Friendship level

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I snuggle inside the sheets, arranging the pillow behind my back to make myself comfortable. I hear my clock ticking as I look dreamily out the window, imagining what could've happened if I would've managed to escape. After a couple minutes of twiddling thumbs, there are three soft knocks at my door.

"Come in." I say without much enthusiasm. Louis smiling face peeks in the doorway.

"Good morning sunshine!" He suddenly bursts in the door with a tray of food, closely followed by Niall, Liam Zayn and last but not least Harry.I don't even look at him.

The boys circle my bed and Louis places the tray with the steaming breakfast on my lap.

I look at it doubtfully, keeping one eye on Harry's slouched form.

"Now Sophie, the least you could do, is eat." Niall tries, sitting beside me.

I cuddle up to him and see Harry's features hardening from the corner of my eye.

"Sophie," The green-eyed boy starts.

"I don't wanna talk to you Harry." I retort.

"Look. What happened yesterday was your fault!" He fumes. My mouth falls agape, and I feel Niall stiffening by my side.

"My fault? How could've it been my fault?" I respond angrily. "Right, I'm the one who hurt myself just for fun yesterday! Harry, I can't even walk because of your harsh actions!!" I yell back, on the brink of tears.

"You did hurt yourself remember? The cutting you did to your wrists!" He snaps.

I start sobbing, clutching my arms to myself. His hard look drops a little at my outburst.

"Harry!" Louis defends me. "You are supposed to apologize, not make her feel worse about herself! You even told us you regretted what you did earlier!" He reprimands.

"Well I-I-I lied." Harry mutters, not seeming so sure anymore. He exhales loudly, taking his face into his hands. "You did deserve it..."

"Continue like that and you might just convince yourself." I mutter sniffling slightly.

He shot me a look but doesn't reply, mumbling incomprehensible stuff to himself and looking away.

Louis scoots closer to me, hugging me in attempt of consolation. Even Zayn and Liam shot Harry looks.

Harry sighs exasperatedly, shuffling his hand into his hair as I shakily grab the fork on the tray, and poke through the food. Niall hugs me closer to him, whispering sweet things in my ear to get my tears to stop trailing down my cheeks.

I carefully poke a piece of pancake, and put it in my mouth. The boys all look at me expectantly as I munch on the piece of food, letting the taste linger in my mouth for a few seconds, before swallowing.

"So?" Louis questions.

"It's good." I shrug, taking another bite.

The boys keep looking at me as I finish the tray, making small talk here and there. I finish eating the contents of the tray soon after, licking my lips unconsciously in appreciation.

"Sophie, can I talk to you alone?" He asks at the end. "In my room?" he adds.

"I'm not leaving this bed today Harry. I can't walk remember, dumbass?" I mumble the last word, but Niall and Louis hear it, coughing back a snigger.

"Fine. Lads, get out." Harry abandons.

Niall hugs me to him. "I'll be by the door if anything happens, you yell my name okay?" he whispers in my ear, before kissing the top of my head and leaving along with the boys.

On the way though, Harry and Niall shoot glares at each other, and I could practically feel the testosterone buzzing in the air.

"Niall...." I urge the blonde boy out.

He smirks at me, and leaves ignoring Harry's jealous look. The door closes and Harry sighs, turning his watchful gaze on me. I find myself falling deep into his lush green eyes for a second, before shaking myself out of the trance.

"Now, what do you want?" I snap angrily, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I want to apologize for being so callous yesterday." He says balancing his words, advancing slowly towards me till his hands were on each side of my legs, his face inches from mine.

My breathing is ragged and uncontrolled as he continues, his closeness bothering me.

"You did deserve some kind of punishment, but it shouldn't have been as harsh. I'm sorry for losing control over my actions." He finishes, his eyes drifting down to my lips for mere seconds.

I search his green orbs for any kind of mockery over what he just said, but found none.

"Apology accepted." I huff. He leans in to kiss me, but I turn my head at the last moment, making him kiss my right cheek lightly instead. He pulls back, a grazing sensation tingling on my skin.

"Get out." I demand, looking everywhere but him.

"No, no." He chastises. "I want a reconciliation kiss." He says, leaning in again.

"You can kiss my ass." I spew irritated, pushing him away from me. His face turns annoyed, and I see he's about to hit me.

"Niall!" I yell, bracing myself for a hit. My Irish saviour bounces into the room.

"Harry, I think your times up.... She's been nice enough to let you talk to her alone, so please leave." He says, calmly, pulling Harry off me.

Harry shrugs him off, and leaves the room fuming, slamming the door with a bang.

Niall shakes his head in disbelief, before getting in the sheets with me.

"Thanks Niall," I mutter, hugging him to my chest. "I owe you."

He kisses the top of my head.

"Does that mean we're on the friend level now?" He asks, getting hopeful. I laugh softly and nod.

"Yeah. I guess it does."

"So, what da ya wanna do today love?"

"I dunno... Sit around, watch TV. Talk, play board games, that kind of stuff."

"Great! I'll go get some of those things." He replies. "Here," He adds, passing me the remote control for my TV. "Surf some channels while I do that. It'll only take a minute or two." He finishes, kissing my nose.

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