"I'm scared..."

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**contains strong adult content**


The silence that rang through Dumbledores office was deafening. I could feel the blood draining from my face so quickly that I actually thought I was on the verge of collapse. Quick as a flash, Severus wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him. My throat constricted in panic and fear.
"Who the Hell do you think you are?" Growled Severus as he clung to me. The woman fixed her mud coloured eyes on him and curled her lip.
"How touching" she croaked, as she flicked her tongue out to lick her lips, before smacking them together. I felt Severus recoil in disgust. "Who are you?" I asked quietly. She rolled her eyes and sighed. My name is Trixie, i'm your fathers wife." She paused as she looked at me and grinned wickedly, "which would also technically make me your step mother!" She laughed, a cold gravelly laugh that made the hairs on my arms prickle and my stomach recoil. She didn't look that much older than myself. I felt a red, hot anger bubbling through me. " I don't have anything to do with that man, and I certainly don't want anything to do with you!" I spat. That seemed to shut her up.
"Your father is dying " she added as she perched herself on the edge of Dumbledores desk. I glared at her. "That still doesn't change anyhing."       I noticed Dumbledore shift uncomfortably. She stared blankly back at me. "If that's all you got to say, then I suggest you leave." I added as I turned my back on her, grabbed hold of Severus and walked out of Dumbledores office.
"He wants to speak to you!" She yelled as my foot touched the top stair.
I stopped.
"There is nothing he can say that would ever make me want to see him. He's been dead to me for a long time." I replied before continuing down the spiral staircase.
As I decended I caught a glimpse of my feet. I didn't have my shoes on. I had left them back in the room of requirement, back where my life had made sense.
"Phoenix" Severus murmured gently. "I'm fine" I replied a little too quickly. Even though inside I felt like I was drowning in the thousands of tears I had shed from my past.


I could hear the shower running in the bathroom, she must be up already I thought to myself as I gingerly opened one eye. It was still dark outside. I stretched myself out and relished the quiet. It had been almost four weeks since Phoenix had a visit from Trixie, and despite my numerous attempts to try and talk to her about it, she was absolutely adament that she was 'fine' and had no desire what so ever to even acknowledge what happened. However, what she says and how she actually feels completely contradicts herself. She had become quiet and withdrawn. She was losing her sparkle and it was breaking my heart in the process. Not only that, but we had started to bicker at each other. The slightest little thing could set her off, and I was finding it incredibly difficult to see where I stood with her. I sighed into the darkness of our bedroom. We had argued again last night. She had barely spoken to me for days and when I addressed her about this, she snapped that she had lots on her mind, and for me to stop acting so childish. Of course I tried, yet again to talk to her about her father, but she just glared at me and stormed off out the cottage. She hadn't returned by the time I went to bed, and I didn't hear her come home. I swung my legs silently over the bed and proceded to get myself dressed at top speed. The last thing I wanted right now was another argument. I tip toed out the bedroom. I didn't stop until I was by the front door. I glanced back over my shoulder, but she didn't seemed to have noticing me leaving. If she wanted some head space, then I'll leave her be. As I closed the door behind me I felt an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. I hope i'm doing the right thing.


I had lost track of how long I had been standing in the shower. But as I stood there under the steaming hot jets of water, I could feel myself begin to fall apart. It felt like millions of tiny needles were penetrating my skin, which brought all the pain and misery, that I was trying so hard to hide, bubbling to the surface. I started to cry silent tears, then before long my whole body began to shake and rock from the sobs I had been repressing these past few weeks. I hated my father. I hated him so damn much!! I slid slowly down the tiled wall until I rested my head on my knees and wrapped my arms around my legs. The hot water continued to pelt down on me. I wished Severus would come find me. I had been so cold and detatched recently, that I seriously doubted that he would even want to be near me at the moment. Then a noise caught my attention. My head shot up as I strained to listen for my knight in shining armour. Nothing. I slipped and slid to my feet, switching the shower off in the process. I carefully climbed out the shower and grabbed a towel. "Severus" I called, but there was no answer. I tiptoed into the bedroom. He wasn't there. I walked down the corridor and into the living room. He wasn't there either. "Severus" I called, a bit louder this time. Still no answer, and then it hit me. He wasn't here at all. I felt my heart break all over again. Never, in all my life had I ever felt as alone and lost, as I did right now, standing in my grandmas old cottage wearing nothing but a towel. I couldn't continue this way. I have to do something, and I knew exactly what I needed to do first.


