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"Where the heck were you?!?" Harry's grip on my arm was so hard I knew for sure it would leave bruises. He shook me a little. "You aren't allowed out of our sight under any, and I repeat, any circumstances!" After Niall's passionate lovemaking, which lasted about a full thirty minutes, Niall had dragged me back to Harry's backstage room, only to find Louis worried face, Liam's and Zayn's careless ones and Harry's quite angry one. He had grabbed me and slammed me into the wall as soon as we had entered. "You didn't answer my question Sophie: Where the fuck were you?!?"Harry fumed. His grip got tighter, almost cutting the blood circulation of my poor arm.

"Ouch Harry! You're hurting me! Let go of me!" I respond, trying to struggle out of his grip. I turned to Niall who stood not far away from me, giving him a pleading look that clearly said Help Me. Even though he lied to me, he could at least give me that.

"Harry, it's my fault. I had asked her to come to my room after the concert. She only did what I had asked her to do..." Niall explained, trying to loosen up Harry's mood. Apparently, Harry had wanted a good fuck after the concert and since I wasn't there to satisfy his urges, he had become very horny and pissed. He had thought I had escaped, which I would've successfully done if it wasn't for bumping into Niall. Harry shot me an inquisitive look that clearly asked if what Niall was saying was true. I nod my head in approval. Harry brought his body closer to mine, and then made a disgusted sound.

"What?!?" I snapped, pushing him away again.

"You smell like sex."

"I wonder why." I huff sarcastically, crossing my arms over my chest. "It's not like I've been used like a sex toy for the last two days, but it's about that."

"You need to wash," He said, ignoring my previous comment. "We have an after concert party to attend and there's no way you're going smelling and looking like a whore." He continued, pulling the zipper of my hoodie a little higher. "Come on, we'll go shower." Harry fussed, pulling me with him.

Suddenly, the door opened and we all froze. A head appeared in the doorway.

"Harry, you're wanted outside. The fans are hollering your name and are menacing to put fire to the building if they can't have the chance to see you once more." A very plump lady said, eyeing the green-eyed boy strictly. Harry sighed, annoyed.

"Can't you just tell them I'm busy?" he responded, giving me a sideways glance.

"Tried already. They don't care."

"I'll go shower with her," Niall proposed, inching towards me. I shot him a dirty look, and inched closer to Harry.

"No." Harry responded a little too roughly, hugging me to himself. I look at his features, jealousy written all over his face. I'm gloating inside. Not many people can say they made Harry Styles jealous...Even though it was with someone I now despise.

"I'll do it mate," Louis bumped in. Harry hesitated lightly, before handing me over to Louis. The blue-eyed boy grabbed my hips softly, hugging my body to his, like Harry had previously done.

I see Harry give Niall and Louis a stern look, before heading out with the fat lady. Louis grabbed me bridal-styles, and led us to a very antique looking bathroom. As

I timidly looked around, Louis deposited me on the countertop, placing himself in-between my thighs. He looked at me straight in the eyes, concerned.

"Are you all right sweet cheeks? You seem, deranged, by something." He said, cutting out his words carefully.

Damn these boys could interpret my feelings quickly. Goosebumps appeared on my skin as his thumb pads went up and down my thighs, going higher each time.

"I'm frustrated." I let out, feeling like I could confide into Louis more than any other guy.

"What kind of frustration? Is it sexual frustration? Because if it is, I'll gladly help you with that." He purred.

"No! It's not that!" I snapped back a little harshly.

"Sex is definitely not going to brighten my mood right now." I breathed out, sighing exasperatingly. "I let Niall do... umm. Some things... to me. Earlier. But then, he double-crossed me." I carried on angrily, choosing my words with care.

"Hmm." He looked totally uninterested on what I was saying, but fully concentrated on my lower body.

"Can I have some time alone? Please? I'd like to shower in peace." I say, suddenly aware of his naughty intentions judging by how he look restrained in the confines of his chinos.

"Ugh. No. Not gonna happen" He groans, closing his eyes slightly when my foot accidently rubs his bulge. "Harry doesn't want you out of our sight remember. Even if it's for a shower."

I huff, infuriated.

"Can I at least wash by myself?" I beg.

"As long as I stay in this room, fine by me." He let go. Louis stared at me intently, waiting for me to undress.

"Could you, at any rate, turn around," I puff, motioning for him to look away.

"Why? It's not like I haven't seen you naked before. I was inside you, remember?" He responded cockily, his face inching dangerously close to mine. My lower regions became awfully wet at his arousing words and my lack of underwear caused the wetness to drip down my legs, much to Louis visual pleasure. I gulped when I noticed his raging hard-on.

His hands trailed up and down my thighs again, but this time, they went inside my shorts, brushing slightly against my clit. "You know, when I was filling you up just like that." Louis continued, before thrusting one finger inside me. "Deep and passionate." He whispered lustfully, making me moan.

He went to remove his fingers and thrust another one in, but I sprung off the counter, and backed away from him. My fingers lightly touched the curtains of the shower, and I jumped on the opportunity.

"I want you to turn around," I say, voice shaking slightly. He obeys me with a sigh, and I hurry to undress and get into the shower behind me. "Okay. You can look now." I say, turning the shower faucet to hot. As soon as the water hit my skin, I let out a sigh, and undo my ponytail, wanting to wash my hair thoroughly.

"Oh come on Soph! That's very mean of you to leave me stranded, alone." Louis whines behind the curtains. I ignore him, and untangle my hair in the soothing hot water. I hear him shuffle a little and mutter incomprehensible things on the other side of me, and I decide to tease him to keep his erection hard while he's still dressed.

"Oh God!" I moaned out, as lustfully as I could. It didn't take him long to react. He jumped inside the shower, somehow already undressed.

"Do that again." He hissed, pressing our naked bodies together."But moan my name instead."

"No!" I tried pushing him away, with no success. "You weren't supposed to come inside!" I say, frustrated. "You were supposed to be fully clothed, not ready to fuck me!" I utter without thinking.

"You naughty little minx! You wanted to tease me? I'm the only one allowed to do the teasing darling. But you'll learn that soon enough," The blue-eyed boy said, pushing me against the shower wall with a lustful kiss.

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