Lowering my walls

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I discovered London is a truly beautiful place, not long after leaving the airport. Beautiful, antique buildings everywhere and lush green parks. Though it did disturb me that they drove the other way around. While in the car, Louis kept pointing the double-deck red buses to me, making me laugh.

Our vehicle pulled in on Belvedere Road, where there had been recent renovations that included the creation of luxurious flats that towered over Jubilee Gardens and the Thames River. And of course One Direction could afford to buy one of them. I followed them inside to discover a large amount of space. Boy that flat was huge!

"We can fit at least fifty people in that living room!" I exclaim, once all the luggage was brought inside and the driver had left.

"Well. That is better for parties." Harry shrugs. "Want to visit the rest of the flat? You know, just to make sure you can find our bedrooms." He says, wriggling his eye brows suggestively.

"No thanks, but yes." I respond.

"What?" Zayn replies, confused.

"I wanna visit the flat, but not for these reasons."I explain.

"Yet. Now come on." Harry cuts, pulling me upstairs.

There is a long corridor with eight doors. I discover that two of them are very luxurious bathrooms

and the rest are bedrooms.

I easily recognized the boys respective bedrooms, since they were all based on their favorite colors. Harry led me to the last door, the one at the complete end. He opens it and I peek in.

"Ok Harry. What's the catch?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. The room is white, and empty.

"Love. There is no catch. This is your room." Niall says, laughing lightly.

"You're gonna make me sleep on the floor?"

"No no!" Louis says chuckling. "Tomorrow, we will go buy stuff to fill your room with." "You can and will get anything you want to make yourself at home." I smile and do a happy dance, making all the boys laugh.

"Although, there's one condition." I stop dancing and look at Harry dead in the eyes. "You have to have at least a double sized bed."

"No prob!" I reply. "Can I start now?!? Pretty please with a cherry on top...." I beg.

"Nope. Tomorrow." Harry replies, popping the 'p'.

"Fine. I'm hungry. Can we eat lunch?"

"Girl. Its dinner here. You know, time does change from one meridian to the other." Liam says, forever the smart one.

"Well I'm hungry anyway." I state. "Where's the kitchen?"

"Follow me." Niall responds, before leading me downstairs, through the huge living room, and into a large kitchen. I don't pay attention to the details; I just head for the refrigerator, and grab anything eatable. I sit on the bench facing the marble counter that sat in the middle of the kitchen. I start stuffing my mouth, feeling Niall's gaze on me the whole time.

"Boy. are you a famished teen!" The Irish boy exclaims suddenly. I nod, and continue gulping food down as fast as humanly possible. After feeling sated, I sigh and go sit in the living room, followed closely by Niall.

He seems nervous as he sits beside me on one of the couches. "I-I was wondering if you'd like to come with me on the London eye before the sun sets. You know, just to do a little overview of London." He asks, voice wavering slightly."It's not far from here. We can walk over there."

"Um. Sure. Why not? Anything for a little fresh air." I reply.

"Okay. Great." Niall claps his hands together, before standing up. "Lads!" He hollers through the flat. "Sophie and I are gonna go take some fresh air! She doesn't feel so good!" I whip my head in his direction at his lie, and purse my lips looking at him inquisitively. I hear Harry yell back his approval, and Niall takes me out the front door. I put my hands into my jackets, and Niall hooks his arms into mine, bringing me closer to him. Hmm. Still afraid I'll escape.

"Why did you lie?" I ask after a few minutes of silent walking.

Oh. It's a white lie. It won't hurt them." He shrugs. "Besides, you deserve to have a break once in a while. We've been rough on you."

I stay silent at his statement, and continue walking, thoughts pondering in my mind about life in general, him, my family, and back to him. Why does he have to be so sweet? That way I wouldn't have to start lowering my walls when I'm with him, I think furiously.

We arrive at the bottom of the London Eye and I look up in the sky, its pink and orange color mesmerizing me.

"Come on." Niall says, pulling me to the ticket booth. He lets go of me and talks with the man, but I don't hear them. I'm lost in deep thoughts once again.

"Niall." I say when he returns close to me. "Why are we the only one's here, at such a beautiful time of the day?"

"I've loaned the London Eye for the night." He explains, a light blush crawling on his cheeks. I stay silent once again. I see a flash of hurt in his blue orbs, but it's gone when he grabs me again, and leads me to one of the glass cabins. This one's different though. It has blankets and cushions splayed on the inside. He edges me in.

The man with whom Niall was talking with earlier close the door, locking us together. I watch him intently as he heads to the control panel, and pushes a few buttons before turning a key. The ride starts moving brusquely, making me lose my balance and fall to a sitting position on the floor.

I sigh, and find myself closing my eyes.

"Are you alright?" Niall asks, sitting beside me.

"Yes. Just lost in my thoughts again." I answer, looking up at the peach coloured sky.

The Ferris wheel stops moving, right at the top.

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