Chapter 5

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Today is Saturday, and I am still stuck in prison. Bleh, it's sucky. It was morning and I had just woken up. Claire was still asleep.

My thoughts came back to last night. Was Claire serious about forgetting the past? Maybe she was planning something. But she looked so serious about forgetting last night. Something had told me to trust her. There was something about her expression that looked like she was telling the truth. But still, I have to be careful.

I heard a noise. It was Claire, she was probably waking up. She started frowning and sat up. She started rubbing her eyes.

"Oh, morning," she greeted.

"Hey," I replied boredly.

The guard came in. Apparently his name is Stan. Stan unlocked the bars and let us go to the bathroom. We brushed our teeth and did our business.

I looked at my shirt. It still had big, dried blood stains on it.

"Hey, can we get a change of clothes or someting?" I asked. Stan scratched his short, dirty blonde. He then shook his head and put us back in our cell.

"Have you noticed that we're the only ones here?" Claire said. I nodded. There was no one stuck in this prison except Claire and I.

We heard footsteps coming toward us.

"Tate, you have a visitor," Stan said.

Standing in front of the bars was Hunter. Yes, I have very good memory. His green eyes had disappointment in them. He was looking at Claire.

"H-Hunter," Claire whispered, there was fear in her voice. Her eyes were wide and she bit her bottom lip. She looked down at her hands. He watched as her head cowered down.

"I'm very disappointed in you, Claire," Hunter finally spoke. I could only see the side of her face, but she looked sad with a great mix of fear.

I'm confused. Why was she so scared of Hunter? I know he had slapped her really hard, but what else? There had to be something going on between them.

I didn't like Hunter the moment I layed eyes on him. It wasn't because he was an Angel. It was because there was something about him that made him seem so sinister.

Hunter sat down in front of Claire. He reached over to Claire and touched her chin, He pulled her face up so she was now looking at him. A small whimper escaped her mouth. 

"Do you have any excuses about what you did?" He asked. She shook her head quickly. "Did that Devil provoke you again?" She shook her head again. He glared at her.

"I-I'm sorry," she whispered. "I wanted revenge, for Carl." Hunter smirked and slowly shook his head.

"You're a disgrace!" He shouted. "You're not listening to me! I told you to not do anything stupid, but here you are, because you did something stupid!"

"H-Hunter, please go back to your dorm," Claire begged.

"Don't fucken tell me what to do!" He yelled and squished Claire's face. He was probaby squeezing it really hard because Claire winced. Damn it, he's really starting to piss me off. He can't just come here and treat Claire like shit! "Don't you ever do something like this again! Because if you do I swe-"

"Shut the fuck up!" I shouted. They both looked at me with astonish.

"What did you just say?" Hunter lowered his voice.

"Can't you hear? I told you to shut the fuck up!" I didn't lower my voice. He glared at me, I glared back.

"I don't you know who you're talking to, little girl," he warned.

"I don't think you know who's cellmate you're yelling at," I retorted.

He let go of Claire. Claire took this opportunity to scoot back farthest away from Hunter. She looked at me with worry.

Hunter stood in front of me. If it wasn't for this ring that's making me weak I would've stood up. Hunter sat down and grabbed my face like he did to Claire. It hurt a little but my face didn't change.

"You're lucky that  I'm not allowed to kill you," he muttered. The atmospere around us suddenly became darker.

"You're lucky that I'm stuck in this cell." I slapped his hand away. He looked at me with anger.

"Are you trying to scare me?" He raised his voice. "You don't know me, so you better not talk to me like that again."

"You don't me, so you probably don't know that I could easily kill you," I countered. He looked a bit surprised that I wasn't scared of him, but he quickly smirked.

"You think you can kill me?" He questioned loudly. He's acting too high and mighty. Now I know  the reason why I hate him.

"Yeah, and you know why I think so? It's because I can!" I spat.

"Stop it!" Claire shouted. She looked really stressed out.

Hunter was going to say something, probably something  making him sound like a king, but I beat said something before he could.

"Why?" I asked. "This guy is really pissing me off. He can't just come in here and treat you like shit!"

Claire looked at me with surprise at what I said. "Please stop Avril," she pleaded, but not with like she had with Hunter but with.... concern?

"I'll only stop if he leaves." I pointed at Hunter.

"Fine, I'm not lame enough to argue with a girl who can't do anything because she's stuck in a prison," Hunter said.

"You mean you're too lame to win an arguement with a girl who's stuck in prison," I corrected him. He glared and walked away.

"You're very interesting, Avril." Somehow his words sent a chill down my spine. 

"Thank you." Claire smiled at me. I smiled back.

~Claire's POV~

"Why?" Avril asked. "This guy is really pissing me off. He can't just come in here and treat you like shit!"

She was arguing with Hunter for me? She was defending me? I was surprised.

"Please stop Avril," I pleaded. Avril is really strong but she could never defeat Hunter. Hunter was an evil person. If he didn't have so much control of people I wouldn't be afraid of him. Avril and Hunter started arguing again, but I didn't listen.

Avril had defended me. She was concerned about me. This made me happy. 

I had forgiven her for killing my brother because that was in the past and I probably made others feel like that too. Avril was actually a kind person.

"Thank you," I smiled at her. She smiled back. It wasn't an evil smile. It was a nice one.

Now I know that I can trust Avril.


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