First night at Hogwarts

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A roar of applause filled the great hall. I had finished my routine and was hanging upside down. I lowered the golden hoop from the ceiling and pulled myself upright. I was beaming as I saw row upon row of students giving me a standing ovation. As my feet touched the ground I twirled into a bow. I glanced at the teachers table and saw Dumbledore looking positively ecstatic. My eyes travelled over to him. He was clapping politely with everyone else, but he wasn't looking at me. After a final bow I made my way over to the table. I stopped by him. "excuse me, can I sit here? " I asked shyly. He pulled out the seat next to him, without saying a word. I sat down feeling a little hurt. We waited for Dumbledore to give the usual start of term notices. The entire time he was speaking I couldn't stop thinking about the man by my side. I couldn't believe how strongly I reacted when we locked eyes. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't notice that Dumbledore had sat down, and our plates had filled up with the most delicious food. I was staring at my hands in my lap when he muttered in my ear, "aren't you hungry?" my eyes snapped up and met his. They were gorgeous. At first glance you would have thought them almost black, but the longer I looked the more intricate they became. I noticed tiny golden flecks which caught the light as he looked at me. I smiled and fumbled to pick up my cutlery. "I'm Severus Snape." he continued, "I'm the potions master and head of Slytherin house." He held out his hand. I slipped my hand into his and smiled my best smile. "I'm Phoenix Knight and I just love to dance!" A tight smile crossed his lips. Then realising he was still holding my hand he quickly dropped it and busied himself with his dinner. I ate in silence. I was desperate to engage him in conversation, but I didn't know what to say. Before I knew it, all the courses were finished and the students are slowly getting to their feet. Teachers from both sides of me were also getting to their feet. A couple of them smiled at me and told me they throughly enjoyed my dancing. I thanked them for their kind words and got up from the table. Severus was already up but he looked like he very much wanted to stay. Then with a little nod of his head he said "goodnight Phoenix." "goodnight Severus." I said sadly. He slowly made his way out of the hall with his students. I watched him go feeling miserable. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder which made me jump.
"Oh my dear, I'm sorry if I startled you!" apologised Dumbledore. "Not at all headmaster." I lied. "I understand from our previous meeting that you would prefer sleeping quarters in the grounds." continued Dumbledore. "Yes headmaster." I answered. I had always preferred being outside."Well, our grounds keeper and I have been busy this past summer putting together a little cottage for you in the outskirts of the forbidden forest." He smiled. My jaw dropped. "headmaster..." I stammered but he held up his hand. "Please, call me Albus and it really isn't a problem." His eyes twinkled behind his half moon spectacles. I didn't know what to say. I could feel my eyes filing up. "Thank you Albus." I replied "please lead the way." I smiled and waited for him to go ahead of me. "I very much enjoyed your performance tonight." He continued as he lead me through the great hall. "I really think this school could benefit from your gift." He looked over to me."Thank you headmaster.. I mean Albus" I corrected myself. "I'm looking forward to working with the students. They seem really welcoming." I paused then continued "dancing is my life and I think alot of children can learn so much from it. You won't believe how much my confidence has soared since I've started dancing." we were just walking through the oak doors which led to the grounds. A few moments silence passed before he said, "so, what do you think of Hogwarts so far?" I thought for a second. I had always wanted to attend Hogwarts but my father had refused. He kept moving us on from place to place, never settling for long periods. I looked around at the enormous enchanted castle and felt like I was home. "Hogwarts is beautiful" I answered. "It's a dream come true to be here Albus. I can't thank you enough for allowing me to teach here." I placed my hand on his arm and smiled. We continued our walk across the grounds. "Have you managed to talk to any other professors yet?" He asked non chalantly. I smiled to myself. "I've spoken to a couple." I replied. He waited to see if I elaborated. "I've spoken briefly to Severus." I added quietly. "He seems..." I didn't know what to say so I trailed off. Dumbledore smiled his knowing little smile. "Severus is a very interesting man. I wouldn't judge him too harshly by his first impression."
"I would like to get to know him better." I blurted. Then, feeling exposed I changed the subject. "Oh my goodness, is that the cottage?" I gasped as we turned the corner from Hagrids cabin. There nestled amongst the trees was a small, pale yellow cottage. Complete with thatched roof. I couldn't believe my eyes. "This is where you'll be sleeping." beamed Albus Dumbledore. "Oh this is so beautiful." I gushed. "I love it!" I grasped Dumbledores hands and gave them a little squeeze. "No problem." He smiled. "Now, I'll leave you to settle yourself in. If you need anything at all please don't hesitate to ask. Your luggage should be inside already." Then with a final smile he was off back to Hogwarts Castle. I stood staring at the quaint slice of heaven. There was even a small fenced off garden that was full of herbs and edible flowers. I trailed my hands over some lavender as I walked through the front gate and up the garden path. I raised my wand, "alohomora" I said to the front door. The lock slid back and I entered my new home. I walked into a small functional kitchen. A small, Square wooden table was sat in the middle, a large belfast sink was in the far corner, next to a small stove. Everything had a country, slightly rustic look, and I loved it. There was a nice sized bathroom with a beautiful roll topped bath tub taking centre place, and a comfortable bedroom with a large double bed. I went and sat down on the patchwork quilt. It was incredibly comfortable. From the bed I had a wonderful view of the castle. I couldn't believe how lucky I was. I had finally made it to Hogwarts. I flopped back onto the bed. I hadn't realised how tired I was. I rolled over so I could watch the Castle. My last thought before I slipped into a peaceful sleep was of the tall, dark haired and mysterious Severus Snape.

Dancing with fire. [A Severus Snape fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now