Why am i doing this?

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I stir a little, waking up from what seems like hours of sleep. My blinds are closed, little beams of sun making their appearance on my bed. I rub my eyes tiredly before stretching fully. Where is Niall? He was supposed to wake me up for supper...

Interrogations pop up in my head, while I look around for some kind of clue to what may have happened. Then I look back at my window, sun rays piecing their way into my room.

So it can't possibly be supper time if the sun is that bright.... It must be morning, I realise, shooting a sideways glance at my alarm clock. Indeed, it showed 8h30 AM. I guess Niall forgot to wake me up, and went to sleep. Or maybe he just didn't have the heart to wake me up?

My stomach growls hungrily, stating breakfast time. I groan, eyeing the floor that seems to be tempting me to dare to try walking. My stomach rumbles again, reminding me that I have to go eat breakfast like, right now. I sigh and turn myself around so my legs are dangling on the side of the bed.

Hopefully, I can walk today... I pray mentally, gently depositing them on the floor without putting weight on them. I slide my feet into my carrot slippers and try putting some weight on my legs. Only a little pain sears in my thighs, but nothing unbearable. I breathe out a sigh of relief before making my way out my door, hands into my hoodie. I open my door, tiptoeing my way to the stairs. A serious sense of déjà-vu comes over me, except this time Louis isn't there to stop me. I hop down the stairs, keeping my balance with a hand on the ramp, flinching when a stair would creak.

"Looks like Sleeping Beauty has finally awoken," comes Zayn's voice from lower down.

I wince and my head snaps to the voice, making me look down in the living room where Zayn peacefully sat on the couch, reading a book.

"Oi Sophie! Come and join us!" Says Louis voice, also from the living room.

I huff in disappointment and finish going down the stairs, walking to the middle of the room where I found out they all sat. Zayn's eyes briefly flick over his book to look at me as I pass him, before returning to their lecture.

"And she walks!" Exclaims Niall, clapping his hands. I roll my eyes but smile anyways. I take note of their places; Zayn and Liam share a big couch, Harry has his own one and Niall and Louis share another.

"Take a seat Soph... We were currently about your little meeting with your friend tomorrow." Harry says, patting his lap. I purse my lips, taking a peek at Niall. He does me thumbs up but I shake my head no. From the corner of my eye, I see Zayn putting his book on the table beside him. Niall's dare of yesterday swims in my mind. I have nothing to lose...

I surprise everyone and place myself on Zayn, before kissing him.

He seems taken aback, but responds seconds later, bringing me closer to him. He plays with my hair, his tongue probing for entrance. I grant it and he moans in my mouth. After a few minutes of snogging, I feel him hardening so I break the kiss, not wanting to end up in a room with him sometime later. I give another quick peck on his soft lips, before placing myself between him and Liam. I see Harry's angry eyes before anyone else's expression. I shoot him a smile, before winking at Niall and smirking at Louis's and Liam's surprised faces.

"When did you become so provocative?" Liam asks, quirking a brow up.

"Nah mate. That's between me and her." Niall says, winking back at me. I pull my tongue out at him, before cuddling closer to Zayn who automatically encircles his arms around my shoulders.

"So guys, you were saying?" I say, putting on my most business-like face.

Niall bursts out in laughter while the other boys seem lost about my attitude.

"Niall. Mate, what did you do to her yesterday?" Liam asks dumbfounded, looking at me weirdly.

"She's just playing a very convincing character for yesterday's dare right now... I can't tell you more." The Irish boy smirks.

"Guys, I'm hungry and I'd like to go eat so if you'd please hurry up and talk about whatever you wanna talk about..." I add, rubbing my stomach.

"Right. Niall told us you organized a get-together with the girl from the mall tomorrow." Harry says. I nod yes.

"You weren't expecting to go alone were you? Because we're going with you." Louis puts in.

"You don't trust me?" I pout, lifting myself away from Zayn. I walk provocatively towards him, and I see him trying to look anywhere but me. But I don't give him the chance.

I hook my arms around his neck and look right into his turquoise eyes.

"You don't trust me?" I repeat as our breaths mix. He shakes his head no. I feel everybody's gaze on me as I lean in to kiss him.

"Well too bad." I murmur getting even closer, putting on my best lustful look. His eyes close as our lips are mere centimeters apart, but I pull away, going back to sit between Zayn and Liam. He groans in disagreement, but I shut him off.

"You don't trust me." I retort, looking at my nails. He seems to be debating with himself, looking back at my lips continuously. I quirk my eyebrow up.

"Okay I trust you!" he gives up, pouting is lip. "Can I get a kiss now?" he pleads.

"Maybe later. I'm hungry right now. Could we postpone this to after breakfast?" I ask, feeling my stomach rumbling again. I don't even wait for their answer. I just stand back up and head into the kitchen, feeling all their eyes on my back.

"Who is she and what has she done with Sophie?" I hear Liam ask to the rest of the boys. I pay attention to their grunts and confused answers and I shake my head. Why exactly am I doing this, I think, picking up the carton of milk in the fridge.

I jump when I feel hands on my waist.

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