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A body nudges mine, followed by a soft snore and a groan.

"Oh god Soph." A voice mutters as a hand grips my chest possessively.

Wait, what?

Last night's activities rush on me like a bomb, making me sit up rapidly and push the hand off. The abrupt movement sends Harry and Louis tumbling down on the floor.

"Oww!" Harry whines, rubbing his butt.

"Talk about a brutal wake up," Louis grumbles, clutching some sheets to his naked form.

"Yeah well. Talk about a brutal night." I can't help snapping back, bringing the comforter around my naked body as Harry and Louis get back inside the bed.

"Oh shush. You enjoyed it. You were practically screaming moans." Harry replies huskily while snuggling back into the sheets, imitated by Louis.

"No I wasn't." I mumble.

"Yes, you were." Harry argues.

"No I-"

"Whatever." Louis sighs sleepily, digging his face into a pillow.

"Where are Liam and Zayn?" I ask after a couple seconds.

"I think they're sleeping in your pod." Harry yawns.

"I hope that there wasn't any Ziam sex that went on there last night.... That sleeping area is supposed to be my sex-free space." I say a-matter-of-factly.

Louis and Harry burst out laughing, waking Liam and Zayn. These last two groan loudly in exhaustion, making Harry and Louis laugh even louder.

Zayn and Liam's tired heads peak out of my sleeping pod.

"What the hell man?" Zayn complains, getting up groggily. "Some people wanna sleep!" He bleats, shooting Harry and Louis dark looks before heading out to his room.

"Yeah. Well. Umm. Since I'm up, I'll go make breakfast." Liam says sleepily. As if not completely woken up, Liam stands up and walks straight into the doorframe.

"Ouch. I'm so sorry." He says to the frame, rubbing his head where it collided with the wood.

This time, I join Harry and Louis in their fits of laughter, highly amused by Liam's clumsiness.

The brown-eyed boy gives us a friendly middle finger, and sighs, also chuckling at his gaucheness. I notice his eyes dart to my alarm clock.

"I think I'll be making lunch instead. It's almost noon already." He remarks before leaving the room.

I fully process what he just said, slowing my giggling. Shit! I'm gonna be late for my get-together with Alana! I realize.

I curse and scramble off the bed, before being caught by Harry by the waist. He brings me closer to him, nuzzling into my neck.

"What's the hurry sweet cheeks?" He mumbles. My breathing gets caught in my throat as Harry's and Louis's hands graze my thighs under the sheets.

"I have my date with Alana today remember? I have to be there in an hour!" I explain hurriedly, trying to get back off the bed. This time, Louis grabs me and brings me back down on the bed.

"You sure you don't wanna have Larry sex before going?" He asks, eyebrows wriggling suggestively.

I make a gagging sound, annoying the both of them.

"Does that mean yes?" Harry asks, His fingers going higher up my thighs.

"No! I have to wash, dry and dress myself, as well as eat a bite or two, in a maximum of 45 minutes! And I wouldn't have sex willingly with you two even if I would have the time!" I explode, struggling out of Louis's grasp. I manage myself off the bed, leaving with the comforter to cover my body.

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