~The End~ Ch 45

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~Your POV~

In the middle of my recording I started to feel so much pain. I had given birth before so I knew what it felt like.

I called for Mark and he came in, carrying Pierce. His eyes widen in shock and he put our some down. "Are you okay? Is the-" He didn't have to say anymore. I knew what he was saying and I nodded. He helped me to the car and then put Pierce in his baby seat.

Mark was hurrying to the hospital. " Mark, please, slow down, your driving way past the limit." When Mark heard the worry in my voice, that's when he started to slow down.

We got to the hospital just in time. I was rushed to a room and a nurse took Pierce to take care of him. Mark sat beside me as I was in labour.

I don't know how long, it felt like forever, but I finally gave birth to two beautiful twin girls, Vesper and Dahlia. The doctor said they were identical twins and that they had bracelets on so that we could tell them apart.

I smiled as I held Vesper and Mark held Dahlia. Today was a great day.

"Mrs. Fischbach, is it alright if we bring your son in?" I nodded. "Of course." I turned to look at Mark. "I told you, there's nothing to worry about."

Soon after spending time with the family, my best friend and her husband walked in. "Awe are those the twins?" She said and sounded excited. I nodded. "Awe they are so tiny and cute. Can I hold one?"

I nodded and handed her Dahlia. Both the twins and Pierce were with me while Mark was talking to the doctors on when we could go home.

Ashe held Dahlia close to her. "Hi there. I'm technically your aunty."

We stayed there talking for a little bit, talking, then Mark came in. "Hey, so the doctor said that we could go home when your body is a little bit more rested. You just had twins so about an hour and a half. Oh hey Ashe and Luke."

So it was soon after we left. We were on our way back home, now the back seats were taken up with three baby seats. "Mark?" I looked over at him. "Yeah what's up?"

I sighed and played with my sleeves. "Mark, I know that your probably gonna say no, but, can we please move bmti Ireland. I wanna see my dad a bit more. I didn't get to see him when I was younger, I always feared him and I wanted that daddy, daughter relationship. I would say my dad is getting old, but he's just turned 40, my parents were teenager's when I was born." I sighed.

Mark glanced over at me then looked back. He sighed. "I mean, I understand why you want to move to Ireland." He paused like he was thinking about something. "Your family lives up there and you really do deserve a do-over with you dad. What about, we move up there, but we come back here at least once a year." I smiled widely.

"You mean it? We are gonna move to Ireland?" He smiled and nodded. "Of course we are."

I smiled, I was so excited now.

~one year later~

~Marks POV~

We had been in Ireland for about a month now. We lived in Dublin but still close to my father-in-law.

Pierce was now 3 and the twins on course 1. (Y/n)'s dad was always saying how the twins looked just like (Y/n) when she was a baby. The k my difference between the twins were the eye color. Vesper had (Y/n)'s (e/c) and Dahlia had my brown eyes.

The kids were growing up very nicely.

I love (Y/n)cs cute little Irish accent. The way the tilts her head when she asks a question. She was very beautiful. Her bed head is adorable. I love waking up beside her every morning. She's so sweet and funny. I love everything about her and I was so happy that she is my wife; I get to spend the rest of my life with the woman I love.

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