"Dance with me"

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It was obvious that Severus was not a man who tolerated any displays of public affection. In fact, we barely spoke to each other during lesson times. We always sat next to each other at mealtimes though. I relished these precious moments. I was itching to hold his hand or brush my lips against his, but it just wasn't possible. However, when the lessons were over, I could have him all to myself. After the evening meal we would wait until must of the students had left, then we would leave the great hall together. It didn't matter what we did, as long as we were together. On this particular Friday evening I had a surprise lined up for him. I was very excited and could barely contain myself during dinner. My leg kept bouncing up and down under the table. He gave me a sideways look and very uncharacteristically, he placed his hand upon my thigh. I gasped out loud, then blushed furiously when I saw professor Dumbledore giving me a curious look. I smiled lamely back at him, then slowly turned to look at Severus. "Is everything alright?" He muttered as he gently squeezed my leg. I bit my lip and tried to ignore my overwhelming urges to jump him! "Sorry" I mumbled, "I just have something special lined up for our 'date' tonight and I can't wait to show you!" I whispered excitedly. I grinned at his raised eyebrows. "Listen" I said, "I'm going to head straight home after I've finished my dinner. I have to...prepare myself. Can you give me thirty minutes after dinner is over, then meet me in the section of the forbidden forest directly behind my cottage?" I looked at him expectantly. He stared back at me, his facial expression was neutral.
"I can't wait." He muttered through pursed lips. He slid his hand off my thigh and my leg continued jumping with excitement.
The second I had finished dinner, (which didn't take long as I was far too excited to eat) I jumped up from the table and practically ran from the hall. I pushed open the heavy oak doors and plunged into the night.


It was the longest dinner I had ever had to endure. My body was trapped behind the teachers table, but my heart and soul was desperate to be with her.  I hated not being with her. I hated not being able to hold her whenever I wanted to, and I hated not being able to kiss her. She had finished her dinner and had left already. I stared at the doors to the great hall wishing the time away.
"Is everything ok Severus?"
I pulled my gaze away from the doors and stared straight into the eyes of Albus Dumbledore. I slid up my mental guards. The last person I wanted inside my head right now was Dumbledore. "I'm fine headmaster." I waited for him to come back with an answer, but he just sat there watching me with narrowed eyes. Finally, he smiled and carried on with his dinner. I went back to staring at the door, thinking of my Phoenix and the surprise she had in store for me.

At long last I left the dinner table, but I still had thirty minutes to wait before I could go to her. I decided to head to my sleeping quarters. Not that I ever did much sleeping at the moment. I walked through my classroom then into my office. Through a door just past my desk was a winding staircase that led to my bedroom. It wasn't much to look at. I headed straight to my four poster bed and perched on the edge. The drapes that hung from the frame were a dark green. I could feel my heart hammering against my ribcage. I loved the weekends. I could spend all my time with her. I nervously glanced around my room. I hadn't brought Phoenix up here, yet. The thought made me squirm nervously. I wanted so badly to be with her, but in truth I had never been that deeply involved with a woman. I rose from the bed, too agitated to just sit there. I strode around the room. Opposite my bed was another desk. I very often spent the wasted hours of darkness bent over my journal making up different potions or doing some research. There were no windows so I kept the room lit by a low hanging chandelier. Against the wall to the right of the bed was floor to ceiling bookcases full of a wide variety of books. I ran my hand over the musty, worn covers. These were probably my most prized processions, except perhaps my potions making kit. I continued with my pacing. Surely it was almost time to meet her. I swept out of my bedroom and into the en suite bathroom which lead off through a door to the left. It was small, dark but functional. There was a deep bath against the far wall, a toilet and a sink. I hated looking at my own reflection, so I only had a very small circular mirror above my sink. The room was completely tiled from floor to ceiling with shimmering emerald green tiles. I did like the way the light from the sconces on the walls caught the glittery flecks in the tiles. I peered reluctantly into the mirror and pulled a brush through my long, black hair. When I was finished I slowly made my way back through my bedroom, back into my office, through my classroom and out into the dungeon corridor. My mind was working overtime trying to imagine what surprise she had in store for me. Excitement coursed through me,  immediately followed by nervousness. I didn't see a soul as I  cautiously made my way to the main entrance. The night was surprisingly pleasant, considering it was the middle of October. I walked as quickly as I could towards Phoenixs cottage. I could hear nothing but the frantic beat of my heart. Finally, I was there. I swept around the side of the cottage and headed to where she told me to go. I slowed as I approached the trees. I peered into the darkness trying to see if I could find her. Then I spotted it. About six feet into the trees was a tiny glimmer of light. It was eerily quiet in the forest as I entered. As soon as I reached the light, I spotted another glimmering light, then another. It was obviously a trail for me to follow. I continued onwards into the pitch dark until I noticed that the forest was beginning to get lighter. I stumbled but managed to find my footing again. The forest was flickering with a deep orange light. Shadows were dancing menacingly through the trees. I was panting with the exertion but at long last I broke through the trees and found myself in a clearing. In the centre was a roaring bonfire. I scanned the area and found what I was looking for. Phoenix was sat upon a fallen tree. She was wrapped up in a big black cloak and was looking at me with the most beautiful smile on her face. I felt my own face break into a grin. How on earth had I managed to find someone so amazing, to actually fall for me just as I am? It was beyond me. I took a step towards her but stopped abruptly. She had risen from the tree and was walking very slowly towards me. Her hips were swaying hypnotically. I swallowed hard. The fire was crackling and leaping high into the air behind her. She was within arms reach when she came to a halt.
"I'm so very glad you're here Severus." She purred seductively. Now she was closer I could see she was wearing a beautiful golden head dress. I went to reach for her, but she jumped out of my reach. She laughed at the look of bewilderment on my face. "Sit." She ordered as she pointed to a tree stump to my right. I did as I was told.
As soon as I was seated she sauntered over to me. She was holding her cloak tightly in place. Then she straightened herself, flung back her head and dropped the cloak.

