Chapter 33

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Dedicated to her because she was the very first fan that I ever talked to and for being awesome! I promised her that I would dedicate an epic chapter to her, and I thought this chapter was pretty good. Thank you! :D

Sorry for taking so long! I had a lot of things going on. I tried to make it long. Please enjoy.


I sat on the dead grass in silence. I checked the time on my cell phone, it was now 5 pm. I've been sitting here for three hours. I ran a hand through my brown hair. 

I've been trying to look back at my memory, trying to figure out if I've ever met someone named Max. After three hours of contemplating, I came up with nothing. 

I let out a frustrated sigh. 

Damn those people that deceived me all of these years! Damn them for talking about me like I was trash! Damn my real parents for putting me under the care of those fake bastards! Damn this fucking stupid life!

I felt a small sting on my scalp and realized that I had been pulling my own hair because of this madness. 

Suddenly, I heard booming sounds. Thunder. 

I felt small rain drops splash down, hitting the tip of my nose. I looked up at the sky. It was covered with gray storm clouds. 

More rain fell from the depressing fluffs as it began to shower. 

I got up quickly to find shelter. 

I ran back to those fake bastard's house. 

When I arrived, I banged on the door repeatedly. My fake mother, Ariel, answered the door this time. 

"Avril! Oh my goodness, you're soaked!" she exclaimed, a worried expression on her face, but I knew she was faking. 

I barged into the house, pushing her aside. I ran up the stairs up to my old room. I busted the door open. 

My room was a beautiful sky blue color, with a comfortable bed, a desk, and all of the necessities that I needed. The walls were covered with stupid family portraits. My desk had three pictures in expensive picture frames. 

Damn all of these stupid pictures. Was this really how much I had treasured this family?

Anger grew inside of me as I glanced at every photo. 

I stomped over to the desk and threw the photographs on the floor. 


The photos fell to the floor, causing the glass to shatter. 

I grabbed the pictures on the wall and threw them every where, one by one. 

"What are you doing?" 

I turned and faced Ariel standing in front of the doorway, her green eyes showed confusion. 

Just looking at her makes my blood boil.

"Go away!" I yelled.  

"Avril, what's going on?" she asked. 

"Don't you dare say my name like I'm important!" I screamed, throwing a picture frame at her. I purposely threw it so that it was hit the wall beside her head. 

Terror struck her face when the glass shattered next to her head. 

I continued destroying the pictures. Destroying everything that had anything to resemble family. 

When I was done, there was glass everywhere. I was panting, trying to calm myself down.  

I looked around the room. There was nothing there that held any significance to me what so ever. 

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