The Big Night

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This finally was the big night.

I exhale once before heading to my closet in order to find something suitable to wear for the evening: Something that was chic and party like, as well as not too suffocating.

I rummage through the dresses, tossing them around to find the right one. As I come across the blue one I wore at the dinner with the boys' mothers, a piece of crumpled paper plummets to theground. I pick it up curiously. The events of that night hit me as soon as I see the messy handwriting. Jeremy. Louis and Harry teasing me. Appeasing Niall. Teasing Louis and Harry. Angry Harry sex, loving Harry moment afterwards. Flirting with Jeremy. Jealous One Direction. Group sex.

I shudder, before placing the piece of paper near Padgett. I might invite Jeremy over to protect me from the boys... Nah. I scrunched the paper up, throwing it in the bin. He only wanted a good fuck, like every other guy, I think, trying to convince myself.

I return on the dress hunting process, and finally find the right one. A single sleeved red dressmade with a thin, breathable fabric. Perfect.

Placing it on my arm, I poke around for shoes, finding and taking red and black heels.

With my attire in hands, I head to the bathroom and I take a long refreshing shower.

My eyes shut in bliss as the water starts, the droplets of water gliding smoothly on my skin. A delectable state of mind comes over me as I rub the pores of my skin thoroughly, any reminiscence of time lost in the steam of the shower.

A brisk, demanding, knock at the door interrupts my reverie.

"Get out of the water pretty mermaid! The guests have already started arriving!!!" Louis chirps happily from the other side of the door.

"Leave me ten minutes..." I groan loud enough for him to hear me.

I'm responded with silence. Only running water and my breathing are heard.

"Louis?" I ask cautiously. A high pitch squeal escapes my lips as a shock of light brown hairpokes into the shower. My hands automatically cover my private regions, hunching slightly.

"No, right now princess. You have to shut the water now and go downstairs." The blue-eyed boy sing-songs, a naughty smirk plastered on his face. "And you don't need to hide; it's nothing I haven't seen before. Plus under the water like that, just makes you ten times more appetizing." Louis licks his lips "Hmmm. I might eat you up just now."

"G-g get out-t-t-t." I object, stuttering. "Doesn't mean that because you see something you can have it." I say with a little more conviction.

"Well I am part of One Direction and when we saw you, we got you...."

"I don't wanna hear it!" I burst.

"How ‘bout another game of teasing-" He proposes.

"No! Now please get out, Louis."

"Okay okay...Only because you asked nicely. After all, I am a gentleman." I roll my eyes as his head pops out. "Now shut the water before you become a fish!" He demands from the other side of the curtain.

"Fine, fine." I grumble, turning the tap off. Louis hands me a towel as soon as I set foot out and I rapidly roll it around my waist. But not quick enough, since Louis gets a glance at my naked form.

"Thank you!" He says smirking, before running out the bathroom and down the hall.

"Fuck you. You're not welcome." I mumble seething, closing the door behind him before drying myself off with the towel.

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