Chapter 26

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~Hunter POV~ 

I walked into the Council room. Trying to avoid eye contact with anyone.

"Hunter, why is you face red?" Jeremy asked. He was one of the best friends I had. 

My face is red? 

"Your cheeks are like red man," Jeremy added. 

"Shut up," I muttered. 

"Ooh, what happened out there?" he nudged me with his elbow. His green eyes showed amusement. I don't know why my face is red either, so shut up. 

"It's nothing," I replied. 

"It's not nothing," he said. "I know you snuck that girl into that closet," he whispered. 

I quickly looked around to see if anyone heard what he said. Damn it, they better not have heard it, it they did I would slaughter Jeremy. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked innocently. 

"Dude, I've known you for a long time, I know when you're lying." 

"Shut up, you don't know anything."

He ran his hand though his short black hair and smirked. He turned his attention to Percy and so did I. 

Why did I feel nervous when Avril hugged me? 

"Hey, is that Avril girl gonna get punished?" Jeremy asked. I shot him a glare. Wait, why did I feel angry? 

"She already has a punishment, taking care of an impudent human," Percy replied. "This meeting is finished, you may leave now." 

I was walking around Court with Jeremy. He kept an amused look on his face. He could tell that he was pissing me off. 

He turned the corner and stopped. 

"Why the hell did you stop?" I questioned. I looked in the direction he was looking at. There was a girl standing there. 


Her dark brown hair looked so silky, her dark blue eyes was so captivating, and her smiled was so radiant. 


What the hell? Damn it, my heart keeps on annoying me. I just wanna rip it out! I looked at Avril, she didn't seem to notice me. Probably because she was with that damn human!

I began walking in the opposite direction. Jeremy followed me. A smirk plastered on his face, I resisted the urge to punch his face. 

"You like her," he said. Like her?

"Like her? I loathe her," I scoffed. I know I was lying. I had kept track of all my reactions towards Avril. 

Jeremy was right. I like Avril. 

~Avril POV~ 

~One Week~

I was franticaly getting ready for school. I quickly put on my uniform and ran out of the door. I finger combed my hair while I speed walked. 

The Council decided that Xander will be going to this school so I could watch over him. His dorm was in the male's dorm area with the Devils, so it was a floor above my dorm. 

I pressed the button on the elevator. I tapped my foot impatiently. Come on, hurry up. 

I decided to use the stairs. I went two steps at a time. 

I ran past some guys in the hallway. I didn't hear any talk about about a human attending the academy, I guess word hasn't got out yet. 

Some of the Trackers probably already picked up the vibe of a human by now. 

I found Xander's room and knocked on the door. I heard some rustling sounds, then the door opened. 

Xander stood there looking really tired. He wasn't in his uniform, he was wearing a black t-shirt and sweat pants. His black hair was ruffled and very messy. How cute. 

"Oh, hey Avril," he yawned. 

"Why aren't you in your uniform? You're gonna be late," I walked into his room. There was only one bed, a desk, and a box on the floor. 

I found his uniform in his closet and held it up to him. 

"Put it on, and hurry," I ordered. 

He took the uniform from me and walked into the bathroom. 

After about 2 minutes he came out. 

He was wearing the Devils uniform,  A white collared shirt, black tie, and black pants.

"You ready for your first day of school?" I asked enthusiastically. 

"Yeah, kinda," he said. 

We walked out of the dorms and entered the school. A lot of people stared. I could tell that Xander was feeling uncomfortable. 

I found Audriana, I grabbed Xander's arm, and walked up to Audriana. 

"Hey guys," I greeted Audriana, Kyle, Jake, and Zack. 

They all looked shock except for Kyle, who just looked grumpy. 

"Is he the human?" Audriana asked. 

"Yeah, this is Xander," I said. I introduced him to everyone. 

They all seemed to be okay with Xander, that's a relief. 

"So, Xander what class do you have first?" Jake asked. 

"He has the same classes that I have," I said. Another way for me to watch over him.

The bell rang, indicating that we had to go to class. 

I hope that Xander will enjoy his school life here, even though he's the only human. 


I'm sorry if this chapter was too short and boring, I honestly didn't know what to write. But yeah, my grades right now are horrible. I have grades of the alphabet people! :D I just don't have an F yet. 

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