A proper family

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Severus and I spent the rest of the weekend in our bed. Making love and talking at great length about my fathers confession. I sighed as I lay upon the bed gazing up at the ceiling. I watched the tiny dust particles drift lazily across the beams of sunlight. The only noise came from Severus as he snoozed next to me. He had drifted off to sleep about an hour ago. Everything was so peaceful. I turned to look at him. I felt like my heart had doubled in size since I met him. I loved him with every inch of my heart and soul. We were so good together. I think deep down I had always thought that I would spend the rest of my life with him, as I couldn't bear the idea of us being apart. The one thing that hadn't enter my mind however, was having a family. We had always been very careful when it came to contraception, as you would in any new relationship. Babies, were certainly not high on my list of priorities. But as I lay next to my beloved I felt my heart ache with a longing I had never experienced before. The thought of being the mother of his child thrilled me more then I would like to admit. My pulse quickened. I shook my head vigourously. I couldn't let myself think this way. If what my father had said was true, then Severus and I really shouln't risk it. My sudden movement caused Severus to wake with a start. "Watch you...." he cried incoherantly as he tried to sit up. I laughed as I placed my hand upon his arm. "It's okay my love, i'm here." He blinked several times before smiling sheepishly back at me. "Phoenix" he murmured as he pulled me into his embrace. I smiled contentedly. We lay together in silence, just listening to the sound of our hearts beating in unison. Until the rumbling of my stomach caused us to finally stir. "I suppose we better get up." I sighed as I kissed him gently on the lips. Severus smiled mischieviously. "Now why on earth should we do that?" He growled as he nuzzled his face into my neck. I giggled shamlessly. "Because im hungry!" I complained. "Very well" he sighed, "Socks" he called. Almost at once, a loud crack echoed through the cottage as Socrates apparated into the bedroom.
"Hello Master, hello Miss Knight" beamed the little house elf, "what can I do for you?" He squeaked. I smiled broadly at Socrates before turning to Severus. "Touché" I replied. His expression turned serious for a fraction of a second, then suddenly he wrapped his arms tightly around me and began planting kisses all over me. I was laughing hysterically at his sudden playfulness. This felt so wonderful. I finally felt like I had a proper family.

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