Valentines day

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It was valentines day. So Hogwarts was momentarily transformed into a hive of giggling, hysterical teenagers. The girls were traveling in packs whispering and laughing randomly. The boys were trying their hardest to impress, which was leading to a lot of swaggering down the corridors. The air was thick with teenage angst and cheap perfume. I normally hated this particular day, but now my hatred had transformed into more of a mild annoyance. After all, I had my own valentine to spoil this year. I had thought long and hard about what to do for her and I had come up with a plan that (hopefully) she would love. After a dismal attempt to try and educate the youth of today, I was finally on my way to meet Phoenix. I had told her to wait for me at the teachers lounge, as I neared the door I could hear her laughter ringing out. The sound made the little hairs on the back of my neck prickle with excitement. I pushed through the door and saw my valentine holding her ribs as she rocked back and forth with laughter. Earnest was telling her sonething highly amusing. I should have guessed. "Hello Severus" gushed Earnest as he wiggled his eyebrows at me. "Hello Earnest" I sighed. I had almost grown used to his presence. Almost. Phoenix had straightened up by now. "May I please steal Phoenix fron you" I added in a hushed undertone. Earnest smirked before placing his hand over his chest in mock heartbreak.
"I'll leave you two to it then" he added as he swept out of the teachers lounge. "Come here" I growled. She smiled. "Where are we going?" She whispered as she folded herself into my embrace. "Oh you'll see." I replied as I trailed kisses down her neck. I stepped away and pulled her with me. I reluctantly let go of her as we made our way through the castle. I eventually came to a halt on the seventh floor. I turned into the corridor to the left and held out my hand. "There's something I want you to do before we go any further" I said as I pulled out a long silk scarf from my robes. She looked at me with wide eyed astonishment. "I need you to wear this blindfold." Her face flushed with excitement, but she stood perfectly still as I wrapped the scarf over her eyes. I waved a hand in front of her face to make sure she couldn't see a thing. I guided her to a blank stretch of wall opposite a tapestry of 'Barnabas the Barmy' then ran my hand slowly across her hip. She sighed as she shudddered at my touch. I nestled my head to hers and whispered into her ear, "I'm going to guide you my love, but I need you to concentrate on what is your hearts desire. As i'm guiding you, you must think to yourself 'show me my hearts desire'. Remember to think this. When the time is right, I will remove your blindfold." I brushed my lips against her cheek and began to walk her past the wall. After passing the wall three times, to my delight a large ornate door materialised. I felt my heart skip a beat in my anticipation to see what Phoenix desired the most.
"Come wih me" I breathed as I pulled her through the door. We walked carefully into the room. It was incredible. The floor was covered in grass and the walls had transformed into a beautiful scene of tall trees and far away mountains. In the very centre of the room was a blanket with a picnic for two. "Stand very still" I whispered as I slowly knelt on one knee in front of her. I ran my hands down her right leg. As I reached her shoe I carefully slipped it off. I did the same with her left foot. I straightened up and very slowly then began to undo her blindfold. Her eyelids fluttered open and her expression was priceless. "Severus!" She breathed. "This is incredible. Where are we?" I smiled before taking her by the hand and leading her to the picnic blanket. "Technically, we're still in Hogwarts, in a very special room called, the room of requirement. This room will show you exactly what you want and anything you need. I found it by accident when i was a student. It has been my safe haven on many troublesome occasions." Phoenix was gazing around the room in awe. "Wow" was all she managed to say as i took my place next to her on the blanket. I ran my fingers through the grass. It felt so real. I gazed around the room. I had no idea what would happen when I asked her to visualise her hearts desire. If i'm honest, a small part of me was a little worried that I wouldn't like the end result. But after seeing a simple picnic blanket laid for two, in the middle of a supposed field, I felt my feelings for Phoenix intensify. I lifted my hand to caress her cheek. She fixed her fathomless eyes onto me. I felt like jolts of electricity were pulsing through me. Spreading from the hand I had placed on her cheek, to the very tips of my toes. Being with her was like getting a shot of adrenaline directly into my beaten and bruised heart. I loved it.
"I wrote you a poem" I confessed quietly, as I stroked her already reddening face. Her eyes lit up and the corners of her mouth twitched ever so slightly. "Severus" she breathed. I placed a finger gently across her lips, then shifted myself so I was cheek to cheek with her. After tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear I proceeded to whisper my creation to her.

