~Marriage~ Ch 35

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~Your POV~

It was now a month later. Me and Mark were okay by now and still having the wedding. We were in Marks home town and my dad had got a plane ticket to come.

I had my hair in a simple braided bun. I wore a very pretty mermaid dress and I had my makeup done. I for once, thought I looked nice.

Ashe was my maid of honor. She wore a sky blue dress and some black heals. She had her long black hair down in curls. She looked very pretty.

We were in the limo, on our way to the church. I was shaking slightly. "Ashe, I know everything will be okay and me and Mark will be married here soon, but I'm terrified." Ashe patted my back. "(Y/n), everything will be okay. I know Mark loves you and you love him. You both will be such a cute married couple." I smiled and hugged her. "Thanks Ashe. I'm just a bit nervous I guess."

Not to long after, we arrived to the venue. I started to get more nervous. Me and Ashe held hands as we walked in.

Everyone was walking in, in the order they are suppose to be. Lastly it was me and my dad. We locked arms and I held my flowers close to my chest. The veil was over my face. Me and my dad walked down he isle. When I got at the end, me and my dad hugged softly and then I stood in front of Mark; the wedding began.

~Le Time Skip cause I'm horrid at writing weddings~

   The after party (I feel so bad cause I forgot the name) was pretty fun, but I don't know how many other people liked it. I know that there wasn't much drinking cause Mark couldn't and there were children there.

    Later that night, Pierce went with Ashe and Luke while me and Mark when to Japan for our honeymoon. Awhile ago we did go to Japan, but we both loved it and had to go for our honeymoon.

   Ashe and Luke were looking after Pierce cause me and Mark both trusted then to take care oh him.

   Japan was so fun.

   Me and Mark went to many more places then we did before. We both stayed there for about a week actually.

   Whenever we were in a crowd, I always grabbed Marks hand and held it very tight; we basically never left each other's side. Me and Mark both are terrified of loosing each other.

I was so happy to know that I'd spend the rest of my life with the love of my life.


Sorry this chapter was short, writers block. But you guys are married now!

I really hope you guys likes it even though it was short. Anyway guys, slán!

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