Thank goodness for weekends

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*contains adult content*


I lead him back through the forest. It was starting to get chilly now, but I hardly felt it. My body was trembling with a deep longing and desire for the man by my side. I was so happy to finally be able to spend some time alone with Severus. My cottage was coming into view. I gave his hand a squeeze. I honestly could have jumped for joy. It was very late now, so the chances of bumping into anyone was slim. None-the-less I noticed Severus glance nervously around as I entered my front gate. I gave him a playful push as we made our way to the front door. I opened it and we practically fell on top of each other in our haste to get inside. I waved my wand at the fireplace in the kitchen, at once a roaring fire sprang to life. It's golden glow spread warmth at once to my limbs. I hadn't realised how cold I actually was. Severus strode across the kitchen and wrapped his arms around me. He began to rub my arms. "Come on." He murmured, "let's get you out of this very tiny but stunning costume." His eyes looked almost black as he grinned at me mischievously. I slowly untangled myself from his embrace and made my way towards my bedroom. I pulled Severus along with me. As I reached my room I swept my wand over the pillar candles I had dotted around the place. The soft lighting was very romantic. I stood at the foot of my bed and glanced over to him. He was looking at me with such an odd expression.
"You have no idea how long I have waited for you." He croaked. He took a few tentative steps forward. I rolled my eyes and looked down at the floor. "I mean it" He said as he ran his cool hand over my face and pulled my chin up so I would look at him. "From the first time I laid eyes on you, I knew there was something very special about you." I looked up at him and felt my heart swell.
"I felt it too" I whispered into his neck, "as soon as I saw you, I knew I had finally found what I have been looking for." I felt so exposed. I had never been this open and honest with anyone. I took a deep breath, then released it slowly. He looked so beautiful. His long, black hair was framing his pale face. He was chewing on his bottom lip as if waiting for permission. I smiled at his innocence, then reached behind me and unclipped my bra. I shrugged out of it and let it fall to the bedroom floor.
His eyes grew wide with amazement. I then very slowly wiggled my way out of the skirt, as that fell away I stepped out and placed one hand on my hip. I could see his arousal straining to be free. I licked my lips in anticipation. He seemed rooted to the spot, so I made my way over to him. As I came within arms reach, he seemed to come to his senses, because he pulled me into him.
"Do you like what you see?" I breathed into his ear. He took a deep shuddering breath. "Phoenix you literally take my breath away." Then he swooped down and kissed me. Our lips were locked together in a frenzy of intense passion. He spun me round and trailed kisses across my shoulders. He then pulled my hair to one side and planted kiss after kiss onto my neck. I gasped out loud. My body was ready for him. He ran his hands down my sides and across my stomach. I turned to face him again. I reached up and with trembling fingers began to undo his jacket. When I finished he shrugged it off. I then turned my attention to his trousers. I undone his belt and pulled it hard. It fell to the floor with a clatter. My heart was pounding as I gingerly unzipped his trousers and reached inside. I wrapped my hand around him and was very happy with what I found. He groaned as I gently caressed him. Then quick as a flash he lifted me off my feet and placed me onto the bed. As I lay beneath him I knew that he was the one. I looked into his deep, unfathomable eyes and waited with baited breath. I moaned as he entered me. I dug my fingernails into his back, but as he was still wearing his shirt it didn't bother him. As we moved our bodies together in perfect harmony, I thought to myself....

Thank goodness for weekends.

Dancing with fire. [A Severus Snape fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now