The begining of the end

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I stood in the great hall waiting for my last class of the day. It was only a matter of weeks before Hogwarts finished for the summer. I had had quite an eventful first year at Hogwarts, but I loved every single second. "Phoenix!" Called a voice that made me smile. "Earnest!" I cried as I bounded over to him. He grinned back. "What's up?" I asked as I gave him a quick hug and peck on the cheek. "Dumbledore wants to see you" he replied. He had an air of sadness about him. I frowned at my friend. "Earnest, what's wrong?" He looked down at his feet which shuffled slightly. "I won't be staying on at Hogwarts next year"  he muttered. "The Ministry have requested my presence in the auror office" I stared back at him, trying not to let my own emotions betray my true feelings. Something I had picked up from my better half. "Earnest! That's wonderful news! It's what you always wanted." I replied as I laid a hand on his arm. He gave me a lopsided smile. "I'll miss you though" I added as I tried to blink back the sudden tears that had formed in the corners of my eyes. He pulled me into a tight embrace. "I'll miss you too, you red hot diva!" He replied gruffly. We both sniffed loudly as we pulled apart. "Don't think you'll be getting rid of me that easily!" He quipped. I beamed at him. "I wouldn't dream of it!" I cried. "How does sunday dinner at mine sound?" I asked as he turned to leave. "Sounds fabulous." He replied as he gave me a cheeky wink, and marched off down the corridor.


I was stood in Dumbledores office watching the sun setting beyond the forbidden forest. The sky was turning a beautiful blood red. My gaze dropped to where Phoenix' cottage was nestled at the forest edge. "Hagrid and myself will take the cottage down when the students have returned home for the summer." Dumbledore murmured from somewhere behind me. "It's been quite a year"  he remarked as he joined me by the window. "Indeed." I replied. The silence that stretched between us was long and awkward. Both of us refused to let our guards down, but we both knew what needed to be said, and we certainly knew what was coming. "Next year Severus, i'm afraid it will be the begining of the end." He turned to look at me with his sharp blue eyes. "We'll be ready" I replied. He nodded slowly. "I've heard he has his mothers eyes." He added quietly. I felt my heart constrict painfully at the thought of seeing Lillys son in the flesh. "You mustn't forget the role you have to play Severus" He replied darkly. I turned abruptly to face the headmaster. "I haven't forgotten Albus. I will do everything I must to make this work." He nodded his approval. "What about Phoenix?" I glared at the headmaster, but his gaze was unwavering. "What do you mean headmaster?" I replied through gritted teeth. He blinked slowly. "Where does she come into the plan? How are you going to keep her safe? Does she know just how dangerous things are going to get?" His voice rose with every word he spoke, and I couldn't help but flinch at his highly accurate accusations. His normally approachable face had hardened. "Headmaster, Phoenix and I will be fine. She's a highly skilled witch, she can almost certainly fend for herself. However, you can take me at my word when I say that I shall be talking to her this summer and making sure she understands completely, the complications of being involved with me." (Not that anything I said would have any effect on her) I let my words ring final and true throughout his office. I wasn't going to let anyone come between me and Phoenix, and I certainly wasn't going to let Dumbledore make insinuations about her safety while being with me. Her safety will always be my top priority. Albus Dumbledore looked away. "I'm sorry Severus." He whispered. I bowed my head to hide my face. "Please forgive a sentimental old man."
"Professor Dumbledore?" Called a voice that instantly made my soul sing with happiness. "Come in Professor Knight" he answered. Phoenix emerged from the doorway and smiled when she saw me. I smiled back. "You wished to see me" she said as she walked up to me and slipped her hand into mine. Dumbledore looked from me to her. "I think you better sit down my dear" he replied softly. "Do you wish for Severus to remain?" He asked her directly. "Of course I do" she quipped. Dumbledore sat behind his desk and laced his fingers together. "I'm so sorry to have to tell you this Phoenix, but i've recieved an owl today informing me that your father has passed away " he paused to allow his words to sink in. Phoenix sat motionless by my side. "He left a letter addressed to you." He continued. Phoenix' head shot up at these words. "What?!" She whispered. Dumbledore slid a small cream envelope across the desk towards her. She stared at it in disbelief. Like it was some sort if trick or illusion of the mind. She reached out and plucked up the letter. She glanced at me before running her finger under the wax seal and pulling free the contents. Her eyes scanned the piece of paper in her hand, then she gasped. My arms twitched instinctively as I stared expectantly up at her.
"He's left me everything" she stammered. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "My father has left everything to me." She repeated. Then she began to cry. I pulled her onto my lap and held her steady. I stroked her hair whilst grief and shock washed over her again and again. "He said that I looked just like my mother" she spluttered through her tears, " he said that he was...." she couldn't finish the sentence. I knew what was coming, she didn't have to say it out loud. At least he didn't go to his grave without telling his own flesh and blood, his little girl, that he was sorry. At least he was man enough for that. To be honest, after what he put her through, that was the least he could do.
"I'm sorry for you loss Phoenix" whispered Dumbledore. She sniffed loudly as she tried to compose herself. "It's ok headmaster. I'm going to be ok" she replied firmly as she looked up at me.
"I'll always be ok, as long as I have your love." She whispered. I looked down into her beautiful, tear filled eyes.

"Always." I whispered back.


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