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I was dancing around my bedroom. The excitement was almost too much to bear. I still needed to choose an outfit so I sashayed my way over to my wardrobe. I wanted to pull out all the stops for tonight. I needed him to want me, whilst remaining innocuous to the students. I fished out a long black dress. It had long black sleeves and it was floor length. The neck line plunged to show just enough cleavage but the back of the dress dropped right down my back. I couldn't wear underwear with this dress. It was perfect.
I ran myself a bath and prepared myself for tonight.
An hour later, I was twirling in front of my bedroom mirror checking the dress, when I heard a knock at the door. I took a sharp intake of breath. This was it. The palms of my hands were slick with sweat as I pulled open the front door. When he saw me, his eyes practically bulged from his head. I smiled shyly. "What do you think?" I asked quietly. He too looked very handsome tonight. His long black hair was gleaming, and his pale skin was iridescent in the evening moonlight. He took a step closer. "I think, I would much rather stay here and have you, then go to the feast. You look absolutely stunning. " He slid his hand across my hip. I snaked my arms around his waist. " You look very delectable yourself Professor. " I breathed into his ear. He closed his eyes and sighed. " Come on Professor Knight, we have a feast to attend." He murmured. I looked up at him and grinned. Then I took his hand and led the way up to the castle.
There was no denying it. Hogwarts at Halloween was incredibly beautiful. As Severus and I entered the great hall, I saw tiny bats swooping and flying above the house tables. There were pumpkins as big as hippogriffs dotted all around the edge of the hall. "Hagrids done an amazing job on the pumpkins." I said as we made our way to the teachers table. Severus didn't reply. I looked up at him. His face was irritatingly neutral. I sighed and sat myself down on his right hand side. Dumbledore was looking particularly excited. He was beaming at the students. I caught his eye and gave him a small smile. I could see the corners of his mouth twitch beneath his silvery beard. When everyone was seated, Dumbledore clapped his hands. Almost immediately the hall walls rang with silence.
"Well, first things first, happy Halloween!" Dumbledores voice echoed through the great hall. "Before we begin this delectable feast, I have an announcement to make. It has been brought to my attention that a great number of you have taken to our newest subject." I straightened in my seat as I felt the students shift their attention to me. I smiled feeling suddenly nervous. I felt Severus move his leg to touch mine, and a wave of calm flooded me. I hitched up my smile. "and we have decided, that is to say Professor Knight, myself and the students themselves have decided to hold a yuletide dance performance." I glanced over to the Hufflepuff table and saw several faces light up. Including the girl who I had over heard this afternoon. "As a result" continued Dumbledore, " I will be posting up a form to sign for students who wish to stay at Hogwarts this Christmas, and any students who wish to take part in the yuletide performance, if you could speak to Professor Knight," He swept his hand over to my direction. I hastily waved.  "I'm sure she will be more than happy to hear your ideas. Now, without further ado let us begin this years Halloween feast! " He sank back into his chair. It was as if the entire room was holding its breath, because the second Dumbledore was seated the noise level rose through the roof! The sudden surge of excitement was crackling through the room like  electricity. I reached my hands slowly into Severus' lap and entwined my fingers with his. He gave me a reassuring squeeze, and I felt my smile broaden. This was perfect.


I was shivering, but I didn't know if it was the nerves, my underlying excitement or the fact that it was so cold. I had agreed to meet Severus in the dungeon corridor as to not attract any unwanted attention. My teeth began to chatter, so I started to stomp up the deserted corridor. What was taking him so long? Then, like a terrible vision in black, Severus materialized. His robes were billowing behind him, making it appear like he had wings. I smiled. My Angel of darkness coming to collect me. "What's made you smile?" He asked as he stopped in front of me. His deep, baritone voice sent shivers down to my very core. "Just seeing you." I purred as I pressed my body up against him. He shook his head in disbelief. I gave his arm a gentle slap. "I wish you could see how much you mean to me." I replied quietly. He shifted uneasily. "Come on " He said gruffly as he took my hand. We walked down the corridor. Our footsteps echoing loudly off the stone walls. As we entered his potions classroom my nerves kicked up a notch. He led the way in silence. Then as we reached the top of the staircase he stopped.
"Is everything ok? " I asked.
"I've never had any one up to my room before." He admitted shyly. He ran his thumb over the back of my hand. I closed my eyes at the sensation. How could one person have such a profound effect on me? I opened my eyes and looked up at the furrowed brows of Severus. He looked really anxious. So, I did the only thing I could do. I kissed him. He was caught completely off guard but responded with a fierce retaliation. As our lips touched his tongue very gently but firmly claimed access. I groaned with a hungry lust as I pushed him up against the wall.
"Come on Severus, it's me." I breathed "don't be nervous." He was breathing heavily as he groped for the door handle. I reached behind him, pushed open the door and stumbled into the very private life of Severus Snape.

Dancing with fire. [A Severus Snape fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now