Flight of the Phoenix

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It had been a very long day. I was introducing my second years to modern dance. It was brilliant but very tiring and it didn't help that I was still feeling deeply embarrassed about this morning. I had time to kill before the evening feast, so I decided to go home and change. I headed across the entrance hall,
"evening professor Knight!" called a first year slytherin girl named Meredith. "good evening Meredith, I hope you've been practising." I gave her a playful wink. She smiled back at me and ran off to join her friends. My heart felt a little lighter as I walked out into the grounds. I really loved being here. For the first time in my life I felt like I belonged. I could be myself and no one would judge. An image of my father flashed through my mind and I shuddered. My father. I hadn't seen or heard from him in a very long time, but the mere memory of him made me feel sick. I pushed all those old memories to one side as I reached my garden gate. I looked up towards my front door and froze.
There leaning against the door was a beautiful bouquet of flowers. I took a tentative step closer. They were unlike anything I had ever seen before. There were huge purple, trumpet shaped flowers with brilliant pink stamen protruding from them. There were tiny blue star shaped flowers that seem to be gently swaying on their own. There were even bright red flowers which looked like dragons heads. I gingerly picked up the bouquet. I couldn't believe how gorgeous they were. I was just about to push open my door when I spotted something else nestled amongst the foliage. Two little bottles. I picked out the first. It had a tiny label on it which said;

"drink me first"

I then fished out the second bottle. This one said;

"drink me when you're ready. "

I stared down at the two tiny bottles completely lost for words
I opened the front door and went straight for the sink. I grabbed out a large glass jug, filled it full of water and gently arranged the flowers. I took a step back to admire them. I looked at the bottles in my hand. I knew who had sent me this, but I was having trouble believing it! I wandered into my bedroom and placed the bottles very carefully on the bedside table. I perched on the edge of my patchwork quilt covered bed and considered the bottles.
"I wonder what would happen? " I asked out loud. I chewed on my lip. Surely it can't be anything dangerous. No. Definitely not, he wasn't that kind of person, of that I was quite certain. I got up to get myself changed. As I opened my wardrobe and tried to pick out an outfit, I glanced back at the bottles. I decided to put on a bouncy sky blue, strappy dress that came down to my knees. I slipped out of my other clothes, and glanced back at the bottles. I pulled the dress over my head, then glanced back at the bottles. I ran my fingers through my hair teasing out the tangles, then glanced back at the bottles....
"Oh what the hell!" I exclaimed to the room. " He wouldn't have given me anything that would harm me" I reasoned out loud. I lunged at the first bottle, unable to bear the unknown any longer. I pulled out the stopper, put the bottle to my lips and drank the entire contents. I licked my lips. It was delicious. It reminded me of parma violets. A muggle sweet that I loved as a kid. I looked at my hands. I didn't feel any different. I rushed to my bathroom and peered at my reflection in the mirror. I didn't look any different. I could feel the panic rising inside me. What on earth had I done to myself!! I rushed back to my bedroom and picked up the second bottle. I stowed it safely inside my bra. It was when I turned to walk back into my kitchen when I started to feel light headed.
"oh no!" I whispered. Panic was coursing through me. I reached a hand out to steady myself against the wall. I felt really dizzy, my stomach was fluttering. My limbs were beginning to feel lighter. I gasped and tried to run into my kitchen. However, to my initial horror, I found that my feet weren't even on the ground!! I was levitating at least two inches off the carpet. "whoa!" I panted as I tried to gather myself together. I focused with all my might into touching my feet to the ground. To my immense surprise (and relief) it actually worked. My feet lightly brushed the carpet. My entire body felt weightless now. Very slowly I put one foot in front of the other. It was incredible. I was walking but I was weightless. My steps were feather light. Some of my initial panic was beginning to subside. This was amazing. I was gliding into my kitchen now. I felt wonderful. Suddenly, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. Quicker than lightning I was at my front door, I flung it open and leapt into the twilight.

I broke into a run.
I could scarcely believe how fast I was moving. My heart was pounding with excitement and adrenaline. I headed into the forbidden forest. Trees were flashing past as I gathered more speed. I felt like I was invincible. Like I could fly off into the sunset. I was travelling so fast now that I decided to try something risky. I pushed with all my might off the ground and soared high up into the branches of a mighty oak tree. But I didn't stop there. I leapt from branch to branch heading higher and higher into the canapoy, until I broke through the leaves. My entire body was tingling. I had never felt so alive. I looked out across the forest. The very last of the suns rays had turned the sky the most beautiful fushia colour. The odd clouds that dotted the skyline were a deep orange. I placed my foot onto the canopy. Could I do this? I took a cautious step, but I needn't have worried. whatever Severus had put in this potion had literally made me weightless. I bet I could even walk on water. I was practically flying across the treetops, as I started to make my way back to the castle. When the edge of the forest came into view, I began to pick up speed again. As I reached the last tree I threw myself forward. I flew through the night. The air was whipping through my hair. I smiled and closed my eyes. I was home. Eventually I landed back onto the ground. I looked back at the tree line. I must have flown approximately fifty feet! Darkness was beginning to creep over the grounds. It was with a huge effort that I pulled out the second bottle. I wasn't sure I was ready, but I knew the feast would be beginning soon, if it hadn't already. I pulled out the stopper and drank the contents. Then I made my way towards the entrance. I could feel my limbs getting heavier. I was slowly coming back down to earth.


I was nervous. I was sat at the teachers table. I had saved the seat to my right in the hope she would join me. But she still hadn't turned up. I picked at the food on my plate. What if she hated flowers? After my faux pas this morning I had headed to Sprouts personal greenhouse and asked her if I could make up a bouquet of her finest flowers. I felt myself flush at the memory. I don't think I'll ever forget the look she gave me. It was suspicion mixed with curiosity. The levitation potion was something of my own creation. I hope she enjoyed it. I flicked my eyes up towards the door and dropped my fork.

There she was.

She was walking very carefully. I noticed that she wasn't wearing any shoes, and her dress looked like it had been torn. My heart was starting to sink. But then I saw the look on her face and I couldn't stop the grin that crossed mine.
When she reached the table I pulled the seat out for her. I sat in silence, waiting with baited breath. Then she slowly turned to look at me.
"Severus" she breathed. My heart leapt for joy. I bowed my head to hide the ridiculous smile that I couldn't erase. That's all I needed to hear. Once I had regained control of my face, I risked looking up at her. Her big Brown eyes were boring into mine. She was grinning from ear to ear. "How did you do that?" she whispered. " It was something I made up myself. The main ingredient is billywig stings" I replied. She shook her head in disbelief. " It was incredible Severus, thank you." she picked up her cutlery and began to eat. I noticed that there was some leaves and twigs stuck in her hair. So without thinking I reached up and gently picked them out for her. She spun her head in my direction. My hand brushed her cheek as I hastily removed it. " you..er... had some leaves in your hair" I mumbled. She giggled and ran her hand through her raven hair. "Thanks hun" she said as she flashed me her biggest smile, before getting stuck into her dinner. I watched her for a moment until I caught sight of professor Sprout looking at me with a raised eyebrow. I quickly looked back at my dinner.

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