Rise of the Phoenix

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The next morning I awoke with a start. It took a few minutes for me to realise where I was. I had fallen asleep in yesterdays clothes and I felt like I hardly slept. The excitement of actually being at Hogwarts had meant I had woken up frequently throughout the night. As I stretched I yawned loudly. I had never been a morning person. I stripped off and pulled on my running clothes. There was no point taking a bath until after my run. After sorting myself out I walked into the kitchen, got myself a drink of water then braced myself for my first morning at Hogwarts.
I loved running. No matter what was going on in my life, there was nothing a good run couldn't sort out. I only saw Hagrid as I made my way around the grounds. "Morning" He called as he waved merrily. "Morning" I yelled back. The black Lake was looming ahead as I pushed myself harder. The only thing on my mind was how wonderful this place was. Each turn brought a new breath taking scene of beauty. By the time I collapsed through my front door thoughts of last night started to creep into my mind. I bathed quickly and pulled on some black leggings, a black t shirt and some trainers. I glanced at myself in the mirror which was hung behind the bedroom door. I smiled. I hope everything goes to plan. My stomach was starting to get butterflies. With a last deep breath I pulled on my cloak, pocketed my wand and left for the great hall.
The students were already milling around their house tables, chatting excitedly about their lessons and helping themselves to breakfast. A fair few students looked up at me as I passed. Some of them smiled while others said "hello professor." I smiled and said morning back to each one. My nerves were starting to fade until I saw professor Snape already sat at the teachers table. My cheeks reddened but I kept my head held high. I sat down in the spare chair to his right. I began eating my porridge. "Are you nervous?"He muttered as he continued cutting up his breakfast. I looked out over the students who were busily eating their own breakfast now. "No, I think I'll be just fine." I replied back. I turned to catch him gazing at me. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly. I cocked my head to one side. "Do I amuse you professor? " I smiled coyly whilst looking up at him through my eyelashes. For a fraction of a second he seemed taken aback, but he regained his composure and replied cooly, "Not at all miss Knight." He bowed his head and pushed his chair back as if to get up. I panicked. "please don't go." I whispered. I put my hand on his arm. He looked from my hand to my face. He really was difficult to read, but he remained seated. We sat looking into each others eyes for what felt like an eternity. Until I became aware that my hand was still on him. I slowly removed it. I wished he would talk to me. Just then Dumbledore came sweeping along the table. I sighed and continued with my porridge in silence.
The great hall was now full with students laughing and eating. The owls had just been delivering forgotten items and letters of encouragement from home. The Hall was buzzing with energy. I could feel the excitement wash over me like a warm waterfall. My confidence was growing as I rose from my chair and climbed onto the teachers table. Severus immediately looked up at me in alarm. Several other teachers were also staring at me with gaped mouths. The students in front of the teachers table had spotted me and a surge of excited whispers swept through the hall. I raised my wand and pointed it at my throat,"sonorus" I cried and suddenly my voice was magically amplified. "Good morning everyone." I said as I surveyed the room. "words cannot describe how happy I am to be here" I smiled at the students nearest me. "As you know my name is professor Phoenix Knight and I have come to Hogwarts to teach the art of dance. This is something which is very dear to me and I can't wait to work with you." I leapt down from the teachers table and sprang onto the Gryffindor table. A collective gasp followed me as I continued to walk between the goblets and plates. "dancing is a wonderful way to express yourself, a way to let go of any burdens you carry with you." I stopped. "It will build your confidence and I guarantee you'll make new friends along the way. " I took a deep breath and braced myself. I started sprinting down the long table, nimbly avoiding the contents. Once I reached the edge of the table I flung myself into the air. When I was mid jump I twisted my body 360 degrees and my clothes burst into flames. I heard a few scattered yells of shock, but by the time I landed gracefully on my feet, the flames had dyed down revealing in its wake a long glittery dress that shimmered like the sun. I grinned at the students nearest me. "If anyone is interested in joining one of my dance classes, there is a board in the main entrance. Just put your name down and I will make the arrangements. Quietus" I muttered as the entire Hall erupted into applause and whoops of admiration. I bowed dramatically and spun round, as I sauntered out through the doors I made an extra special effort to exaggerate my hip swaying. I just hoped that 'he' liked what he saw.


I sat open mouthed as she rose up from the table. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. She was addressing the great hall and everyone was giving her their undivided attention. What was it about her? Where on earth had she come from? I cast a sideways look towards Dumbledore and was shocked to see him sat there with his face resting in his fingers, a smile dancing across his lips. I turned back to watch Phoenix start running down the Gryffindor table. Then as she leapt I gasped out loud. Her entire body had been engulfed in flames, but as she landed I could see a beautiful evening gown type dress clinging tightly to her body. That was some seriously impressive spell work. It was like fire dancing across her. The light from the windows bounced straight from her dress which made looking at her difficult, but the way the material gathered around her breasts made me hunger for her like never before. She was dangerously hypnotic. I had to admit that the more time I spent in her company, the more I wanted to throw myself at her feet. I had never been in a situation like this before and quite frankly, it scared the hell out of me. I watched her exit the hall and was memorised by her. I could feel my erection throbbing almost to the point of being painful. I had to pull myself together. I cannot let my emotions rule. I had worked too hard to keep them hidden somewhere where nobody could hurt me. I sat listening to the tremendous applause that was still ringing loudly throughout the great hall. I was going to have to talk to her sooner or later, but for now I just needed to clear my head and keep myself focused on the days lessons.

Dancing with fire. [A Severus Snape fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now