Part 2: Chapter 7

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Days later, despite what Fabian talked to the girls about, there was still zero progress between Eden and Lib.

The problem was that they both were waiting for a proper apology from the other. But that wasn't happening due to their mutual stubborn personalities.

Eden trudged down the stairs. It was Sunday, and though everyone else seemed to have plans throughout the day, her nose was stuck in her math and literature books. West Point was going to be even harder now, but she was determined to prove Lib wrong about her not being committed. This was Eden's future at stake, and she was dedicated. Her head was down in an Algebra 2 text now, but she surprisingly did not trip down the stairs once.

"I told you she was married." Eden looks up to see that Vic was in the kitchen, talking with Fabian. Fabian was grumpily folding laundry by the washing machine.

Eden had to smile though. There were many moments when Fabian could act like either a diligent housewife, or some teenage, lovesick fool. And once he puts the two together, it's the most absurd combination ever.

"I know, I know, V!" Fabe exclaims. "I should have known though." Eden walks over to go sit by the kitchen counter beside the guys.

"Hey, do you think you could look over these exponential and logarithmic functions with me real fast?" Eden asks Fabian, nose still in the book.

"It should've been obvious. Every time she left, she put her phone face down. Plus she didn't let me pick her up or drop her off, or let me meet her friend when he dropped by."

"Very guarded. Did you meet the husband?" Vic asks.

"Fabe?" Eden asks from the sidelines.

"Yeah, he sat me down for coffee and we watched football together on the futon." Fabian replies, smartly, and crumples Declan's pants, not giving a damn. Eden rolled her eyes. No one could ever get him to quit his ranting for even a second.

Vic soon laughed.

"How big was his gun?" Vic asks, just as absentminded as Fabian. Eden soon hears footsteps.

"Gun?" Cora, nosily, asks as she comes into the kitchen with Declan at her heel. Oh, great, Eden thinks.

"Dec, clear the table for lunch." Fabian tells him, and continues flailing laundry around.

"Fabe went on a date with a married one." Vic tells Cora and Declan.

"Again?" Cora asks.

"What happened with Steph?" Declan asks.

For weeks, Steph was all that Fabian seemed to think about. But their relationship appeared to be on and off, and sometimes even one-sided. Steph wanted Fabian, but Fabe knew she was too good for him. Therefore, he could barely bring himself to give her much of a chance. Even though he truly liked her, he was intimidated by her higher-class and even her sense of self-reliance (something that he's never seen in many women).

It's either that, or Fabe likes her too much that he has to let her go before he hurts her. Like all the rest.

"She's old news I guess." Vic replies.

"There was no gun." Fabian then says, changing the topic. "He just kept throwing cups and saucers at my head!"

"How'd the husband even find out?" Declan asks, cleaning up the dining table.

"He had someone stalk his wife." Fabian answers, and everyone gives him a stunned look. "I was right to suggest counseling."

Eden suddenly slams her hand down.

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