Inspiration and deception

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The weeks were passing far too quickly for my liking. Which also meant my weekends with Severus were coming and going in a flash. True to our plan, I had been teaching Severus how to dance. By now he had really gotten into the swing of the rumba. Now it was the night of the Halloween feast and I was particularly excited. Severus had invited me to spend the night in his sleeping quarters. It doesn't sound like much, but I had never, ever been to his bedroom before. We always stayed at my place. There was something about being in his personal space that made my pulse quicken.
I was waiting for the last of my third year set one class to leave the great hall, when I caught the tail end of a conversation between a couple of girls.
"It would be pretty awesome though." said a Hufflepuff. "Yeah but it would be totally nerve racking, especially in front of the entire school." Retorted her Ravenclaw friend. "Oh please Vicky, you can't tell me you wouldn't enjoy shaking your thing in front of Lucas?!" They both started laughing as they left the hall. I stood as still as a statue, digesting the words I had just overheard. 'In front of the entire school'... Then suddenly it was like the world was coming into focus for the first time. The girls were talking about performing in front of the entire school. Well, what if I put on a show, to give my students a chance to show off what they can do. So I could show Dumbledore just what I can do? But when? Then it hit me like a bolt of lightning. Christmas! I could do a Christmas performance. It was only two months away but I knew I could pull it off. I was practically jumping for joy. My mind was buzzing with all sorts of wonderful routines that I could teach my students. I wonder if Dumbledore would approve? I couldn't see any reason why not. I hastily grabbed my cloak which was lying across a wooden bench, forced my arms through and dashed out of the hall heading in the direction of Dumbledores office.


Why did I do it?! I was pacing my office fuming at my own stupidity. Why did I invite her to stay over in my bed? Up until now I had managed to keep the 'afflictions' on my body hidden from her. I was no where near ready to tell her about my death eater past. But I had a feeling tonight was somehow going to be different. The night that could change everything. I rolled up the sleeve of my left arm. But how can I keep this hidden from her? I glared at the ugly skull with a foul snake slithering from its open mouth. It had grown paler over the years since the dark Lord had vanished, but nothing could remove the blemish. I ground my teeth together in my anger. Then an idea came to me. I pointed my wand at the mark and muttered under my breath. At once a bandage erupted from the tip and wound its way around my arm. I turned my arm checking it from every angle. The dark mark was completely covered. I felt pleased but at the same time deeply disgusted with myself. I dropped my arm. What was I doing? She didn't deserve this. Our "relationship" was built on lies and deception. She didn't know anything about me, not really. I had led her on, too weak to resist her. She was like a drug. I honestly felt like I needed her, I craved her, I wanted her. Or perhaps, I was her drug? She kept coming back. No matter what I did, she couldn't stay away either. I knew deep down that I would destroy her the longer we were together. It was inevitable.
I looked at the bandage. I could feel my temper rising. I brought my right hand up to the material.
"Severus." called a voice that made my heart soar. I turned to look at her. "Oh my god, what happened to your arm?" she gasped as she made to walk towards me. I recoiled then tugged the sleeve of my shirt down. She stopped, looking slightly crest fallen. "It's nothing." I mumbled. "I just...caught my arm on the cauldron this morning." I swallowed trying to shift the uncomfortable lump that had formed in my throat. "It's nothing really." I added as I gave her a small smile. She looked up at me. You don't deserve her my sub conscious screamed at me. The thought whirled through my mind relentlessly as I looked into those brown eyes. I closed my eyes and turned my back on her. Too ashamed of my blatant cowardice. Suddenly I felt her arms enveloping me as she came to stand directly behind me. "I'm always here for you." she whispered into my back. I felt another pang of guilt. It almost felt like every sweet word that she uttered to me was a red, hot dagger to my heart. I drew in a deep breath, then turned to face her. As our eyes connected she beamed at me. I raised my hands to her face and gently caressed her smooth cheek. She kissed my fingertips as I traced my fingers over her pink, full lips. "What brings you here so early? " I asked as I ran my fingers through her hair and tucked a stray strand behind her ear. "Hmmm" she sighed in reply as she leaned into me. I chuckled to myself. She opened her eyes and blinked doefully at me. "What? " she asked. "You just make me so happy." I blurted. Phoenix cocked her head to one side looking at me intently, then a huge smile spread across her face. "Ditto Professor" she replied. "Oh that's it" she gasped, "I came here to tell you some awesome news!" I raised an eyebrow at her. "You will never guess what I'm going to be doing." she looked at me excitedly. "umm." I replied not daring to give an answer.
"Dumbledore has given me permission to put on a Christmas dance show!" She was practically dancing with joy.
"Oh, wow. That sounds...wonderful. " I replied, even though I felt like a bucket of ice had been thrown over me. "What...What sort of performances did you have in mind?" I waited with baited breath. I was hoping beyond hope that she wouldn't ask me to dance with her in front of the entire school and faculty. I loved dancing with her, but I didn't think I could bring myself to perform in front of everyone. The thought made me shudder. "Well, I was thinking of putting together a variety of dance styles and getting the students to show off what they've learnt so far." she continued as I silently breathed a huge sigh of relief.
"Oh Severus,  I'm so excited!  The students are going to love it! Then after the performance I was thinking of putting on a disco for everyone to enjoy." her entire face was lit up. She was obviously in her element.
"I'm so happy for you." I said as I pulled her into my arms. She reached up and pulled my face to hers. As our lips touched her kiss was pleading and urgent. I could feel her excitement flooding through me, and it took every inch of my self control to pull away. "I can't wait to have you all to myself tonight." I breathed into her ear. She shuddered in my embrace. "Oh I'm very much looking forward to tonight Severus." She purred as she spun around and sauntered out of my office. She paused in the doorway. "pick me up for the feast about seven." she looked at me intently.
"I'll be there." I replied.

Dancing with fire. [A Severus Snape fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now