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I wake up screaming, in a cold sweat.

"What's wrong?!? Are you all right?" It's neither Niall's nor Harry's voice. It's Liam's.

I start crying, remembering my dream. Or should I say, nightmare.

"No I'm not alright...." I sob, my face in my hands. And then Liam does the weirdest thing ever. He gets in the bed and hugs me. Coming from him, it was surreal.

"What was it Soph...? What scared you?" He questions as my head drops on his shoulder.

 I cry some more, my face digging in the crook of his neck.

"Shhh... it was just a nightmare love... It's not for real." He tries, making me sob more.

"That's the thing Li... it was real! Zayn really raped me!" I cry out. Why did I call him Li?

"I know I know... Look, let's change these nasty ideas ok? I have just the perfect thing for you...Lemme go get it." He says pulling away from me.

"Where are the other boys?" I can't help asking before his hand reaches the doorknob of mybedroom door.

"They had to do some recording at the studio, but I decided to stay over and watch over you instead. I'll just catch up with them another time." He shrugs.


Liam leaves my room, and I take that time to stretch fully and dry my tears, shuddering a little at the memory of the vivacity of the nightmare. Suddenly feeling overheated, I toss my sheets aside and gasp softly. There's blood on the fabric near my legs. Wait a second...

I rapidly find the source as I look at my calendar. It was bound to happen any moment now unless I was pregnant, the blood confirming just the opposite. Thank God, I was a little worried recently that the pills wouldn't work.

"Liam!" I yell. "I'm bleeding!"

He comes bursting in.

"What? Where? How?" Liam shoots the three questions simultaneously, all while holdingsomething behind his back. He eyes my body warily. "Where?" He repeats.

"Calm down Daddy. I'm only on my period," I sigh, motioning the blood on the sheets. "So I'm gonna need some stuff."

He nods. "Fine, I'll text Harry to get some on the way returning home." Liam sits on the edge of my bed, his hands still behind his back. "So.... I bought you this, like three days ago as an apology for my roughness, but I didn't want to give it to you until now." He says, pulling out a cute stuffed turtlefrom his back. He hands it to me. "He'll protect you from nightmares."

I squeal in delight, hugging the stuffed creature with lots of affection.

"Thank you Liam!" I exclaim happily. "I'll call him Padgett."

"Do you have a specific reason for this name?" The brunette asks with a smile on his face.

"Padgett means wisdom. I'll tell him everything." I whisper, a sneaky smile on my face. "Absolutely everything. And he'll tell me what to do." I say childishly.

"That's a bit of an exaggeration don't you think? It's a stuffed turtle, it won't understand you." He chuckles.

"Well it's a bit like your obsession with Toy Story!" I protest, grinning.

"It's not an obsession, it's a passion!" He also objects.

"Same thing," I shrug. "Right Padgett?" I ask the stuffed pet, patting his head before making it nod.

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