"Lost and alone,
Never feeling home,
Hurt and broken,
Of this i've never spoken.
This was my life,
All trouble and strife,
Darkness, anger and hatred.
But then I met you,
And the beast within
became sedated,
I longed,
I lusted,
I wanted to be trusted.
I watched and waited,
But was i being baited?
I'll never forget the day
You took my pain away,
Our first kiss.
You burned away the fear,
You filled my heart with desire,
You brought light into me,
When i'm with you Phoenix,
It's like i'm dancing with fire."

As I finished I kissed her lightly on her cheek. I could taste the saltiness of the tears that flowed from her. I squirmed uncomfortably. I didn't intend to upset her. I felt embarassment start to creep up my spine. I held my breath, unsure about what to do next.
"Severus, that was the most beautiful poem I have ever heard." She whispered as she turned to me and flung herself upon me. I breathed a huge sigh of relief. She brought her lips to mine as she gently pushed me down onto the grass covered floor. "This is heaven" she whispered as she nestled her head in the crook of my arm and brouht her leg up across my thighs. I smiled to myself as I lay in the room of requirement with my lover. We lay in contented peacefulness. Talking and laughing. I had no idea what the time was, but a slight unease in my gut told me it was probably time we made a reappearance. "Dance with me before we go" she purred as she gracefully leapt to her feet and held out a hand for me. I took hold of her and pulled myself up. "It would give me great pleasure" I growled in response. She smiled seductively at me before sauntering into my embrace. Slowly we started to move. I held her body tightly to mine. The heat and friction that we were generating as we gyrated our bodies together was intense, and I could feel my body responding to her touch. I ran my hand over her beautifully round bottom and groaned with longing. She quirked an eyebrow at me and pushed herself against me. "You've stolen my heart" I whispered into her ear as I caressed every inch of her beauty. She gazed at me, her eyes twinkling. She was just about to say something in return but stopped abruptly as a flash of silver erupted into the room.
We leapt apart in alarm. It was a patronus, from none other than Albus Dumbledore. At once his voice echoed through the room of requirement.
"Phoenix Knight" began the patronus, "there is an urgent visitor for you in my office. Please come at once." We watched in stunned silence as the phoenix shaped patronus faded into nothingness. I turned to face Phoenix. She looked just as confused as i was. Except there was the unmistakable look of fear within her eyes. Without further ado, I grasped hold of her hand and together we turned our backs on her hearts desire.


My heart was hammering against my ribcage. Who on earth could be coming to see me? My stomach gave an unpleasant jolt. I felt my body shudder involentarily. It couldn't be I thought fiercely as i continued down the corridor leading to Dumbledores office. "Are you okay?" Severus asked gently. I couldn't bring myself to answer so I just gave him a curt nod in response. After muttering the password, we started running up the stairs. I came to a halt outside the headmasters office. I could feel Severus' presence behind me. I didn't know why but I knew that what ever was waiting for me, wasn't going to ne anything good. With a trembling hand I reached for the door knob and pushed my way inside.
I swallowed hard as I scanned the room. I saw Dumbledore standing with his back to me next to his window.
"Ah Phoenix. I'm so glad you recieved my message. There is someone here who wishes to speak with you." As he moved I caught a glimpse of my mysterious visitor. It was a woman. I furrowed my eyebrows in concentration. I didn't know her per say, but I couldn't shake off the feeling that I had seen her somewhere before. Severus moved so close behind me that I could feel his hand gently brush the small of my back. I felt my resolve harden, my courage finally broke through as I straightened my spine and threw out my chest. "Who are you?" I asked, my voice wad calm and steady. "Where have i seen you before?" I added. The womans sour mouth turned into a grimace. "I saw you at St Mungos" She replied. Her voice was husky and deep, no doubt caused by an unhealthy tobacco habit. I stared at her, lost in my thoughts, until it finally hit me. I gasped out loud. I had seen her before. She was the stern looking woman who had entered the elevator. My pulse quickened. "What do you want with me?" I asked, my sense of unease increasing wih every minute that past. She raised one over plucked eyebrow as she watched me squirm, like a worm trapped on a hook.
"I've come to pass on a message" she relented. When i didn't give a response she sighed dramatically,

"From your father."

Dancing with fire. [A Severus Snape fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now