Let the show begin

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Now that Severus and I had gotten back on track my entire being felt incredible. I hadn't realised how awful I had been feeling of late, until that magical moment when he finally pulled me back into his life.
At long last, the Christmas performance was one week away. I had been working flat out to organise costume props, the music and making the final adjustments to the dance routines. Severus and I spent very little time together, but when we did, it mainly involved me talking about the performance while he listened patiently. Or sometimes we would just lie together in silence. Just being in his presence made me feel like I had nothing to worry about.
When the night before the Christmas performance finally came, I could barely function. The atmosphere in the school had reached fever pitch. The students could barely concentrate on anything else.
"It will be fine" Severus growled into my ear for what felt like the hundredth time that day, as I sat at the teachers table staring down at the food I knew I couldn't eat. I have him a dark look. I felt my leg muscles quiver with adrenaline and they started bobbing up and down under the table. I heard Severus sigh, then I felt his cool, firm hand side across my thigh. "It's looks to me, like you could do with a distraction Professor knight." he whispered softly. My leg stopped abruptly as he continued to trace small circles on me. "What did you have in mind professor Snape?" I asked innocently, as I slowly parted my thighs. "You'll see." he retorted as he gave my thigh a playful squeeze before withdrawing his hand. I felt my anxiety slowly slipping away, only to be replaced by a burning desire to fall into Severus' arms, and bed.

The next morning I was up at the crack of dawn. I looked down at the sleeping form of Severus, he looked so peaceful. He was led on his belly with the sheets bunched around his waist. I watched as his body slowly rose and fell with every breath he took. His long, Black hair was plastered to his face and spread across the pillow. I let my eyes travel down to his exposed back. The scars looked red and angry against his otherwise pale skin. I gingerly swept a strand of hair from his cheek and kissed him gently. He shifted slightly and took a deep breath in, but didn't wake. I hated leaving him, but today was a big day and I had a lot to organise. Before any of that though, I decided to do for a run so I could gather my thoughts.

"Thanks for waking me" he muttered as he flung himself into the chair beside me at the teachers table.
"You looked so peaceful my darling, I couldn't bring myself to disturb you" I replied sweetly. He ignored me and began to help himself to breakfast. "Aww come on Sev, it's my big day!" I teased, "I've got so much to do and so much to worry..."
"Alright" he sighed as he rolled his eyes at me. I grinned back then poured myself a large coffee. "So when does it all kick off?" he asked politely. "I'll start preparing the decorations straight after breakfast, but I'll get the bulk of the preparations done after lunch" I replied.
"Do you need any help?" he offered as he gave me a sideways glance. I felt my heart flutter at his gallant offer. "Thank you Severus, but I think I got it covered" I smiled warmly. I glanced around the hall. More than one sets of eyes kept drifting in my direction. This was going to be awesome. I looked down the teachers table and sure enough, my gaze met with Dumbledores. The corners of his mouth twitched up and he gave me a tiny nod. I smiled back my stomach suddenly feeling queasy. I knew there was a lot riding on todays events.
"Well, I suppose I have to go and try and teach this rabble potions" he said under his breath as he surveyed the incredibly over excited mass of students. I tried my best to look contrite but as he turned his back to the hall he gave me a wink and a small smile. "you'll be fine my love" he uttered as he passed me. I watched him leave the hall hoping beyond hope, that he was right.

The day passed sickeningly fast. Before I knew it students were lining up outside the great Hall desperate to see the show. I looked nervously around the Hall. The transformation was incredible. The Hall was made to look like an ice palace. I had created tiered seating made from ice around the outskirts of the great Hall and I had enchanted the ceiling so it was very gently snowing. I ran my hand over one of the fur cushions on the chair nearest me. The stage was going to be in the centre of the Hall. It reminded me of a roman amphitheatre. I took a deep breath. All the pent up nervousness and excitement was becoming unbearable. The Hall was perfect, the students were pumped up and ready to go, all that was left to do was to get the show on the road. I leapt down from the tiered seating and bounded to the doors, I pulled them open. I heard a collective cheer as scores of students surged forward. I managed to squeeze past them and lingered in the entrance hall watching students and members of staff file into the great hall. I heard a chorus of awed whispers and smiled to myself. Minerva spotted me and made a beeline in my direction. "Oh Phoenix, I wish you the very best of luck. Not that you need it." she quipped as she gave my hands a tight squeeze. "Thank you Minerva, I hope you enjoy the show." I replied with a smile. "Oh don't you worry, I'm sure I'll love it" she called over her shoulder as she hurried forwards to find her seat. I scanned the thinning crowd. I hadn't seen Severus since breakfast and I really wanted to see him before I performed the opening dance. I signed, there was no sign of him. I slowly made my way down one of the corridors off the entrance hall. I had turned the classrooms into impromptu dressing rooms. As I made my way towards my own dressing room, I poked my head through random doors to double check on my students. All of them were already into their costumes. I beamed at their addictive enthusiasm. At last I reached my designated classroom. I opened the door,
"You didn't seriously think I would miss seeing you before your big performance, did you?"
His deep baritone voice purred into my ear as he grabbed me from behind. My heart leapt a mile in fright. "Merlins beard Severus! Are you trying to give me a heart attack!" I breathed as I placed my hand over my pounding chest. Severus gently closed the door behind him. "I have something for you" he mumbled shyly. I stiffened in his arms. He reached up and pulled my hair to one side. "close your eyes" he instructed. I did as I was told. He raised his arms, and I felt the cold sensation of a necklace being laid to rest against my chest. I bit my lip in anticipation. "okay you can open your eyes" he said. I could sense his underling nervousness. At once I let my eyes fly open, as I gazed down at his gift I gasped out loud. There nestled between my breasts was a beautiful white gold locket. On it there was a serpent inlaid with emeralds and diamonds curled into the letter S. "Severus" I whispered as I turned to face him. "Open it" he muttered. I dug my finger nails into the locket and prised it open. There behind the fragile glass window was a lock of his jet black hair. I felt my eyes well up. On the back of the white gold door there was an inscription;

