~The Babes~ Ch 32

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~Marks POV~

   "Mark, I think the baby is coming." My eyes widen. I quickly called the ambulance. I was very glad that we were both in a place that not very much people were. I stroked her hair trying to clam her down.

   "Mark I'm so sorry. Your suppose to be in your booth right now, meeting fans." She started to cry more. I didn't know what to say. "(Y/n) it isn't your fault okay? Our baby is coming and I want to be with you when it comes. I'll be here with you this whole time." I took her hand and knelt down in front of the chair she was sitting in.

   I was kneeling there until the medics got there. They took her into the ambulance and let me sit back there with her. I held her hand the whole way to the hospital.

   When we got there, she was rushed into a room and told me I could go in with her. They left the room to let me help her change into the hospital gown.

~Le time skip~

   The baby was born and they had taken him to the other room to see if he was healthy. Me and (Y/n) smiled at each other. I kissed her softly and we waited until we could get our baby.

   While they were checking the baby, me and (Y/n) were talking about names, then finally decided on Pierce.

   It was only a minute later when we decided our name, that they let us hold him. The doctors handed Pierce to (Y/n) first and we smiled at each other. "Hey kiddo." I said and then pulled my phone out. I asked (Y/n) if it was okay to take a picture of the three of us. I ended up taking a bunch of picture of all three of us then posted my favorite to Instagram with the caption saying 'Meet Pierce everyone, the new Iplier.'

   Instantly there was a whole lot of likes. I smiled and turned the phone off. "Can I hold him?" I asked. She nodded and handed him to me. He smiled at me. He was very adorable and looked a lot like me but had (Y/n)'s eyes. I was so happy and I could tell (Y/n) was to.

   After about an hour with (Y/n) and our new born son, Pierce, I was told I could go home. I called Wade and asked if he could pick me up and take me to the hotel.

~Le time Skip~

~Your POV~

   The next day I woke up in the hospital. I called Mark and told him to go to other day of comic con and he could come to the hospital afterwards. He agreed and I was just chilling in the hospital. Pierce was in a crib beside my bed.

    Pierce was asleep and I gently picked him up. I starred at his small face with a big smile. He looked a whole lot like Mark.

   I didn't really know what to do all day. The hospital was a very boring place. I got a call from Mark, I'm guessing when he's on a small break. I answered. "Hey Mark, how's everything going?" I could basically hear him smile.

   "Well yeah it is. Everything is saying how happy they are for me and you, some are surprised that I'm here and not with you." I smiled. "Well you get to see me and Pierce soon enough. I can't wait for you to get here."

   We were both talking until he had to go again. I stayed in the hospital room. The nurses kept bringing some bottles of milk for Pierce so I can feed him. They would brought me some lunch and some water.

   Mark was gonna bring me some dinner when he got here.

   I kept waiting until I saw Mark walk in with his video on. He recorded me laying in the hospital bed with Pierce. I smiled at the camera.

   I took the camera when Mark got to the hospital bed and Mark took Pierce. "Guys isn't he the cutest baby you've ever seen?" Mark said to the camera. We were talking to the camera for a little bit and then Mark said his outro and I cut the recording.

   Mark put Pierce in the crib and then passed the food out. We ate together and talked until Mark had to go again. I'd be going back tomorrow.

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