Playing it cool

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The person kisses the inside of my neck, making me shiver and get away from him to continue making my breakfast. But he catches my waist, spinning me around to face him.

"Where did you think you were going love?" Zayn says, looking into my eyes.

I cock an eyebrow in curiosity.

"I do believe we haven't finished what we started a couple minutes ago," he continues, pressing himself on me. My back hits the counter making me wince.

I carefully put the carton of milk beside me to avoid an unnecessary mess, and push him away from my body a little.

"If I kiss you again, can I eat breakfast?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

"It depends on how good the kiss is..." He drawls, coming closer to me once again.

I roll my eyes but kiss him anyway, grabbing the back of his head to bring him even closer. His tongue pushes against my lips to gain entrance, and I give it to him reluctantly. He groans on my mouth, his hands snaking their way around my thighs to grip my ass hard. I wince, but continue kissing him with as much fervour as I could muster. Zayn's hands grip my ass again, but this time he lifts me up to a sitting position on the counter, nearly knocking over the milk. Keeping one hand in his hair, I push the milk father away from our make-out spot, before bringing it back around his neck. His probing fingers dig into my thighs roughly. I whimper and push him off me, getting off the countertop.

He looks angry, but dazed by how my kiss had affected him. "We aren't done..."

Shit, he might come over and visit me in my room sometime soon, I shrug the nasty thought away and put on an innocent look.

"You can't have me all to yourself right now. The boys are just beside." I explain, before turning my back to him and grabbing the carton of milk once more.

"Tonight, your room" He concludes.


I manage to find the bowls and Zayn shows me where are the cereals, dumfounded by my happy-go-lucky attitude. I thank him and pick the Frosted Flakes, before pouring myself a bowl. I sit down at the table and start eating just as the rest of the boys enter the kitchen and start making themselves breakfast also. They keep shooting me perplexed looks as they grab food here and there.

I keep eating peacefully as Liam and Louis take their places beside me, while the other three sit down facing us. Without talking but looking at me pointedly, Harry hands me a glass of juice and gives me the little white pill.

I take them without saying a thing, under many baffled eyes. I finish my breakfast and stand up to go back to my room, putting my bowl and spoon in the dishwasher at the same time.

"Where are you going?" Harry demands.

"To my room." I shrug. "I have to put something on for the day right? Because I don't think I wanna stay in pyjamas much longer. And I think I'll take a shower also." I add. "So Louis, could you show me my clothes?"

The called boy quickly shoves the rest of his food down, before skipping over next to me.

"I'd be glad to," he says, putting his arm around my waist, giving me a quick peck on the cheek doing so. I follow him as he takes me to his room, making me wait for him in front of his bed like last time. He's back in less than a minute, a mountain of clothes piled up in his arms.

"Come," he says, giving a little head thrust towards the hallway.

I follow him silently as he goes to my room, and starts placing clothes one by one in my wardrobe and drawers. I close and lock my door and sit on my bed, watching him mindlessly.

"Here, all done." He finishes clapping his hands. He turns to face me while advancing slowly, before shoving me backwards on the bed, kissing me arduously doing so. I respond to the kiss, thinking about Niall's dare. Two more to go Niall...

I smirk on Louis lips, and flip us around so I'm straddling his hips, defying the usual where they would be the ones dominating me. Louis groans loudly as our crotches inevitably rub together, getting him hard. My fingers trail around his neck and shoulders, arousing him even more.

With newfound strength and will, Louis flips us back around so he's the one controlling me, and his mouth leaves my lips to go suck on the sweet spot behind my earlobe.

Seeing all this as a game, I moan and pull his hair a little, making him suckle harder to make a hickey.

"Louis..." I groan as he starts making another hickey while fondling with one of my breasts under my hoodie.

He grunts as I lift my knee upwards to feel his bulge, and he brings it back down forcefully in annoyance at my continuous teasing. His other hand went to join the one groping my breast, his weight pressing on me softly.

I mechanically start playing with wisps of his brown hair, kissing the inside of his neck. He gives a little hip thrust when I nip a particular spot, groaning lowly in my neck.

Louis's hands retire from my chest and they grip the hem of my hoodie, lifting it up and throwing it in a corner. I end up in my camisole, lacking of any bra since I don't sleep with one.

I notice his eyes turn darker as his fingers clutch the material, wanting to tear it off me.

There's suddenly knocking at my door.

"Hey you two almost done with the clothes? We have a conversation to finish!" Comes Liam's voice from the other side.

Louis features demonstrate strong dissatisfaction, while I smile at him almost cheekily.

"Don't smile at me like that... Were gonna be finishing this. Tonight, here." He says, getting off me.

"But I can't-" I protest, remembering Zayn's earlier words.

"No buts! Now I'm gonna go finish myself off while you find something to wear. You have two minutes." He shuts me off; heading to where I guessed was the bathroom, or maybe his room.

I exhale loudly and start my search for casual clothes. I end up grabbing a skirt and normal t-shirt with a low neckline to expose a little cleavage in order to tease them a bit.

After putting them on, I look at myself in the mirror, practicing some faces in order to play my acting well. Maybe if I did act more like a slut than a rebel, they'd trust me more and escape would be easier.

In two minutes tops, Louis was already back in my room.

"Nice choice," he compliments. "Although, you're missing a little something," he trails on before shuffling through one of my drawers. He comes out with an I Love One Direction bracelet.

"We may let you dress up like you want, but you must always have something on you that represents us." Louis explains, sliding it on my wrist. I noticed he also checked if I had fresh scars, but decided to ignore the fact that he may care for me more than I gave him credit for.

"Come, we have to conclude that discussion about this morning." I say, pulling him with me out of my room and back to the living room. The boys are all sat and their eyes undress me with no reserve when I arrive. I even see Liam licking his lips, so I decide to let go of Louis's hand and go sit beside him. He hugs me closer to him. Niall asks me non-verbally if Louis and I snogged. I wink my confirmation, but his face turns a little sour. Hmm. What's wrong with him?

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