Chapter 29

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I stared at my sweaty hands, they were shaking like crazy. The dried blood on my hands turned to liquid again as the pores in my palms released their sweat. 

"Wh-what did I do?" I whispered. My voice was barely recognizable. 

I feel disgusted by my ruthless behavior. I killed those Hybrids like it was nothing. I tried to kill my own friends! The blood lust I had felt was sickening. 

It was silent in the infirmary as their eyes shot daggers at me. I heard the distant echoes of footsteps in the hallway. 

Tap tap tap. 

The door flew open. Britney and Jake stood there. 

They were both breathing heavily as their eyes scanned the room. Jake's green eyes fell on Audriana. He ran up to her bed and was relieved when he saw that she was still breathing.  

"Avril, you did this?" Jake muttered. 

I sat there on the white sheets that were now stained in blood. I felt myself shaking. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do. 

I gulped loudly. This caught everyone's attention. Their eyes still stared at me. Some of them were glaring, others were unreadable. 

"Alright, let's heal you girls up." A voice said. I looked up and saw Ms. Wells. 

"I'm gonna need some privacy, go wait in the halls," she ordered. They all left quickly. 

Kyle lingered as he was walking out of the door. I couldn't read the expression on his face, but I could tell that it wasn't good. 

"Why did you attack your friends?" Ms. Wells questioned. 

"I-I don't know," I croaked. "I-I couldn't control myself. No matter what I told myself my mind and body wouldn't listen to me," I finished. 

Ms. Wells didn't give me the looks like the others did. Her dark brown eyes showed sympathy. 

But I don't deserve her sympathy, or anyone else’s. 

"How are they?" I asked, referring to Audriana and Claire. 

"They're fine. I saw that you had chopped off Claire's hand," she said. 

She saw that I had a guilty look on my face. 

"Don't worry. I healed it, that's what a Medic is supposed to do," she smiled kindly. 

I don't deserve a kind smile either. 

She finally finished treating my wounds. I sat the silently as she tended to Claire and Audriana. 

"You can leave now dear," Ms. Wells said. She was honestly way too nice. I felt so guilty, I would have liked it better if she had snapped at me or slapped my face for last night. 

The memory of last night flashed through my mind and I shuddered. I tried so hard not to vomit on the spot. I can't believe that I did that, but I did.

I'm a monster.

I opened the door and was greeted by Kyle. 

His expression was unreadable again. 

"What was that last night?" he questioned. 

"I-I don't know. I couldn't control myself. There was something controlling me," I replied, shaking again. 

"Stop trying to act like the victim." Kyle's voice became harsh, he's never talked to me like that before. 

I looked at him with wide, shocked eyes. His blue eyes were glaring at me with...hatred?

But it angered me to hear his comment. 

"I'm not acting, and I sure as hell am not trying to be a victim!" I snapped. 

"Who are you?" he asked. What is he talking about?

"I'm Avril," I said. 

"Liar! You're not Avril, at least, not the Avril that I know. The Avril that I knew was kind and cared about her friends. She never attacked them or even tried to hurt them. But you, you tried to kill Audriana and that Angel girl! You're not the Avril that I knew, you're not the Avril that I fell in love with!" Kyle yelled. 

Kyle's in love with me?

Every word that he spoke stung me. I felt pain and guilt in my chest. I felt a lump grow in my throat, stopping me from responding. 

"You're a monster!" he finished.

The final blow.

"To tell you the truth, I felt sick watching you kill like that. It was disgusting!" 

The hatred in his eyes grew with every word. I tried to look away, but I couldn't. The hate in his eyes locked with mine. 

I didn't want to hear any more.

I felt weak, my knees were shaking. 

Then everything went black. 


I woke up on the cold, hard floor. It was Saturday, so no one would even want to walk through the halls. 

Of course Kyle didn't even bother taking me back to the infirmary. 

All of his words came back to me. 

He loved me.

Now he hates me.

He also thinks that I'm a monster. 

I am a monster. 

I got up, trying to stand on my wobbly knees. 

I walked to my dorm and opened the door. I saw a depressed Audriana sitting next to a comforting Jake. 

When she looked up at me her hazel eyes instantly widened in fear. It hurt me to see that look on her face. 

"Go away, please," she whispered. 

"Audriana, I'm so-"

"Leave me alone! Get away from me you monster!" she screamed. I felt guilt and a stinging in my chest.

“Go away, Avril,” Jake said. There was also hate in his green eyes.

I quickly left the dorm and stood in the hall way. I didn’t know where to go. I didn’t know who to go to.

“Stop right there! Freeze!” Someone ordered. They were guards.

I stood still and they took that as an act to obeying.

They put that metal ring on my ankle and took me to the academy prison. I didn’t oppose to their orders.

They locked me up in the gray cell, leaving me by myself.

I’ve never felt so alone in my life.

I didn’t want to be in a cell, but this is where monsters belong.


I'm sorry for taking a while or if this chapter was boring, there's just a lot I have to do with my grades. I'm down to A,A,B,C,and an F. Yeah, my alphabet grade is ruined. 

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