I scream

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"Shut the fuck up before I'm forcefully shoving something big enough to choke you down your throat." He retorts, teeth clamped shut.

I chuckle.

"Sorry, but my mother taught me not to put small things into my mouth," I retort just as cheekily.

"Yeah right, the mother that sold you." Louis replies dryly. That shut me up for the rest of the ride.

"Look... I'm sorry," He says after a couple minutes of driving. "I'm just really crabby right now. And nervous about what might happen in the near future. Something doesn't feel right..."

"Nah it's alright..." I reply softly. "I deserved your retort. That was really mean of me, considering the fact that I've already all seen you boys naked. And I know for a fact what I said about your... ummm...size, isn't exactly true." I continue carefully, red flaming my cheeks in embarrassment.

His face lightens up at my 'compliment'.

"You think so? Am I like really big for you or-"

"Now don't get cocky Tomlinson." I scold, cheeks flushing redder. "It's not like I have an experience in dick sizes. You guys took my virginity remember." I respond with as much indifference as I can muster.

He chuckles and sighs, shaking his head.

"Can you stop with the 'I don't care' act? We all know we marked you psychologically when we took that sweet thing of yours." Louis says, parking his car next to the ice cream shop that was named meeting place by Alana and I.

The two other cars park beside us, and all heads turn to look at me expectantly when the engines shut off.

"Look I don't know how you're planning to do this exactly, but I wanna be alone with Alana." I say, emphasizing on the word 'alone'.

"Don't worry sweet cheeks. Go in first, we'll follow after." Harry says smugly.

"Awww come on! Alone!" I press, pouting my lip.

They're about to give in but Daddy Direction brings them back to order.

"Stop whining and do as we say!" Liam snaps suddenly. "I swear you're the luckiest 'kidnapped' person alive! I can't even believe were doing this for you! After all your clumsiness with information at yesterday's supper."

"Alright alright! No need to get tetchy." I say, backing up a little. "But no I'm not the luckiest person kidnapped because I'm stuck with you assholes..." I mumble the last word, heading for the door.

"What was that?" Harry questions with a harsh tone.

"Thank you so much guys for letting me do this! I love you sooo much!" I reply sarcastically in a sickly-sweet voice.

"Enough! Get your perky ass in that shop now, or you're not going at all." Zayn silences.

"Or else what?" I challenge, ignoring his last statement.

"Soph," Niall's sexy Irish voice starts. Wait sexy? He punished you yesterday! But he was sweet and loving and it felt sooo... Ok. Shut the fuck up brain.

"Or else it won't be your ass that's gonna go somewhere; it's gonna be somewhere hard that's gonna be slamming into it." Zayn finishes, his voice taking a dangerous edge, his amber eyes glinting with untamed lust.

I'm about to retort something cheeky, but Louis interrupts me.

"Guys we shouldn't even let her do this, there's something about her today that doesn't feel right," He starts.

"I'm as innocent as a lamb, and I'm going in right now. Are you happy now?" I say, turning to the entrance of the building.

"Oh babe you're far from innocent..." Harry chuckles behind me. I spin around furiously.

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