Part 3: Chapter 12

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It was barely sunset, but Eden was dressed and ready to leave. She had packed and unpacked for hours the day before, so she felt more than prepared for the day ahead of her. Her boots were on and her bag was hanging on her shoulder, but before she left her own bedroom, she quietly went to go kiss Cora on the head. She had no idea how Cora would look the next time she came back home, so she made sure to study Cora's thin, dark hair and pale face that would soon look so beautiful once she's a grown teenager.

Eden exits her bedroom and tiptoes into Declan and Leona's room.

She goes over to Declan first. She glances around his side of the room, realizing how much older Declan was getting. He had already exchanged his Spiderman and Jurassic Park posters for posters of pop bands and models. Eden was going to miss him a ton. She admired how Declan always managed to be the secure one in a family that constantly collapses into pieces. She goes to kiss his forehead, and then goes to pet Leona's cheek and she kisses her too.

Afterwards, Eden goes to the living room and sees Fabian and Lib crashed out on the floor with blankets and pillows surrounding them. Steph, being the more civilized person, is sleeping neatly on the couch.

Eden smiles at all of them. Eden didn't know what would happen once she left.

Lib would go to college. Maybe Declan would finally get a girlfriend. Maybe Cora would find a best friend, or Leona would start saying more words around the house. And maybe Fabian would think about proposing to Steph. Who knows?

So much would change. Eden couldn't believe she was making the decision to miss out on a lot of it.

After Eden finally makes it out her house, she takes a city bus a few blocks away from her house. Once she's off the bus, she sees her destination. Ahead, there is a gated area with a sign that reads:

U.S. Army Property

No Trespassing

Violators Will Be Prosecuted

She makes her way through the doors and runs over to the white bus that other people are boarding. She stands and waits in the line. She begins looking around at all the unfamiliar faces that she would soon get to know. Many of the people were a lot older than she was, but she still seemed to fit in. Everyone had the same stone face and determination. Things didn't seem too frightening to Eden anymore.

After the person in front of her is finished talking to a man, he boards the bus and Eden steps in front with a smirk on her face. It was almost like the smirk had been practiced over and over and the man in front of her seemed to notice it, but was not at all impressed.

The man was short, but fierce. It almost made Eden laugh because on the right breast of his fatigue uniform, his last name read: Pierce. But Eden wouldn't dare laugh in Pierce's face. On the left breast of his uniform, Eden immediately recognized and marveled at his subdued patch. It was an Army Combat Infantry badge. It made Eden think of the replica badge that she had put in her own bag before she left her house.

"Lady!" Pierce shouts, snapping Eden out of her silly daydreams.

"Yes, sir!" Eden stupidly shouts back. A couple of people's heads turn to stare at Eden, but she tried not to notice any of them.

"I don't have all day." Pierce growls. It takes Eden a moment but then she finally remembers that she forgot to pull out her ID. She quickly fishes it out of her jacket pocket and hands the card to Pierce. Pierce snatches the ID card and eyes it and Eden at the same time. Eden's armpits begin to sweat, but her face remains cool.

"Lizabeth." Pierce confirms aloud looking to see if the picture of Eden looks like Eden's face in front of him. Eden secretly sighs in relief and then clears her throat.

"It's just Lib." Eden informs him, and Pierce gives Eden a dangerous look that immediately makes Eden shut her trap.

"It's just Gallagher now." Pierce snaps at her. "Now get on." He orders and Eden quickly does as she's told.

She finds a seat aboard the bus. She sits silently and patiently before the wheels start moving her toward the next startling, thrilling chapter of her life.

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