27 Golden Apple Thief

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Notch: "The humans know of your story, but don't worry. They do not fear you Entity."
Entity is staring in disbelief. These humans were educated on the existence of viruses.

Steve: "But why Notch? Entity is not a threat anymore, did they really need to know?"

Notch: "I..." Notch pauses, and sighs.
Herobrine steps in, already knowing why Notch educated the humans on virus.

Herobrine: "There could be more viruses in the future...we're not quite sure what caused Entity to spawn, and out of safety, Notch explained to the new humans how viruses such as Entity could come to exist."

Notch nods.
Notch: "Precisely. I do apologize for the inconvenience if it's caused you any Entity..but I felt it was necessary."

Entity: "I understand..at least they know I'm human now."

Steve: "Yeah, besides, we can just show them how great you are now, right? You can help me build things around the village. They could sure use the help."

Entity smiles at that. Steve knows just what to say to make things better. That's what he'd do. He'd help them build! Show them he's good, and not a virus anymore. That'll show them all.

And so Steve and Entity head out, finding Alex, and the three travel to the humans located all around the village.
They ask if they can help, and they surely do. They gather wood and cobblestone, and various other items from the world in aiding the humans build their houses and barns and shops and other structures.

By the end of the day Steve sets out to go meet Herobrine, and Alex heads back to notch's castle.

Steve: "You coming Enti?"
Entity sets down a pile of wood, and smiles.
Entity: "I'm gonna help out a bit more. I have a reputation to build."

Steve: "Ah ok. See ya tomorrow then!"
Steve yells out and walks away. Soon it's just Entity and about four humans. They build info the night, torches the only things lighting up the work zone.

Finally one human comes back with some food. Not just any food though, the most luxurious food. Golden apples.

"For your hard work today fellas." He says cheerfully, handing out the apples. Entity grows with excitement. He'd never seen a golden apple before, much less tasted one. It was also a reward for helping, which meant more to him than anything. However, just as he goes to grab the apple, a hooded figure bumps past them, snatching the golden apple and running with it.

Another human shouts, rushing to help his friend. Entity doesn't think, instead he just runs after the figure, wanting to catch him and retrieve his golden apple. He worked hard to earn the humans trust, and he wasn't about to let some punk scare the humans away from him.

He runs deep through the village, eventually following the shadow figure into a dark building. It's not exactly a house, and there are no lights along the outside. It's almost hidden behind the trees and shrubs, nobody would even notice this place in pure daylight.

He finds an entrance, and follows stairs upwards. In the second floor, there's a single torch lighting up the room. There's also chests everywhere, and various valuables laying around the room.

"You don't look so scary to me."
A voice says, and it sounds familiar.
Entity: "Show yourself."
"What's the fun in that? Besides, you being a virus and all, you might infect me."

Entity grits his teeth and pulls his hood down.
Entity: "I am NOT a virus. I used to be, but now I'm just a human, like you."

"But you're not like me. Not a real human."

Entity: "I just want my golden apple back!"
"That's all?" The voice says, suddenly right behind Entity. He turns, and sees a familiar face.

Entity: "You.." he whispers. "You're more trouble than I thought." He says with a harsh tone, backing away. This only causes the griefer to smirk and walk closer.

Griefer: "-and you're bolder than I thought."

Entity's back hits the wall, and the griefer quickly slams a hand on the wall beside Entity's face, causing the ex virus to jolt.

Griefer: "But I saw you today. Trying so hard to fit in with us humans. So it'd be a shame for you to not get your reward. Right?"
What's this punk up too? He's..almost scary. What's so scary about him though? Maybe the fact that he doesn't give two shits about Entity being an ex virus. He wasn't afraid at all. Not even afraid that he was standing here, confronting him in his own hideout.

Griefer: "I'll give it to you. If you want?"
Entity doesn't say anything, he just watches intently.

The human reaches behind him, pulling out the golden apple, but instead of giving it to Entity, he takes a bite of it. Entity growls, about to fight back when the human moves his hand from the wall, to Entity's head, pulling him by the hair backwards.

Suddenly the humans lips are on his and all Entity can do is stare wide eyed at the humans eyes. He can feel the humans lips tug into a smirk as he kisses deeper, slipping his tongue through Entity's lips. He forces Entity's teeth open and starts sliding his tongue in and out. It's a sensation Entity never felt before, and boy did it make him feel some type of way.
This was new and oddly..satisfying something primal inside of him.

A piece of the golden apple slides into his mouth and Entity can taste sweetness and the humans saliva taking on the flavor as well. Entity lets out a sound, an odd sound, one he'd never made before, and it causes the human to pull away, leaving Entity with the piece of golden apple in his mouth.

Griefer: "What was that? Haha, you got some needs you can't fulfill?"
The griefer chuckles, grinning at Entity.
He doesn't speak, just stares with half lidded eyes at the human. Suddenly the griefers grin drops. He stares half lidded as well at the ex virus. Entity had red across his face, and his chest was quickly rising and falling.
The Griefers intentions were to torture the virus, humiliate him, but it seemed the ex virus actually enjoyed this. How strange. He moves, causing Entity to jump a bit at the sudden movement.
His hand settles right on Entity's length, that's somewhat hard. He was aroused by that kind of kissing.

Griefer: "How interesting~"

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