Making a friend

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At the mall, the boys didn't try talking, not really liking the idea of shopping for furniture. But I did gain a good mood after a couple minutes of shopping while they followed silently behind me, almost sulking since they weren't interested. I knew Louis was more the clothes type and Niall the food type. And Harry well, was Harry. Everything that didn't involve sex didn't interest him. Too bad for him, there weren't any Ann Summers shop.

So basically, the boys stood there uninterested while I talked with the clerks and bought everything I wanted from paint to unimportant details. Harry had told me our address, and I had given it to the clerks so they could deliver my items by the end of the day.

Weirdly though, Louis, Harry and Niall didn't get jumped on by wild fan girls while we shopped. Maybe girls didn't like them as much in London... Or maybe I just got lucky

It had been 3 hours already, and the boys didn't stop complaining about how long it took me to shop for a bedroom. I kept telling them it had to be perfect if I wanted to make myself feel at home.

"Oh! Let's go in this one!" I say, pointing at another boutique. The boys groan in chorus. Harry huffs, takes out his wallet, and hands me his credit card.

"You go okay? Me and the lads are gonna sit there to rest," he points at a bench sitting in front of the shop. "And if you don't come out in ten minutes, we're going in and you're gonna regret making us wait. You need to be back for twelve thirty."

"Please hurry. I'm famished." Niall presses, rubbing his stomach.

"You're always hungry anyways, Niall." I point out. "And? How is that a problem? You're hungry just as much I'm sure! You didn't even eat the nice breakfast we made you!" The Irish boy argues.

"At least I'm not complaining about it." I shoot back.

"Tick tock goes the Jim clock," Louis sing-songs.

"Okay. Fine." I shoo them away, and enter the store. I look around, taking my time, enjoying the fact that the boys aren't there to complain. Not there to look after me.

"Hi! My names Alana. May I help you with something?" A pretty girl with long wavy red hair and bright bluish-greyish eyes says, scaring me slightly. She looks to be about my age.

"Oh. No thanks. I'm just looking." "Okay. Feel free to let me know if you need anything." Alana's about to leave but then I have an idea. "Wait!" I say.

She stops in her tracks, while I look to see if the boys are near. "Yes?"

"Maybe you could help me. Does this store have a back entrance?"

"Yes. Why?" She looks confused as I keep looking around nervously.

"Oh for nothing important. You know, just to feel safe if there's something dangerous at the main entrance."

"Want me to show you the way, just in case? You seem pretty scared about something." Alana asks hesitantly, passing her hand into her hair.

"What time is it?" I ask, ignoring her last comment.

"It's twelve twenty-five." She answers looking at her watch.

"Okay. I have the time."

She claps happily. "Great! It's the first time I get to help a client with something! Follow me." Alana chirps, almost skipping her way to the back entrance. "Ta da!"

Perfect. I'll just have to find the right opportunity to escape. If ever they let me out again.... My face drops at the thought and Alana notices.

"Are you okay? Was this what you were searching for?" She frowns, getting worried.

"Yes and no. Look, it's a complicated story and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't wanna get involved..."

"Okay. But I still think you need a friend to talk to about all your feelings. I think I could understand. You shouldn't keep them bottled up inside. Here," Alana says, handing me her cell phone. "Put your number in. We could talk over some ice cream sometime."

Reflexively, I reach over in my back pocket for my cell phone, but remember the boys had taken it. "I don't have a cellphone." I huff.

"Oh. Well I'll give you my number anyway, and you call me okay? You do have some kind of phone where you live yeah?" She asks, putting her cellphone away and pulling a pen and a piece of paper out, before scribbling her name and number.

"I'll try to call. Like I said, my case is pretty complicated. I'm very sorry, but I have to go or you might never see me again" I say, grabbing her number and heading towards the main entrance.

She follows me. "Oh I get it. You have a possessive boyfriend that was too lazy to come here with you so he told you to come out at a specific time." She tries.

I laugh at how close she actually is to the truth. "Something like that."

"Told you I'd understand! Well then, goodbye and call me!" Alana, says as I walk quickly out of the store. I join the boys, putting Alana's number in my back pocket.

"It took you 9 minutes and 49 seconds. You really do like pushing your limits." Harry scolds, lifting himself up at the same time of Niall and Louis.

"Who was that girl you were talking to?" Louis asks as we start making our way to the car.

"A friend that wanted my phone number, which I couldn't give since I didn't have one." I reply dryly.

"Maybe you can't be trusted with a phone yet. You're lucky enough we let you out today after that little revelation about your self mutilation. Most of your time will have to be spent indoors from now on." Harry says, pulling me closer to him as we walked.

"But why?" I whine.

"Because I said so and also because I don't want you to make any more cuts. See that as a punishment for your unintelligent actions. End of the conversation." He closes.

We keep walking but I don't talk anymore. I just follow silently. We arrive at Harry's car and I jump in the backseat, closely followed by Niall. Harry and Louis go in the front, Harry in the driver's seat.

"No funny stuff you two." The curly headed-boy warns, looking at me sharply in the rear-view mirror. He turns the keys in the ignition, and the vehicle purrs to life.I roll my eyes at his gauche comment, and look out the window, daydreaming about when I could finally be free to make my own choices while the boys start a conversation about a new song for their album.

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