24 Siblings

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It's been weeks since Entity was given copies of Steve's coding. He's certainly acting different. He and Steve have grown quite close.
By that I mean, Steve has continuously hunted Entity down and hung around him. Steve's persistence has lead the two to become friends.
Though, for Entity, this is still very new, so he feels Steve is his first and only friend.
Even Herobrine has come to like Entity, and that is a huge accomplishment.

S: "Well, Notch says its time to populate the earth."

E: "What does that even mean?"

H: "As a god I can tell you, it means Notch wants a wife."

Steve shoots Herobrine a dirty look.

S: "No. It means Notch will be creating other humans. He told me all about his plans yesterday. His second human creation, Alex, is almost ready to come into the world. In fact, she may even be ready today."

H: "You sound..happy?"

S: "Well of course! It's..I dunno.."

E: "You will have more friends."

Steve smiles at Entity.

S: "Yeah. More people like me I can connect with."

E: "Perhaps, I can learn more about being human as well from these new people."

S: "That's the spirit Enti! We can both meet them together."

H: "What about me?"

Herobrine asks lowly, feeling left out.

S: "Well..you can come too, but Notch warned me that the villagers may tell the new humans stories about you."

Herobrine smirks deviously.

H: "I like the sound of that~"

Steve smiles, rolling his eyes as he stands from the wooden table.

S: "Well, lets go see if Alex is ready!"

The trio venture to the village just outside Notch's castle. So far, there's no humans, only villagers looking directly at Herobrine with fearful eyes.

E: "They really do not like Herobrine.."

S: "Well..he DID torture them for years..."

Herobrine chuckles, walking with pride.
They reach the castle, and are permitted to enter. They do find Notch, but there's no human with him.

N: "Ah Steve my boy!"

Notch exclaims, stepping over and hugging Steve.

N: "Herobrine."

H: "Notch."

They're exchanges are better, but still..bittersweet. Even when they get along, the past still lingers.

N: "-and hello there Entity. Taking to human life well?"

Entity smiles slightly, pulling his hood down, revealing his human skin and blonde hair. He looks good, for an ex virus that is.

E: "Yes sir. I'm learning more and more about being human, and the joys that come with it. Of course, Steve is to thank for that. He's a great teacher, and friend."

Notch smiles, "I'm so happy to hear that."

S: "Notch, is Alex ready yet?"

Notch laughs a bit, finding Steve's impatience amusing.

N: "She's here Steve. Come."

Steve's eyes light up, and they all follow Notch upstairs. They reach a decretive door, where Notch steps aside.

N: "Go on Steve, knock."

Steve knocks gently, and when the door opens, his blue eyes meet green eyes.

She, the first female human, is beautiful. Her hair is orange and red, her eyes are as green as a slimeball, and her skin is pale and fair.

A: "Hello."

Steve quickly regains his composure.

S: "My name is Steve, I'm-"

A: "The first human. The first male human. My brother."

Steve grins happily at that.

S: "Yes exactly!"

Alex steps out from her room, a delighted smile on her face.

A: "Notch has told me so much about you. He's also told me that you can help me learn to build."

S: "Y-yeah, I would be happy to teach you!"

The two siblings roam the castle, Entity joining them as they talk about building ideas and such. Herobrine, however, does not follow. He instead follows Notch, who is quick to sneak off.

H: "She's interesting. Though, I assume you won't stop at her."

Notch smiles, turning to face his brother.

N: "You're right. I have bigger plans. I'm going to fill this world with many humans, all unique in their own way. I'll allow random generic makeups, and hopefully they will all be much like Steve, able to learn and grow."

H: "And what if it's a mistake? What if all these humans destroy the world we built?"

There's silence, then, calmly, Notch moves closer. Things really are different. He's standing close to Herobrine, someone he's always been weary of. Yet, now, there's no fear, no worry, and no hatred.

N: "I'm aware of the risk..but, we can always create a new world, you and I."
H: "Me?"
N: "Of course, I could never have created this world without you. Where I lacked, you picked up...If the human race fails, if they're too different from Steve, I will let this dream die, but..if it succeeds, we could be the saviors of them all. We can teach them, watch them grow."

Herobrine glances away, then back.

N: "I want you with me on this brother..please."

Notch sets a gentle hand on Herobrines shoulder, to which Herobrine smiles a bit.

H: "Alright. I'll try."

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