8 The Deal

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The over world has been getting attacked. It's aggravating, but Steve has been right behind the destruction. Every village that burns, Steve rebuilds stronger. When monsters are unleashed, Steve defeats them. Steve has faced every challenge head on. Herobrine has noticed this, but he is far from angry. He enjoys it. Seeing the human try so hard to fix his messes just makes him feel a sense of pride. Steve was made in his image after all. Still, Herobrine couldn't help but want to punish the boy for getting involved. Therefore, when Steve returned to his home that night, Herobrine was standing there with a smirk on his face. Steve felt a jolt of fear, but quickly took a deep breath and closed the door behind him. There eyes met, giving Steve the chance to speak.
"I will never let you take over my world."
Herobrine is not fazed by this.
"You mean, this world does not belong to the original creators?"
He asks, wondering just how loyal the human is when it comes to Notch.
"You and Notch left a long time ago. I was the one who took care of this world. Therefore, this world does not belong to you and Notch. It belongs to me."
Herobrines smirk falls as Steve says this. Perhaps the boy really could care less about their quarrel. It seems Steve is not on anyone's side. Again, this pleases him.
"Yes, it would appear so. Though, you cannot kill me. So what will you do?"
Steve looks down for a moment.
"I'll build, and rebuild. I'll fight, even if it does nothing. I will never stop."
Those blue eyes are glaring at the god now. All Herobrine can do is smile wildly.
"If you show me where the Ather portal is, I will leave your world alone."
Steve is quiet, but answers after a few seconds.
"Follow me."

Herobrine x Steve new version~Where stories live. Discover now