Secret rendezvous

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As our lips touched I felt the butterflies in my stomach turn into a roaring fire. At first he seemed unsure of what to do, but then our mouths found a rhythm that made my entire body tremble with pleasure. Then the realisation of what I had done hit me. I was frightened he would pull away, but he didn't. He pulled me in so I was pressed up against his lean body, and kissed me back so intensely that my head was spinning with pleasure. I wanted this moment to last for all eternity. But the sound of footsteps approaching forced us apart. We leapt onto a nearby sofa and tried to look composed. We were still breathing rather heavy and I couldn't stop smiling as Professor Flitwick bustled into the room.
"Oh what a morning!" He cried as he used his wand to pour himself a coffee. He glanced over at us. I grinned nervously back at him, Severus on the other hand looked like he was deep in thought. "Are you alright Severus? You look like somethings bothering you." enquired Flitwick. I glanced over at Severus, "thank you for your concern Filius but I assure you, I'm perfectly fine." He replied cooly. I quickly looked away. My lips were still throbbing from our secret rendezvous and my heart was hammering. I smiled mischievously to myself. Flitwick had plonked himself down at a nearby table and was busying himself with some paperwork. I chanced a look at Severus, he was looking straight ahead with a hardened expression on his face. My heart sank slightly. Oh please don't let him regret what had happened between us. Panic surged through me. I was still looking at him when his eyes finally met mine. Almost immediately his face softened. I released the breath that I had been holding. I grinned mischievously then inched myself closer to him. Very slowly I shifted my leg so that our thighs were touching. I felt his entire body stiffen at the unexpected intimacy. I glanced over at Flitwick. I could barely see him over the top of the exercise books he had piled in front of him. The thrill of being this close in the presence of another teacher was intense. My body was screaming out for his touch, but Severus seemed like he was trying to reign himself in. So, with a trembling hand I very slowly brushed my fingers along his thigh. I looked up at the man I couldn't get out of my mind, and was over the moon to see that he was biting his lip in an effort to hold himself back. I glanced over at the clock on the wall and sighed. It was almost time for my next class. With a heavy heart I prised myself from Severus' side. I trailed my hand over his arm. Quick as a flash he grabbed my hand. I gasped in shock. Severus dropped my hand as Professor Flitwick popped his head over the books to see what was going on. "Sorry" I mumbled "I stubbed my toe." I felt my cheeks grow hot at the blatant lie. He gave me a questioning look but returned to his books. I shifted my gaze to Severus. He beckoned me closer. As I leant over the sofa arm he whispered into my ear, "will you meet me for the evening meal?" I felt my knees grow weak at the sultry edge to his voice.
"of course" I whispered, before I straightened up I brushed my lips against his pale cheek. Then I turned on my heel and sauntered out the teachers lounge. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I had been fantasizing about that moment for weeks. Then a sudden feeling of dread crept over me. What if he regrets our secret rendezvous? What am I going to do if he starts being hot and cold all over again? I just hoped he wasn't playing games with me.


I was rooted to the spot and I could barely breath. The events of what just happened was whirling through my mind. I had lost it. The iron clad hold I had over my feelings had been smashed open the second I delved into her mind. I know I shouldn't have used occlumency on her but she was a massive projectionist, and it was all too easy to slip into her subconscious. But once I was inside I was blown away. In my life I've seen alot of people and because of my 'gift' I had seen their most secret desires. Their deepest longings and I can say with complete honesty that almost everyone I had the displeasure of meeting had some sort of hidden agenda. I was convinced that Phoenix would be the same. Why would she be different from all the others? But all I saw from her thoughts and memories was pure love. For the first time in a very, very long time I was standing in front of a woman who was exactly what she said she was. There was no hidden agenda. It was that that had made me put my hand to her cheek. I was lost for words. Then she kissed me. The memory of that kiss would remain burned into my soul for the rest of my life. My heart was still pounding as I sat on the sofa in the teachers lounge. I was desperately trying to pull myself together. I took a couple of deep breaths. I wonder if I could do this? Did I have enough self control to keep me and her safe? I had worked hard to keep myself shut away. I didn't want anyone else getting hurt as a result of my affections. But try as I might I couldn't get her out from under my skin. Perhaps there was room in my closed off semblance of a life for a Phoenix?

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