Chapter 8

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I woke up the next morning. That dream last night felt so real! I wanted Chester to tell me why he didn't erase my memory. But I'm guessing I have to wait like he told me to. I hope that I'll get to see him again.

I looked at Claire, She had woken up before I had. She smiled at me.A few minutes passed by but it felt like forever!

Gah! I'm so bored! Just then Stan, the guard, came in. Mr. Frasier, Kyle and Hunter were with him.

"You're because of good behavior,"  Mr. Frasier said. Stan opened the bars and walked up to us. He unlocked the rings on our ankles. "I hope you two have learned how to get along," Mr. Frasier finished.

Claire and I got up. Yes! Freedom! I ran up and hugged Mr. Frasier. He was shocked and pushed me back.

Claire laughed and walked past me. She froze when she stood near Hunter. Hunter's face was emotionless. What are Kyle and Hunter doing here anyway?

"These young will escort you back to your dorm, I hope you two won't get into another fight," Mr. Frasier informed.

"Let's go Claire," Hunter said. She hesitated but walked toward him.

"Yeah, let's leave too Avril." Kyle started walking away. Hunter tried to grab Claire's arm. I stopped him and pulled Claire towards me. Hunter glared at me.

"Kyle and I will be escorting Claire to her dorm,"  I growled. Kyle looked me, completely shocked. 

"Fine," Hunter said. He walked off.

"Thanks." Claire smiled at me. I smiled back. I looked at Kyle to see that his mouth was hanging open.

Kyle and I walked Claire to the Angel dorm. She smiled and went inside. I waved goodbye at her.

Kyle and I started walking to the Devil dorm in silence. The Devil dorm took a little while to walk to from the Angel dorm.

Usually Kyle would be talking to me, but he didn't say anything. I think that's kind of good because I didn't have anything to say him.

I looked at my shirt and sniffed it. It smelled weird. I'm gonna need to wash this.

Kyle walked me to my room and left without saying anything and not giving me a chance to say bye.

I unlocked the door and walked in.  Audriana was probably gonna ask me questions about being in prison.

I opened the door and found Jake and Audriana making out on her bed. He was on top of her, looks like they were getting it on. 

"Ew!" I exclaimed when I saw them. They immediately stopped and looked at me.

"Ugh! You just ruined the moment!" Audriana groaned.

I went to my dresser, took out some clean clothes and went into the bathroom. I took a shower and put on my clothes. I threw my dirty uniform in the laundry basket.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Jake and Audriana making out again. They stopped when I shut the door. 

"I'm guessing I should go to Brit's room," I assumed.

"She's with Trevor right now," Audriana replied. "Go to Kyle and Zack's room." I left the room and walked to Kyle's room.

I knocked on the door. Zack answered the door, he was shirtless, exposing his tan chest and abs.

"Oh, hey Avril." He motioned me to come in.

"Yo, who's at the door?" I heard Kyle ask. He walked to the door and saw me. "Oh, hey." He walked away.

I walked into their dorm. It was messy, there was clothes all over the floor, their beds were messy, and there were condom wrappers on the floor near the trashcan. Woah, they just moved into this dorm a few days ago and had already had things going with girls. It was probably Zack though, he's the single man whore. 

"Hey, we're about to go somewhere, you wanna go?" Zack asked.

"Sure I guess," I replied.

"Cool, I'm gonna shower and then we'll go," Zack said. He went into the shower, leaving me and Kyle. 

"Sooo.." I said, damn, this felt so awkward. Kyle took out his ipod and put in his headphones. So much for a conversation.

I stood near the door, feeling extremely out of place. I don't even know where to sit! Kyle was sitting on his bed. He didn't talk to me. Awkward.

He looked up at me once, maybe he wanted to start a conversation. Then he looked away, or maybe not. I sighed.

I waited for about 15 minutes before Zack finished his shower. He raised an eyebrow at me when he walked out of the bathroom.

"What?" I asked. He shook his as if saying nothing.

We walked out the door. I was wearing a blue shirt and black skinny jeans with black converses. Kyle had the same outfit, it was weird since our style was the same. Zack was wearing a black shirt, blue jeans and black converses.

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked.

"To the movies," Zack replied. "We're gonna watch Smurfs." ( I wanna watch this movie so bad!)


When the movie was finished we went to Pinkberry. Zack phone was ringing.

"I gotta go," he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Slut call." That's what he says when he's about to hook up with a girl. I had a disgusted look on my face.

After he left I was stuck with Kyle again. I ate my yogurt silently. I hated awkward silences. I threw away  yogurt and walked out, leaving Kyle there alone. When I was outside I saw a girl walk up to him.

It was night time, the moon was shining brightly. There wasn't anyone out. I wasn't worried like how human girls would be, because honestly I could beat up any creep.

Just then a arrow zoomed past my left arm. What the hell? I turned around and saw someone. It wasn't Devil or an Angel.

She had long black hair and brown eyes. She had one horn on the right side of her head and half of a halo on her left. She had one Angel wing on her left and one Devil wing on her right.

I'm guessing she's a Hybrid.


Yeah, this chapter was probably boring. But the next one will be better I promise!

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