21 Longing

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Steve woke to Herobrines voice. He seemed happy about something.

H: "Steven, it's time to wake up now."

S: "W-why? I could sleep for just five more minutes.."

Herobrine pulled him up out of the bed, and into his arms.

S: "Hey!.."

H: "Don't worry, we'll teleport."

S: "No, I mean, where are we even going?"

H: "Notch's castle."

S: "Why?"

H: "That is for Notch to tell you."

With that, Herobrine teleported them. Steve was in nothing more than his pajama bottoms. Yet, there they were, right at Notch's front door.

N: "Let them in."

They heard Notch demand from the other end of the gates. The gates opened, and guards were watching as the two walked in. Herobrine must've been coming here all week. The guards aren't as surprised as Steve thought they'd be. The only thing they're doing is staring as Steve, who's shirtless and wearing block pattern pajamas.

N: "Ah, Steve, come. We cannot wait to show you what we've accomplished."

S: "You two accomplished something?"

Steve asks, looking over at Herobrine as if it's all some petty lie.

N: "Yes, we've found a way to deal with the little virus."

S: "Entity?"

N: "Sure, if that's what you want to call the abomination. Look."

Notch says as he leads Steve to the control room.

There's an entire program planned out. It's big, and looks like it must've taken a while to put together.

H: "This should keep that being from hurting you anymore."

Herobrine says bluntly.

N: "Yes Steve, this will solve everyone's problems. First, it'll track down the virus, then, it'll slowly take away its coding. Overtime the virus will be wiped out, and he won't be able to come back with this thing around."

The two seem proud, but Steve, he feels guilt.

S: "Why? He's not hurting anyone anymore."

The two pause, staring at Steve as if he's lost his sanity.

H: "Steve, I know you believe there's good in everything, but it's honestly not. Some things are just bad, and that's all they'll ever be. It's all their programmed to be."

N: "Herobrine is right Steve. This virus is not a human. He will never feel human emotions and he will never be able to live in this world. His programming is only designed to destroy. He will hurt you, and everyone else in this world."

Steve wants to speak, but before he can, a guard comes to get Notch.

Guard: "Sir, the Ather world meeting is soon, should you be off?"

N: "Ah yes, I must go. I will activate the program before leaving. Good day to you both."

Herobrine and Steve are lead out of the room. The walk home is quiet.

H: "Are you alright Steven?"

Those blue eyes look up at Herobrine, full of sadness.

S: "What if you're wrong? What if he could..."

H: "Notch is right. I looked at the programming too. Even if the being somehow became dormant, it'd be only a matter of time before he'd get the urge to destroy. It's apart of it. The being cannot fight it."

Steve says nothing else on the matter. Just mumbles 'ok' as if to say, I don't like it but whatever.

Meanwhile, Entity lies there, on the bed Steve made for him. He'd been there since yesterday, just thinking.

"Because you're not a monster."

That's what the human said. How silly. Something so petty, messed Entity up so bad. He was a monster. He wanted nothing more than to destroy this pathetic world and everyone in it..even himself.

Yet, because of that brat, he's now feeling something else. It's tearing at his chest, hurting him. This new feeling made him want to be alive, to truly live. Why? What purpose does he have? Nothing. There's no purpose for him except to destroy.
So what is that feeling?


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