For your entertainment (part one)

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I hear their noisy steps going up the stairs, and five different doors closing. They'll all pretend they're sleeping. Silly boys. Why hide the fact that they are coming to my room? And what surprise it's gonna be when they'll all show up here...

My head snaps to my alarm clock. Its 10:30. They'll be coming any minute now, I think miserably, holding myself into my arms. I sink to the floor, back sliding against my door slowly. Shutting my eyes tightly, I dig my face into my arms and knees, on the verge of tears. But I don't cry.

I stay motionless for two minutes until I decide to do something about what was going to happen.

"If they wanna take me, I might as well make it hard for them." I mutter standing up with newfound confidence. Rummaging through multiple drawers and my closet, I pick out five sets of clothes. I take out my evening dress, shoes and necklace and put the smallest of the five on first which means the nightdress. After sliding it on, I put the striped tank top with the mini-shorts, shoving the nightdress inside the mini shorts to hide it. I feel stuffed, but I push the thought away, grabbing the other set which consisted of a loose t-shirt and a skirt long enough to cover my shorts. Sighing loudly, I struggle into red jeans and a checkered top, before grabbing the last piece of all my layers, a salmon pink onesie.

Pulling my hair into a messy ponytail, I huff, already feeling excessively warm. Unzipping the onesie a little to let some air in, I walk and check outside the window, just to make sure it was absolutely impossible for me to escape, because if it was, I would already be long gone. Nope, too high. I think while eyeing the distance wearily, before closing the lights getting inside my bed and into the sheets, despite the suffocating heat.

After a couple minutes, there's a soft knock at the door, but I don't get out of the bed to answer. If what harry said this morning about every one of them having the key to every lock is true, then they can open it themselves. Unfortunately, Harry's right and the doorknob turns after a clear click of the lock. I shudder and snuggle deeper into my covers, heart beating fast in my chest. The door creaks open to reveal a shirtless Niall. A sigh of relief escapes my lips, but I stay frozen as Niall comes into the bed with me, not long after closing the door behind him.

He hugs me closer to him, but pulls back almost immediately.

"Sophie, why in the world are you dressed like an Eskimo at such a humid temperature?" He asks dumbfounded.

It's almost like I'm shivering as I talk and he rubs my back. "Niall... The o-other boys a-all s-said that they w-would c-"

I'm cut by my door opening again. The lights open. Both our heads whip towards the door, eyes blinded by the light for a few seconds.

"Sophie, would you care to explain?" Zayn asks motioning me and Niall, arms crossed on his tattooed chest. I don't have the time to answer as the three other boys also tumble into my room half naked, in the middle of an argument.

"She said it was me tonight!" Louis argues, pointing himself.

"No! She told me!"Liam contests.

"Wrong! I'm supposed to finish what I started this morning!" Harry protests.

"Me too!" Zayn cuts in, entering the argument.

"I never said that! You all invited yourselves here after I kissed you!" I object, but they ignore me completely.

"I didn't even get my turn in the plane!" Louis complains.

"And I never got the chance to be inside her!" Zayn adds.

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