My jaw dropped. She was stood in front of me wearing nothing but a sparkly bra and a skirt of see through material with bells and golden chains attached to it. She had bangles up both arms,  she looked gorgeous. Then, very slowly, she began to move her hips. She started off slowly, then gradually picked up the speed and rhythm. I was mesmerised. I watched as she spun and shook her bottom half. She was wiggling her body like a super, sexy serpent. With every hip pop her skirt would jingle. My eyes travelled up to watch her toss her head from side to side. My body was screaming out for her. All of my previous nervousness was melting away. She danced her way over to me and very slowly slid herself onto my lap. She was watching me closely, her chest was heaving with exhaustion. I was utterly speechless. I placed my hands behind her bottom and pulled her into me. "That," I murmured, "was absolutely out-of-this-world! " Then I kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back. I gently nipped her lip. She groaned softly into my mouth. By the time we broke apart I was just about ready to lay her down right there and then. But I took a steady breath. "I mean it Phoenix that was incredible. What was it called?" She arose from my lap and grinned. "It's called a bellydance." She replied. I went to stand up but my legs felt weak and wobbly. She took me by the hand and helped me up. "I can tell you must have enjoyed it." she said as her eyes travelled to my obvious arousal. I smiled sheepishly. She wrapped her arms around me, "don't be embarrassed." she whispered in my ear, "I like what I see." she looked up at me with her big brown eyes. "You're so naughty." I teased back, "and I'm this close to removing what little clothing you do have on." I gestured with my fingers. She smiled wickedly. "Now who's being naughty." she retorted. She slid her hands down my arms and linked her fingers with mine. "Dance with me Severus." She laughed as she gently pulled me forward. She placed my hand on her waist then she took my other hand and we began to move around the fire. "I wish I could dance as beautifully as you do." I muttered into her ear. She stopped abruptly, and I stumbled into her. She stared at me. Her eyes were twinkling from the light of the fire. "Why don't I teach you?" She breathed. "We could come here on a Friday evening and I could teach you how to dance." She looked so utterly over the moon, that I didn't have the heart to say no. "As long as I get to hold you all night" I kissed her nose, "and be with you, then of course we can dance together." Her face lit up with glee. "We can start with the rumba" she beamed, "oh Severus, you are going to love the rumba". She threw her hands around my neck. I held onto her for all I was worth. I had known it for some time now, but as I held her in my arms, the unnerving and overwhelming rush of feelings I had for her was unbearable. I was falling for her.

Dancing with fire. [A Severus Snape fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now