A birthday surprise for Severus

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I couldn't help feeling throughly miserable at being back at Hogwarts. Severus and I had gone back to seeing each other mostly at mealtimes and weekends. It was hard to adjust to as I had grown so used to being with him all the time. That being said, it was lovely being back with my students. January had arrived with bitter winds and heavy snowfall. The castle had turned into an icebox and I had resorted to conjuring large firepits around the Hall in an effort to keep my students from freezing. Having the fires blazing gave me an idea for my next topic. Dances from around the world. I loved nothing more than a good dance around an open fire! January also brought with it Severus' birthday, which I was most excited about. I wanted to surprise him and after spending Christmas at Spinners end, I knew exactly what to do. January 9th came around quickly. I was sat at the teachers table waiting for him to show up for breakfast. I saw him enter the Hall and smirked to myself. "Happy birthday Professor" I whispered as he sat next to me. "Thank you" he muttered out of the side of his mouth. I watched him serve himself breakfast and felt my heart swell. I gave his arm a gentle nudge, "Meet me at my place at 6pm, don't be late." I whispered.

I was so excited about the plans I had made for Severus' birthday, that I barely noticed anything that was going on around me, which is how I happened to crash headlong into the tall, slightly foreboding form of another Professor. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I stammered as I fumbled to help pick up the rolls of parchment that he had been carrying. As our hands touched I looked up into the most piercing blue eyes. They looked so out of place on his large, square jawed face. "It's fine" he added gruffly, even though his tone of voice clearly indicated that he was far from it. "I'm Phoenix Knight." I added sheepishly. "I know who you are" he replied,
"I teach preforming arts" I added hesitantly.
"Yes, I know. I was there to watch the Christmas performance." He grabbed the last of the rolls of parchment. "Yes, of course, sorry" I added quietly, feeling very embarrassed for some unknown reason. "I'm Professor Earnest Winters. Defense against the dark arts is my subject." He juggled the parchments around until his right hand was free. "It's lovely to meet you." I replied shyly. "Likewise" he answered back. Then he shuffled the parchments about once more and continued on his way down the corridor. I stood there watching his retreating form before carrying on. "By the way" he called, I stopped and looked back over my shoulder. "I thought you dance beautifully." he added in a clear confident voice. I smiled as my face flushed a deep crimson, but I didn't have time to reply because he had already turned his back on me and set off once more.

I hurtled through the doors of the great Hall, I had just got back from putting the finishing touches to my gift and was famished. I looked along the teachers table eager to see Severus. He wasn't there, however, I did spot Earnest. He seemed to have noticed me too because he gave me the smallest of smiles. I hesitated, before setting off to join him. "We meet again" I said as I took my seat. "Aren't I the lucky one" he replied swiftly. I gave him a scowl before I began to help myself to whatever food I could reach. "So how have you settled into Hogwarts?" He asked as I stuffed a fork full of pasta into my mouth. I looked at him with wide eyes and nodded my head vigorously. After I managed to swallow I added, " I love it here. The students are so hard working and enthusiastic." He gave a slow nod. "So how long have you been here?" I asked politely. "I started the same time as you." I raised an eyebrow at him. "So how come I've never met you before?" I asked abruptly. He looked slightly abashed, but he composed himself quickly. "I've seen you around" he replied, "but you always seemed so....distracted." he trailed off, as the looming figure of Severus Snape materialised over me. "Severus" I smiled, " have you met Professor Winters?" I asked innocently even though the look on his face made my stomach plummet. "Please, call me Earnest" he offered unhelpfully. A vein throbbed threateningly in Severus' temple. "I don't believe I have had the pleasure" he replied through gritted teeth.
"Sit down Severus." I said quietly. He sank into the seat next to me. I looked at Earnest and tried to smile. "So what brought you here to teach Defense against the dark arts?" I asked. I tried to keep my voice level.
"I'm almost halfway through auror training with the Ministry of Magic, but I don't have the necessary practical experience to enter the field just yet, so when I heard that Dumbledore was looking for a Defense teacher, I offered up my services as extra credit for my course." I nodded slowly. "That's fair enough" I added. I was starting to get fidgety as Severus had not said a word since he sat down. "Have you always been a dancer? " he asked. I smiled, " Oh yes" I replied, "I adore dancing. "
"I could tell. You were superb at the Christmas performance, I could barely take my eyes off you." I winced at his words, and sure enough, as if on cue, Severus bolted upright and left the table. I watched his black cloak disappear through the mighty doors of the great Hall. Oh here we go, I thought angrily to myself. "I guess he wasn't hungry" remarked Earnest. I shrugged my shoulders before looking down at my own plate. Suddenly, I didn't really feel like eating anymore.

Dancing with fire. [A Severus Snape fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now