what Bitches who don't listen get." She said looking around the room. "Where's Elijah?" She asked. I heard a screeching tire sound then someone barged in the door. 

"FBI! Everyone put your hands up and get on the ground now!" I did as was said a bunch of men in suits and guns in their hands ran to the back of the warehouse. "Sir is this your Wife?" The man asked me. "No, My girlfriend. She's been shot." I said crying. Amaiyah was lifted up and taken out of the warehouse.

2 weeks later....

"Are you ready Ray?" Prod asked. I nodded and fixed Elijah's suit. Me, Prod, Rico, Elijah and A bunch of Amaiyah's friends walked inside the church. We all walked in a single file line in front of her beautiful Silver casket. She wore the same outfit she wore on our first date. Her hair was curled, Nails black and Gold, That beautiful Skin Tight Black dress that defined her body most beautfifully. "I love you Mommy." Elijah said, almost crying. During the service, I couldn't help but cry for most of it. 

"I would like to call Up Mr. Rayan Lopez." The pastor said. I stood up and wiped my tears then walked up to the podium. "How's everyone doing? Umm I may be a while so yeah. Amaiyah..... Amaiyah was the love of my life, the mother of my son. She was basically the only reaosn why I started caring and thinking about my choices. She changed me, My whole perspective on life. Amaiyah taught me how to love. I just don't know what I'm going to do without her. I got her involved in my problems and she took the fall for me. I'm the person who should be in the casket, not her. I blame myself everday for her death. I just miss her ya know?" By now Tears were all over the podium. "If I knew she was going to die so soon, I would've made better choices that didn't effect her life so harshly. I wasn't exactly the pefect boyfriend But I tried my hardest to make her happy. May she Rest In peace. Thank you." I said sniffling and walking away from the podium.

The audience clapped as I made my way back to my seat. I put my head in my hands and cried louder. "It's okay man. I miss her too." Prod said.

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