'I loved you then,
I love you still,
I always have
and always will. '

I couldn't help myself, the tears fell freely as I flung my arms around his neck. "It's beautiful, I love it, thank you so much" he wrapped his arms around me tightly. As I pulled away I traced my fingers over the snake. "I wanted you to know that no matter where we are, you will always be in my heart." he murmured. An immediate lump formed in my throat. I silently reached up and pulled his lips to mine. When we eventually pulled apart I whispered onto his ear, "my heart belongs to you. Always. " I wanted nothing more than to succumb to my over whelming lust for him, but I had a Hall full of people waiting for the show to begin. With great difficulty, we pulled away from each other. "Good luck my love" he said as he backed out of the classroom. I absent mindedly stroked the locket as I took a moment to get into the zone. With one last deep breath, I began to undress. It was finally show time.


I silently slipped into the Hall and took my seat right at the very front. I was so glad she liked the necklace. I had it especially made for her as an early Christmas present. As I gazed around the Hall I couldn't help but marvel at all the hard work Phoenix had obviously put in. After all those sleepless nights and endless worrying, she had definitely pulled out all the stops, and the end result was stunning. The students were chatting excitedly amongst themselves. Then all of a sudden, the loud disembodied voice of Phoenix boomed across the room.
"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming to see Hogwarts' first Christmas dance performance. We hope you all enjoy our festive show!"
There was a deafening cheer then the lighting in the hall dimmed. All except a beam of light which was quivering in the far corner. The room rang with silence. I starred at the beam of light, eagerly awaiting her arrival. I heard her before I saw her. The loud clicking of high heels echoed throughout the great Hall. Her footsteps were slow and deliberate. Then she emerged from the shadows. She was wearing a pure white cloak which trailed behind her. Her dress was floor length and also made of the purest white material. She looked incredible. The fur lined hood of her cloak was obscuring her face. The only noise was the rhythmic clicking of her shoes. When she reached the middle of her stage, she stopped. The atmosphere in the hall was sizzling with suspense. Then very slowly she raised her hands. I held my breath as I starred at her, I was completely enthralled. Then a slow, dynamic song I didn't recognise reverberated through the Hall and she slowly lowered her hood. She shrugged her body out of the cloak and threw it in my direction. I caught it. She smiled mischievously as I heard the row of students behind me giggle. I scowled at her, but I held onto the cloak tightly. It smelled of her. I watched as she moved gracefully in time to with the beat. Her body movements were so fluid, so beautiful. She travelled across the room like a Swan gliding through a calm, crystalline lake. As the song was coming to an end, she threw her hands skyward and the enchanted snow began to swirl its way around her. Faster and faster it span, until she was completely engulfed in the swirling flurry of snow. Then with a crack that was loud enough to make everyone leap in surprise, the snow was blasted outwards. The audience was pelted by soft, warm snowflakes. Cheers and yells of surprise echoed throughout the hall. I looked back at the floor, but Phoenix was no where to be seen. I looked frantically for her but to no avail. A loud, upbeat song followed by gasps of surprise swept through the Hall. There was Phoenix, standing amongst the students in the top tier, except now she was wearing a far more revealing costume. She beamed as she wiggled her way back to the floor. The doors flew open and at least twenty students came sauntering into the room. I watched as the dance unfolded before me. It was amazing, they all moved as one as they danced to the beat. But I only had eyes for her. Her hair was hanging in loose curls. Her costume clung tightly to the body I knew so very well. I was hypnotised. I caught sight of the locket hanging around her neck and I felt the beast within me stir. She was truly mine.

Dancing with fire. [A Severus Snape fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now