I had been expertly avoiding Phoenix all day, which was no mean feat. Particularly when what I really wanted to do is gather her up in my arms and beg her to let me help her take her pain away.
I knew the hour was late, but still I forced myself to stay sat behind my desk, looking over the latest homework assignments handed in by my N.E.W.T students. My eyes were itching with tiredness and I could feel my concentration slipping, when the sound of approaching footsteps made my heart jolt with excitement and slight fear. I fumbled for the next piece of homework and bent over the desk, pretending to be deep in concentration. The door to my office creaked open. I kept my face averted. Her heels clicked across the stone floor, the sound seemed to exagerate the incredible silence and distance between us. I swallowed hard. Then she stopped. I couldn't help myself. I looked up at her. She had her black traveling cloak wrapped around her and she looked dangerously beautiful. Then just like that, I felt all the anger, all the frustration and heartache melt away. We looked at each other in silence. "Phoenix" I whispered, but in the blink of an eye she stepped around my desk and placed her fingers to my lips. "Don't" she said as she slowly sank onto my lap. She ran her hands through my hair. My pulse was galloping at the sudden intamacy. "Severus. I'm so sorry. I know I've been..." she trailed off slightly. I pulled her tightly to me. "Think nothing of it my love." I growled into her soft, full lips. "I just want to forget" she sighed, "Severus, help me to forget, even if it's just for a little while." She bit her lip playfully as she shifted herself against me. I slid my hands slowly up her thighs, and gasped. She smiled innocently. "What's the matter Professor? Is my attire not to your satisfaction?" Her eyes were burning with lust, and I couldn't help but smile. There it was. The spark that made Phoenix, Phoenix. Very slowly I began to undo her long black cloak. To my utter delight, she was wearing nothing but a black lace bra and underwear. "Professor Knight" I purred, " I'm afraid this simply will not do." Then I pulled her face to mine and kissed her long, hard and deep.


Our kiss was urgent and full of passion. I could feel my stress and worries flow away as his tongue roughly explored my mouth. The fire in the pit of my stomach roared to life and the warmth between my legs began to gather. "Severus!" I panted urgently. He hastily began to unbuckle his belt. Within seconds he was free and he lifted me onto his desk. I raised my hips so he could ease my underwear off. He trailed kisses up my thighs. My heart was hammering wildly in my chest. Waiting for him felt agonisingly painful. I could feel the roughness of his stubbly chin millimetres from my arousal. I moaned with longing and frustration. Then I felt his hot, strong tongue against me as he kissed my very core. I couldn't help myself, my arms sent paperwork tumbling to the floor as he continued his intimate kiss. I was panting and moaning his name as my orgasm came hard and fast. He lifted his head grinning from ear to ear. "You taste so sweet" he growled. I gasped then grabbed hold of his shirt and pulled him to me. As I kissed him I could taste myself on his lips. I longed for him like never before.
"Come with me Severus" I breathed. I pushed him back onto his chair and gently slide myself onto him. Merlins beard this felt so good! He threw his head back against his chair as I picked up the rythm. "Phoenix!" He cried as I thrust myself onto him one last time. He grasped hold of my back and clung to me as he trembled beneath me. I leant forward and kissed him gently on the lips. I could feel my sex throbbing with pleasure.
"I'm so lucky to have you" he breathed as he raised a shaking hand to tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear. I smiled weakly at him before resting my head against his chest. I could hear the frantic beating of his heart. It was oddly calming. I took a deep breath. "I've decided to go and see him." I whispered. I felt his arms stiffen around me. "I'm coming with you" he replied gruffly. I nodded.
"I'm scared Severus" I admitted as I nuzzled into him.
"I know." He replied softly.

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