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"No." I respond, looking at him in a challenging way. The thing is, I was starting to take a liking to their rough manners. It was a turn-on. They all let out gasp. Harry's fist clench together, knuckle turning white.

"Soph, just to let you know that since you attempted an escape, were keeping you ten days after the end of summer." Louis says, on a very edgy tone.

"Ten days?!?Why ten?!" I exclaim. "That's too long! What about school?!?"

"We add a day to your stay with us for every hour you spent without our presence."Liam explains. "You spent ten hours away from us. And about school, you'll need to start your semester in Mullingar."

"Okay, why Mullingar?" I ask, peeking a look in Niall's direction.

"That's for us to know and for you to discover." Niall answers, smiling my way.

"But even if we decide to release you in the end, where exactly will you go?" Zayn puts in. "Your mother sold you to us and your friends betrayed you for us. You aren't even major."

"I don't know. I guess I'll find something. Anything will be better than spending the rest of my life with you." I spit out.

"Okay this is boring me." Harry cuts in. "Change. Now." He says, pointing the costume. I take a good look at it. I could've been worst. But I still don't wanna put it on.

"Nope." I answer, popping the 'p'. "Make me."

"We'll cut on your food if you don't change into the costume." Louis menaces. Niall and I gulp at the same time. Food is our weak spots.

"Can I at least change in the washroom?" Harry was about to object but I continued, ""It'll be like a surprise." I try.

"I don't see why she couldn't Haz. I mean, she'll end up naked before us in both cases." Niall agrees.

"Fine." He lets go, slumping on the sofa. "You have 7 minutes." He says, shooing me away.

I breathe a sigh of relief, smile at Niall, grab the outfit and find my way to the washroom. I feel the plane moving as soon as my hand turns the doorknob.

"Goodbye Canada," I mutter under my breath, before entering the bathroom and closing the door behind me. I want to pull my hair off, but decide otherwise and take off my clothes. I eye my naked form in the mirror. Why do they want me? I'm not even pretty, I think, looking at every aspect of my body. Nobody wants me. I'm an ugly whore.

Nasty thoughts fill my head as I look at the costume once more. The sleeves are long, hiding my wrists.

I search around in the cabinets, finding what I was looking for in a matter of seconds. A razor. I bite my lip as I cut it across my wrist, the pain making me forget how alone I was in this world. I cut my other wrist, feeling the blood trickle down in my hands.

Feeling content, I cleanse my hands and wrists underwater, stopping the blood flow after two minutes only. I wash my face and dry myself off with a towel, before putting the costume on.

"Harry, you perverted soul." I can't help mumbling, looking at myself.

My breasts are practically poking out, and my ass is almost visible due to the shortness of the mini-skirt. The whole thing's tight and scratchy, making me feel even more uncomfortable. I decide to tie my hair up in a high ponytail, pulling my bangs out to finish the hairdo. I twirl once in the mirror, my ass flashing as the skirt lifts. I bring it down as low as I can, but the result stays the same. I huff, place my sleeves to hide my cuts, grab my underwear and go out the washroom.

The boys are all sitting on the large sofa, but stop talking when they see me walking in front of them. Tents are slowly forming on each of the boys pants. They start fidgeting, trying to hide their hard-ons.

"Go team," I say unenthusiastically, throwing the underwear in Harry's face. He catches them in one hand, a predatory look plastered on his face as he takes my look in. He puts them back inside his jacket. Bastard.

"Now what?" I cross my arms on my stomach.

"I wanna know Sophie. Are you flexible?" Liam asks.

"Let's say that it isn't my first time in a cheerleading uniform." I say carefully. And it was true. I had been a flyer on my ex-cheerleading team, being the one who had mastered all the positions.

"Show us what you can do." Zayn demands. I'm already scolding myself on what I'm about to show them.

I easily fall on the floor into perfect splits, the carpet rubbing on my bare clit. I bite my lips and moan, the butt-plug rubbing as well.

Niall groans, puts his hand on his growing erection and looks away; dirty thoughts filling his mind I'm sure. I arch my back so my head touches my back leg, and this time Louis' Liam and Zayn growl, undoing their pants. Harry's eyes stay fixed on me, one eyebrow cocked up in wonder. I decide to give him all I've got. I stand back up on my feet, and the boys groan in protest. But I lean backwards and fall in a bridge, my hands an inch away from my feet, making it look like I'm bent in half. I half-smile when I hear their grunts, before putting all my weight on my hands and kicking my legs over my body, landing back straight on my feet. I dust myself off and rearrange my skirt. I look at the boys.

"You should close your mouth before you swallow a fly Harry." I tell him cheekily. He closes it, and reopens it right after.

"Let's continue the game shall we? Now that we know how far you can stretch, things might turn out interesting. Liam, you go first." Harry says, unbuckling his chinos. I don't move as Liam comes towards me, a pair of hand-cuffs dangling from his fingers. Shit. My cuts. Hopefully, he won't notice. I take my sleeves in my fingers subtly, locking the material in place, and hand him my wrists in surrender.

"Bring your sleeves up," he says.

"Please. It hurts my wrists! And I won't struggle." I try to cover up, finding excuses to hide my cutting. He eyes me warily, and clicks them shut over my sleeves. Liam turns to look at Harry.

"Since when is she so submissive?" The brown eyed boy asks. Harry shrugs in response.

"Let's play Master and Slave while we're at it!" Louis proposes. "Sophie, from now until the end of the trip, you must all call us Masters. Do you understand?"

"Yes Master." It was like an automaton in my head. I'll play their sick games, and then I'll backstab them. They won't even know what hit them, I think as an evil plan forms in my mind.

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