The very private life of Severus Snape

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**contains adult themes**


I was lost. My head was pounding from the adrenaline coursing through my system. I slammed the door closed behind me as I watched Phoenix approach my bed. I was breathing hard and was rooted to the spot, transfixed by her beauty. She stopped.
"This is a beautiful room." she whispered. I didn't say a word. She looked back at me, and not for the first time since we became an item, I marveled at the fact that she had chosen to be with me. What did she see in a man, consumed by the darkness?
"Severus, come to me." she commanded. I obeyed. My body felt clumsy and disjointed. As I stood in front of her, she raised her hand to my cheek. I sighed as I felt the tension leave me. She slid her hands down until they rested on my shirt. Then very slowly, she began to unbutton me. I could feel my heart drumming against my ribcage. As she reached the last button I felt my body tense.
I knew what was coming next. She had never seen me without a shirt on. She had never seen my.. disfigurement. Would she recoil? Or worse, would she pity me? She seemed oblivious to my inner turmoil as she ran her hands up over my stomach. She pushed her fingers through the dark hair on my chest and up onto my shoulders. She was easing my shirt off when her fingertips grazed the outline of my secret shame.
"Severus, what..." she trailed off. Her hand ran over my back.
"Oh my god." she breathed. Her eyes snapped up to mine. I couldn't bear the look in her eyes, so I averted my gaze and very slowly began to turn my entire body. I heard her choke back a sob as she took in the evidence of my troubled childhood.

My father was a nasty man. A muggle with a huge chip on his shoulder. He hadn't known about my mothers witch heritage when they first met. It wasn't until they had been wed and I had come along did my mother finally confess. He hadn't taken it well. He was an alcoholic and a bully. He never missed an opportunity to humiliate me and when he came home stinking drunk, I was the perfect outlet for his pent up feelings of inferiority. He always favoured his belt. It left more of a mark and drew the most blood. I felt my face burn with shame. I didn't hear her approach, but I startled when I felt her fingertips gently caress my bare flesh. She ran her fingers over the puckered, raw edges of the fissures. " Oh Severus" she whispered. I swallowed back the lump in my throat. "Please don't" I replied. My voice sounded oddly detached. Then I felt her lips brush against me. She traced gentle kisses across the scars. I closed my eyes, she continued to kiss and caress every inch of my back, until she pressed her body firmly against me.
"I think you're the most beautiful person I have ever seen." she whispered into my ear. I whipped my head around. She looked up at me with her big beautiful eyes. I didn't have to read her thoughts to know she was being genuine. I felt completely overwhelmed. She reached up and tucked my hair behind my ear. I pulled her to me. "Kiss me." I growled. Her mouth curved up into a wicked grin, then she threw her arms around my neck and kissed me with such intensity that I thought my heart would explode. I responded with just as much passion. My entire body felt on fire. Nothing or no one mattered because it was just me and her. I ran my hand over her hip and pulled her up against my growing erection. She playfully bit my lip and it sent me over the edge. I pushed myself away, then spun her around. My fingers were trembling as I swept her sweet, scented hair to one side and tugged the zip of her dress down. She shuddered as I ran my fingers across her skin. Her dress fell to the floor. She turned to face me and beckoned me forward. She reached for my trousers, undid the buttons and eased me free. I moaned as she ran her fingers gently across my arousal. I walked towards her until she hit the bed frame. She giggled as she toppled onto my bed and lay herself down. I crawled over her until my throbbing erection was between her thighs. She arched her back, seductively rubbing herself against me. A low growl of frustration escaped my lips. Phoenix smiled.
"How badly do you want me?" she purred as she ran her hands up my arms. She gingerly caressed the bandage on my left arm, and a twinge of guilt ran through me. "You have no idea how much I want you Phoenix Knight" I murmured in response. Then, before I knew what was happening, she pulled me over until I was led flat on my back on the bed.


The look on his face was priceless and I couldn't help the smile that spread across mine. I was sat straddled across his legs and I felt on fire. As I leant forward, I felt his hands slowly making their way up my body. He grasped my breasts and gently rubbed his fingers across my nipples. I felt them tighten under his touch. I found his mouth and deepened our passion. When we finally broke apart I breathed into his ear, "take me then." He groaned at these words. His eyes widened with pleasure as I grasped his rock hard erection. I guided him to where I was aching with lust. Then very slowly, I eased myself onto him. I closed my eyes, trying to hold myself together. I heard him moan and I could tell he was having trouble holding back too. As I rocked slowly back and forth I could feel him trembling. Then he grabbed me firmly by the hips and pulled me to him. I gasped. As we moved in perfect harmony I could feel the intense pressure building up inside me. My eyes snapped open, I was struggling to stay in control. My heart was hammering and I clung to Severus for all I was worth. I was on the edge, he was too. I reached up, cupped his face in my hands and looked him right in the eyes as we both reached orgasm. Wave after wave of intense, unimaginable pleasure pulsed through me as I collapsed on top of Severus. I groaned onto his chest. "Oh Phoenix. " He breathed as he buried his face into my hair.
We lay there for quite some time, just enjoying the closeness of our bodies. My head was swimming with pleasure. I shifted until I was face to face with him. He opened his eyes and smiled as he kissed me gently on the nose. "You know what" He croaked as he ran his cool hand over my side and down my hip. "I think... I'm falling for you." He spoke the words so quietly, that for a minute I had to think about what he had just admitted. I ran my hand over his chest and placed it over his heart."I've already fallen for you" I whispered back. "I knew from the moment I saw you that our futures were entwined." I paused then murmured, "my heart is yours." I held my breath, unsure about how he would react. He lifted my chin and kissed me tenderly on the lips. Then he leaned in and whispered, "Phoenix, my heart will always be yours." I felt like my heart had swollen to twice its normal size. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rolled on top of him. I had never been happier. Severus was a scared, broken and troubled man, but he was mine. I had always known that beneath the cold exterior was a heart of pure gold. I couldn't believe how lucky I was.
We made love three times that night. By the time morning came round, I knew without a doubt that I was completely and irrevocably, in love with him.

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