~She is my daughter~ ch 10

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~Your POV~

I starred at Mark and my dad a lot, I was curious on what they were talking about. That whole night Mark seemed happy even excited.

~le time skip and you and Mark are back at the house~

"I had fun tonight with you and my dad. I'm glad you two seem to be getting along." I looked up at Mark with a smile on my face. "Yeah me to. But I'm gonna tell you what I wanted to ask him."

I was excited that he would tell me. I sat down on my old bed and patted the spot beside me for him to sit down.

"Okay what is it?" I said with curiosity shining in my eyes. "Well, I asked him for his blessing to, well" there was a pause. "Well that it'd be okay to ask you to be a my girlfriend." He held both my hands and starred into my (e/c) eyes. I smiled widely. "So (Y/n) will you be my girlfriend?"

I nodded. "Yes of course Mark, I would love to be your girlfriend."

Mark let go of my hands and hugged me tight. "Well good cause I dunno what I'd do if you said no." He chuckled slightly while I hugged him back.

After about a minuet or two of enjoying each other's embrace I finally let go, sadly. "Mark we should be getting ready for bed, tomorrow you get to meet my mom." I smiled widely again. "Yeah your right, I'll change in the bathroom and you may change in here."

I nodded and Marks got his pajamas out of the closet and out of the room.

When I knew he was gone I started to strip. I took everything off except my panties. I threw on an oversized tee and some pajama shorts. Then I crawled in bed and waited for Mark.

I heard a knock on the door and a voice from the other side, it was Mark's. "Hey (Y/n) is it okay if I come in?" I smiled. "Yes come on in."

Mark walked into my old room and then crawled in bed beside me. We both cuddled and slowly fell asleep.

~le time skip~

~Marks POV~

I woke up in (Y/n)'s old bed the next day. I looked around and noticed (Y/n) was fast asleep beside me. I looked at the clock on the wall and read it was 4:47 AM. I groaned and tried to fall back asleep while softly stroking (Y/n)'s hair.

I guess I accidentally woke her up cause she looked up at me and asked. "Mark what time is it?"

I looked back at her. "It's 4:47, we should go back to sleep." I felt her burry her face in my chest. "Mark your so warm." She muffled against my chest, which made me chuckle. I kissed her head. "Goodnight (Y/n)." "Goodni-" And with that she fell back asleep.

~Le next day~

I woke up and looked at the clock. It was 11:10. I noticed (Y/n) wasn't in bed with me anymore, probably downstairs with her family.

But then I heard yelling. I didn't know what to do and I was scared for (Y/n) so I darted out of bed and went downstairs.

I saw Ashe's dad and (Y/n)'s dad arguing, I didn't know what for though, and (Y/n) was no where to be found.

"Wow what's going on?" I said and tried to get them to stop. "Finally someone who will be on my side. Mark tell him that (Y/n) is my daughter and that she should come stay at my place." I looked at Dan.

So they are fighting about where she should stay? Her real biological dad or her best friends dad.

"No you use to verbally abuse her you drunken fool." I was stuck in the middle.

"Why don't you guys just let her decide?" I suggested. "No way, there isn't any way I'm letting you take her, she's like a daughter to me."

I sighed softly. "Well I actually talked to Dan and he seems like he is truly sorry for what he did. (Y/n) seemed really happy yesterday."

I saw Dan smirk at Ashe's dad. "Fine, take her with you."

"Speaking of (Y/n), where is she?" We all looked at eachother.

"Don't you know where she is? She tells you everything." Ashe said as she walked in. "No I woke up and she wasn't there."

'No one knows where Y/n is.'

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