Chapter 27

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Xander had been going to the academy for a week now, so far, it was going pretty good. 

"Wake up!" I heard some one say.

I pulled my knees up to my chest as that person snatched the blue covers off of me. I instantly felt cold and shivered a little.

"No, 5 more minutes," I muttered. 

"Come on, or we'll be late for school," Xander whined. 

I groaned and sat up. His face was right in front of mine, I froze. 

"Come on," he said. His warm breath hit my face.

"Alright," I said, regaining my composure. 

I got off of my bed, feeling self conscious about my baby blue tank top and black shorts. I've never felt self conscious about what I wear, but somehow I do when I'm around Xander. 

I ran into the bathroom and got ready. I brushed my dark brown hair, making sure that there weren't any tangles. I adjusted my black tie and walked to class with Xander. 

"Oh, I forgot to tell you but they changed my classes," Xander said.

"I know," I replied. They probably trusted him a little now, he's been well behaved.

I saw Kyle walk towards us. 

"Hey Avril," he smiled. "Xander," he nodded at Xander. 

Xander nodded back. At least they were getting along a little. I had already calmed down about Kyle telling me to not become attached to Xander.

 "Come on, we're gonna be late," I said to both of them.


The school day went by smoothly. I was sitting at my desk, doing my homework with Xander. 

"Ugh! This is so boring!" I groaned. 

"Stop complaining," Xander said. "You're doing it wrong," he added. 

He reached his arm in front of me, I froze. What's wrong with me? He pointed at one of the equations. 

"You're supposed to divide that," he said. Nerd.

I looked at his arm. There was a big purple mark. A bruise? 

"What happened to your arm?" I asked, concerned, and held his arm. 

"Huh? Oh, I accidentally bumped into something. What can I say? I'm accident prone," he replied.

He was pretty accident prone, he's already bumped into the wall a few times today. 

"It's getting late, let's just stop for today. I'm surprised that even Devils and Angels get homework," he said.

"We're more like humans than you think." 

Xander left and I was in bed trying to sleep. I felt like there was movement and looked around the room. Audriana was sitting up in her bed. 

"Is something wrong?" I asked her, confused.

"I felt something," she paused."I've never felt this before, it's not a human, Devil, or an Angel." 

It must be a Hybrid!

I jumped out of bed and looked out the window. My eyes quickly searched for the front gates. I saw figures standing there. 

"Hybrids," I breathed. Audriana's eyes widened. 

"What should we do?" she asked.

"I'm gonna go out there and distract them, you get Kyle or Zack to come help," I ordered. 

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